AgentBirdnest: Does anyone ever feel uninspired to write here? I don't mean "not wanting to talk". I mean you really do want to talk to people, but you just can't form proper ideas and sentences? So you either lurk because you don't know what to say, or you
do say something, but feel extremely silly and unsatisfied with your words?
Don't worry, I'll stop asking all these questions :-p It's been getting harder and harder over the last few weeks to write out my thoughts here (and anywhere, for that matter. So don't feel bad :-))... Feels like there is a big chunk of cheese stuck in the middle of my brain. I think it will pass; it's probably just a phase. Maybe it will change a bit more quickly, now that things are moving in the right direction for me again.
I'm now realizing that this is well thought-out post. The type I'm complaining about not being able to make. Heh :-)
Anyway... Hope everyone is enjoying their evenoon.
This is primarily why I stay in lurker mode most of the time. Sometimes it's more related to exhaustion / health issues, but most of the time, it's just the feeling that I've nothing useful to add to the conversation. I have plenty of reactions/feelings when reading the thread, but when I actually try to respond to posts with words, it goes horribly awry, I get lost in tangents, lose focus, run off to chase something shiny, and leave a mess in my wake. :)
I'm convinced I have plenty of incredible and brilliant thoughts throughout the day, but they live and die like mayflies and I'm left with nothing much to say, most of the time. And when I do open my mouth (or let my fingers fly), I misrepresent myself with the words I choose more times than not. At least, that's what the over-analyzing part of my brain tells me. :)