Posted December 19, 2015
ddickinson: I think the Return to Oz film was actually filled in the UK rather than the US for some reason, probably tax related. My brothers used to feel a little uncomfortable for a while after I was attacked if they chose a movie film for us to watch that had a stabbing in it. But I never really blamed them for forgetting or not knowing it was in there, at first it was a bit hard, but after a while it gets easier. It also helped that I did not really watch many movies with them. :-)
I always try to be careful with movies I choose to watch with friends. (Definitely too careful :-p "This person was in a car crash 28 years ago, so I definitely can't show them this one...") ... but they don't seem to mind when we watch movies that I would have thought might make them uncomfortable. Depends on the person/situation/how much time has passed though.