ElTerprise: I see. Hm...think i'll pass then.
Sounds a bit like Games Workshop which is also apparently fine with the crap warhammer games released ...
Yeah, it's not feeling like D&D at all. It feels like...an overly aggressive, multiplayer-focused version of Neverwinter Nights if the people who did NWN didn't give a damn about even trying to keep the mechanics to an actual version of the game it's based on.
I played it a while longer, and it's another case where it
might have at least been decent if they hadn't tried to turn the guts of it into a cross between World of Warcraft and some Diablo clone.
Very stupid move, really. A video game would have been a great place to showcase the new mechanics added to 5th edition. A good experience with the game would make the idea of investing in the pen and paper books more appealing while eliminating some of the learning curve involved by way of players already knowing at least the basics of the system.
But rather than doing that, they tried to make it more accessible to a younger crowd and managed to alienate the people who'd be most interested.
Games don't need to be endlessly complicated to be interesting, but I think one of the worst things you can do is go with the approach that players are kind of dumb and won't get it unless you chop everything down as much as possible.
Baldur's Gate, Icewind, they had manuals you could bludgeon cattle to death with. And it was fine. If you didn't know how something worked, you'd look it up and learn. Between the in-game explanations and the supplemental info, you end up with a good idea of how it all works.
Maybe someday someone will be able to make another game that's really good while being accurate to the pen and paper version. Not getting my hopes up, though.