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So the Descent games are gone... Aargh. Luckily I bought them some time ago...
PalioDeMonte: So the Descent games are gone... Aargh. Luckily I bought them some time ago...
Let's wait and see if they'll return.
Poor Descent :-( I was lucky enough to get them too. They were some of the first games I bought here. I hope they return.

Makes me think about other games that were removed... Re-Volt was "temporarily de-listed" two years ago. I wonder if GOG has made any further attempts to bring it back. (I doubt it. That seemed like a totally hopeless situation.)
Post edited December 18, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
Good day, fellows of the thread of Fred!

How are you all on this lovely chilly day?
ddickinson: Good day, fellows of the thread of Fred!

How are you all on this lovely chilly day?
I'm cold! What else would you expect on a chilly day? :-p

And good day to yourself :-)
Post edited December 18, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
AgentBirdnest: I'm cold! What else would you expect on a chilly day? :-p

And good day to yourself :-)
A nice blue sky, or snow perhaps? :-)

Good day, Mr Agent! How are you feeling today? Anything nice planned for the day?
AgentBirdnest: I'm cold! What else would you expect on a chilly day? :-p

And good day to yourself :-)
ddickinson: A nice blue sky, or snow perhaps? :-)

Good day, Mr Agent! How are you feeling today? Anything nice planned for the day?
Honestly, I'd love a chilly day. Here it's springlike 12 degrees, wouldn't be surprise to see the first new flowers by christmas eve :D
ddickinson: A nice blue sky, or snow perhaps? :-)

Good day, Mr Agent! How are you feeling today? Anything nice planned for the day?
I'll let you know about the sky in an hour or so... It's still very dark here :-)

I'm feeling quite sloooooow =__o ... My sleep was quite awful, but I'm feeling very good otherwise. No big plans for the day. I'll eat a muffin in about 24 minutes. I might finally resume an art project that I started weeks ago, as I'm finally feeling up to finishing it.

How are you?
PalioDeMonte: Honestly, I'd love a chilly day. Here it's springlike 12 degrees, wouldn't be surprise to see the first new flowers by christmas eve :D
It could be worse, I am sure those in the world who are having their summer now would love a 12 degrees day. :-)

It would be kind of strange to have Christmas during the summer, but I guess they are used to it and think the same about having Christmas in the winter.
PalioDeMonte: Honestly, I'd love a chilly day. Here it's springlike 12 degrees, wouldn't be surprise to see the first new flowers by christmas eve :D
ddickinson: It could be worse, I am sure those in the world who are having their summer now would love a 12 degrees day. :-)

It would be kind of strange to have Christmas during the summer, but I guess they are used to it and think the same about having Christmas in the winter.
I love the christmas episodes of australian or californian tv-shows. Once there was a great episode of "The Closer" where they made fun of fake snow and Santa's bikini-wearing elves all the time :D
PalioDeMonte: I love the christmas episodes of australian or californian tv-shows. Once there was a great episode of "The Closer" where they made fun of fake snow and Santa's bikini-wearing elves all the time :D
I don't think I have seen anything like that, but then I don't tend to watch much TV these days. Does Santa at least get some cool surfer shorts to wear, or is he still stuck in his festive costume?
PalioDeMonte: I love the christmas episodes of australian or californian tv-shows. Once there was a great episode of "The Closer" where they made fun of fake snow and Santa's bikini-wearing elves all the time :D
ddickinson: I don't think I have seen anything like that, but then I don't tend to watch much TV these days. Does Santa at least get some cool surfer shorts to wear, or is he still stuck in his festive costume?
Santa is in classical red costume. Just add some Bourbon...
PalioDeMonte: Santa is in classical red costume. Just add some Bourbon...
Poor Santa stuck in his winter clothes in those hot places.

I thought he would be more like this in the hotter parts of the world. :-)
I just had a hilarious phone conversation with a machine.

Background bit: My daughter is addicted to a browser game which works more or less faultlessly on Windows (although it has its share of hiccups) but which is pants on a Mac (it requires some files to be installed, so no surprise there). Unfortunately she uses a Mac laptop, so she asked me about using Bootcamp as a way of getting the game to run properly. I know nothing about Bootcamp and don't want to, so rather than sifting through fanboy articles online about how brilliant Mac and Bootcamp and Mac and Mac are, I thought I'd phone the local Mac emporium (there's a big one not far away) and speak to someone who could answer my particular questions.

The first thing I got was an automated bimbo who wished me a happy holiday. Bad start. This is Britain, we don't call Christmas a holiday. We refer to it as a season or a time, not a holiday. Then she talked about how caring Mac are and how much my custom was valued. Thanks, but I just--- Then she blabbed about the special offers Apple are making available to me exclusively as proof of how valued my custom (I've never spent any money there) really is. Yeah great, thanks, but I was just calling becau--- Then she told me about all the services Apple had to make my experience with them the best it could possibly be (there wasn't an option to strangle robot bimbos who are incapable of shutting up and letting humans speak, unfortunately). Then there was a pause and I leapt into the void hopefully, thinking that it was now my turn to talk. Hi, I'd like to talk to--- Then she started to fire off options: 1. iPad support. 2. iPhone support. 3. Laptop support (that's me!) and I hit the key. Wow, a human at last...

Only it wasn't a human. The robot bimbo was back reeling off more options. Purchasing options, credit options, Genius Bar options (wtf?), options for things which I had no interest in whatsoever. So I switched tack and waited for the spiel to finish and the moment when I would finally be allowed to speak, after all she had informed me at the outset that she was an automated vendor 'who can understand sentences.' Then I challenged just how clever she really was, and said nothing. She said she couldn't hear me and could I speak up. I remained silent. She asked me again to say what I wanted. Not me, I was resolved not to play her game by now. She then reeled off her list of options again, this time with a key number attached to each to make it easier for me to answer. Belligerent consumer that I am I refrained from pressing anything. After a pause she told me to hit any key or she would end the call. Sulky cow. So I pressed '5'. I was then directed to someone human who I could actually talk to. A salesperson.... In India. (This Apple establishment is fifteen miles away. With binoculars and a set of flags we could probably have a reasonably good conversation). I hung up knowing I would get no further (if anyone has dealt with Amazon by phone they will know what I mean - you get general stuff and vacuous stuff, you don't get worthwhile information).

So that's how much Apple cares about my custom. Instead of feeling a sense of failure I was pleased, because I could walk away without having wasted any money on them or their fantastic products, so all in all I escaped lightly.

I could've done with the bimbo's phone number though, she sounded nice...
Post edited December 18, 2015 by Stilton
Stilton: ...
Good day, Mr Viking!

I use Bootcamp on my Mac, so if I can be of any help, feel free to ask. I am no expert of course, but I generally boot into Windows for a lot of my gaming, as even if they have a Mac version, that is usually just a port and does not always run as smoothly as the Windows version does. Take Outlast, for example. It runs great on high setting on Windows, but horrible even at lower settings on OS X, yet it is the same computer with the same hardware.