EndreWhiteMane: I used to be a decent shot, no more than that.
Very quiet and enjoyable sport though compared to firearms.
I completely agree, it's so relaxing, and fun. I'm not a fan of firearms, I have one for on the farm, but it don't like it. Luckily I have never had to shoot anything, just a few warning shots to ward off predators.
LaPtiteBete: Nice new turn, DD !! ^^
I'm fine, thanks !!!
the owlet is sleeping tight...
I only hope her gastrointestinal problems will be resolved tomorrow...
What about you ? :-) how is your evening ?
I'm sorry to hear your owlet is still having gastrointestinal problems. I hope she will start to feel better soon. Have you got anything to give her for it? When one of my brothers babies had a similar problem, the doctors gave him some medicine to help.