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AgentBirdnest: It's been a very lovely day, yes. Not even ElT pricing Turok at $20 can ruin my mood this evenoon ;-)

How is/was your evening?
So it was that greedy ELT who tried to charge so much. I should have known. :-)
I am glad to hear you have been having a lovely day. *big happy hug*

I had a very lovely evening, thank you. One of the nice traditions me and my partner have at Christmas time is to cuddle up in front of the fire and read some Christmas books together, mainly the collections from Charles Dickens. And now I am just wrapping a few presents while enjoying a nice cup of tea.
ddickinson: So it was that greedy ELT who tried to charge so much. I should have known. :-)
I am glad to hear you have been having a lovely day. *big happy hug*

I had a very lovely evening, thank you. One of the nice traditions me and my partner have at Christmas time is to cuddle up in front of the fire and read some Christmas books together, mainly the collections from Charles Dickens. And now I am just wrapping a few presents while enjoying a nice cup of tea.
It's also his fault that I'm getting my arse kicked right now in Ultimate General: Gettysburg (what a lovely gift from him :-)) It's quite a lovely game. Requires a lot of careful strategy.

So happy to hear about your evening! That sounds like a really lovely tradition :-)
The only tradition I have is to watch "A Christmas Story" on Christmas Eve. It's usually on TV about 46 times on the 24th and 25th :-)
ddickinson: Good evening!

I think they sometimes expect nostalgia to help sell a game so they decide to charge more. Maybe if they had at least improved the textures then people might not mind, but it seems like they have not really done much other than widescreen and higher resolution support. I know there are a few more things, but nothing that really jumps out at justifying the price given that they were only modding the game, not remaking it.

Edit: I forgot to enquire how you are doing this lovely evening? (Sorry about that.)
That's a prevalent attitude these days. Example - I can get a subpar port of Final Fantasy 6 that's full of DRM, and they're charging 16 dollars.

Just got a bill for mental health stuff from 14 years ago. Can't even remember what I'm being billed for.
Other than that bit of weirdness, it's a pretty normal day here. Nothing too exciting.

How was your day?
AgentBirdnest: It's also his fault that I'm getting my arse kicked right now in Ultimate General: Gettysburg (what a lovely gift from him :-)) It's quite a lovely game. Requires a lot of careful strategy.

So happy to hear about your evening! That sounds like a really lovely tradition :-)
The only tradition I have is to watch "A Christmas Story" on Christmas Eve. It's usually on TV about 46 times on the 24th and 25th :-)
I have never played that game, or really seen what it is like. Which side are you playing as? Is it accurate? Are the Moomin assassins available in the campaign? They where the ones who assassinated President Cletus (you never heard of him as the Moomins killed him before he could fully take office). :-)

We enjoy cuddling up and watching some Christmas movies as well, especially the older ones, usually with the lights off and just the festive lights on the tree etc and also the light from the fire. But reading together in front of the fire is so much fun as well. We don't tend to watch a lot of movies or TV at Christmas, but there are some lovely things on, although there is also a lot of terrible things on as well. :-)

CarrionCrow: That's a prevalent attitude these days. Example - I can get a subpar port of Final Fantasy 6 that's full of DRM, and they're charging 16 dollars.

Just got a bill for mental health stuff from 14 years ago. Can't even remember what I'm being billed for.
Other than that bit of weirdness, it's a pretty normal day here. Nothing too exciting.

How was your day?
Sadly these days publishers do what they want as they know some gamers will still just throw money at them. That is how DRM and micro-transactiosn became so prevalent, as gamers kept giving them money instead of voting with their wallets.

That does seem strange. Luckily medical bills is something I never need to worry about due to the UK having a National Health Service since just after the Second World War. It might not be perfect, and as usual the politicians mis-manage it, but it is nice to have. I guess a normal day is okay, so glad to hear it. :-)

My day for the most part has been annoying, but my evening was lovely, so over all I think it has been a good day.
Post edited December 18, 2015 by ddickinson
ddickinson: I have never played that game, or really seen what it is like. Which side are you playing as? Is it accurate? Are the Moomin assassins available in the campaign? They where the ones who assassinated President Cletus (you never heard of him as the Moomins killed him before he could fully take office). :-)

We enjoy cuddling up and watching some Christmas movies as well, especially the older ones, usually with the lights off and just the festive lights on the tree etc and also the light from the fire. But reading together in front of the fire is so much fun as well. We don't tend to watch a lot of movies or TV at Christmas, but there are some lovely things on, although there is also a lot of terrible things on as well. :-)
I'm playing as the Confederates right now (you can choose either side). It's very historically accurate - the terrain is a perfect recreation of Gettysburg in 1863, and the brigades are all in their correct positions. And the gameplay is realistic - Brigades will fall back if their morale is too low. So if you make them run too much, or they spend too much time under fire, or if their commander is not nearby, they won't last very long. Cover is important. Hiding in rocks and trees will reduce your casualties. Each unit also has a line of sight that depends on elevation, and is blocked by trees and houses. It can get quite complicated with dozens of brigades and artillery on the field :-)

Oh, and no Moomin assassins. The leader of the assassins was killed a year before Gettysburg :-p

No shortage of terrible tings on TV. I prefer to leave the TV and radio off during all of December. I really hate hearing awful ads coming on, where they use a lovely Christmas song to promote bacon donuts, or whatever :-p
Post edited December 18, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
AgentBirdnest: I'm playing as the Confederates right now (you can choose either side). It's very historically accurate - the terrain is a perfect recreation of Gettysburg in 1863, and the brigades are all in their correct positions. And the gameplay is realistic - Brigades will fall back if their morale is too low. So if you make them run too much, or they spend too much time under fire, or if their commander is not nearby, they won't last very long. Cover is important. Hiding in rocks and trees will reduce your casualties. Each unit also has a line of sight that depends on elevation, and is blocked by trees and houses. It can get quite complicated with dozens of brigades and artillery on the field :-)

Oh, and no Moomin assassins. The leader of the assassins was killed a year before Gettysburg :-p

No shortage of terrible tings on TV. I prefer to leave the TV and radio off during all of December. I really hate hearing awful ads coming on, where they use a lovely Christmas song to promote bacon donuts, or whatever :-p
It sounds like a very nice game. I am not sure what I think of the morale aspect of games. If managed well it can be really fun, but often I find that it makes the units rout too quickly. I also think it needs to take in to account the battle as well. Rather than use a uniform morale system, it should give special bonuses for certain sides.

For example, if you were defending something you will probably have more morale due to either being well defended, or just that you have prepared yourself to fight to the last. It is not really the same, but take the Battle of Rorke's Drift during the Anglo-Zulu war, for example. It had about 150 British troops defending a mission station against about 4,000 Zulu warriors. The British stood their ground and continued to fight regardless of morale or the likely outcome. Although, there were about 400 native troops that were with the British that did flee rather than face the Zulu warriors, so I guess it would also depend on the training and resolve of the soldiers as well. But I guess all that kind of stuff would be too complicated for a game to take into account. [/end random ramblings] :-)

But can you ever truly kill a Moomin? Legend has it they are like the Phoenix, and they are reborn with fire. :-)

I can't stand adverts, they are so annoying for the most part. We are not really big TV watchers anyway, but we do enjoy a nice movie now and then. Listening to Christmas music is always fun, especially while cooking some lovely Christmas treats or putting the decorations up.
Post edited December 18, 2015 by ddickinson
Very true. But they're out of luck on this one. As much as I want a copy of that game, I'm not buying it the way they're selling it.

Governmental ineptitude. No surprise there.

Yes, I'd say that is a much better system to have in general.

At least it balanced out a bit. Fully annoying days are only good if you want a reason to punch something.
CarrionCrow: Very true. But they're out of luck on this one. As much as I want a copy of that game, I'm not buying it the way they're selling it.

Governmental ineptitude. No surprise there.

Yes, I'd say that is a much better system to have in general.

At least it balanced out a bit. Fully annoying days are only good if you want a reason to punch something.
It seems many people are refusing to get the game until it is on a big sale due to the price, especially after they released System Shock 1 Enhanced recently for half the price.

My days usually balance out quite well once the evening comes and I get to spend some time with my partner. It never rally matters how bad my health is, I still tend to have a lovely time. But so far no urge to punch anyone for me to have a good day. :-)
ddickinson: It sounds like a very nice game. I am not sure what I think of the morale aspect of games. If managed well it can be really fun, but often I find that it makes the units rout too quickly. I also think it needs to take in to account the battle as well. Rather than use a uniform morale system, it should give special bonuses for certain sides.

For example, if you were defending something you will probably have more morale due to either being well defended, or just that you have prepared yourself to fight to the last. It is not really the same, but take the Battle of Rorke's Drift during the Anglo-Zulu war, for example. It had about 150 British troops defending a mission station against about 4,000 Zulu warriors. The British stood their ground and continued to fight regardless of morale or the likely outcome. Although, there were about 400 native troops that were with the British that did flee rather than face the Zulu warriors, so I guess it would also depend on the training and resolve of the soldiers as well. But I guess all that kind of stuff would be too complicated for a game to take into account. [/end random ramblings] :-)

But can you ever truly kill a Moomin? Legend has it they are like the Phoenix, and they are reborn with fire. :-)

I can't stand adverts, they are so annoying for the most part. We are not really big TV watchers anyway, but we do enjoy a nice movie now and then. Listening to Christmas music is always fun, especially while cooking some lovely Christmas treats or putting the decorations up.
I *think* (but am not sure) that the Confederates have higher morale in the game, due to them having better generals. Each brigade has a different starting morale level, which (I think, again) is based on that unit's historical experience. I dunno... I think it works pretty well in this game at least :-)
(and thanks for the ninja-history lesson! ^^)

You are right about Moomins. As long as they are good Moomins and don't drink any coffee, they will be reborn ;-)

And, with that... I'm finally too tired to keep my eyes open. Time for this Agent to go to bed. Have a good night DD, and everyone else too!
*Big hugs*
AgentBirdnest: I *think* (but am not sure) that the Confederates have higher morale in the game, due to them having better generals. Each brigade has a different starting morale level, which (I think, again) is based on that unit's historical experience. I dunno... I think it works pretty well in this game at least :-)
(and thanks for the ninja-history lesson! ^^)

You are right about Moomins. As long as they are good Moomins and don't drink any coffee, they will be reborn ;-)

And, with that... I'm finally too tired to keep my eyes open. Time for this Agent to go to bed. Have a good night DD, and everyone else too!
*Big hugs*
I am glad that the morale in the game works well. I have played a few games that were just terrible and had units rout for the slightest loss. It was also nice to hear that they seem to have tried to make it accurate, even down to the landscape.

So coffee will stop a Moomin's rebirth? That is good to know, we now have a weapon to use against them should the Moomins try to conquer the world again like they did in the failed great Moomin invasion of '74. :-)

I will be going to bed shorty as well, especially as all my gift wrapping is done for the moment. Have a lovely sleep, with lots of pleasant dreams. *big goodnight hug*
Post edited December 18, 2015 by ddickinson
AgentBirdnest: And, with that... I'm finally too tired to keep my eyes open. Time for this Agent to go to bed. Have a good night DD, and everyone else too!
*Big hugs*
Night Agent, sleep well.
I just woke up again. :-)
ddickinson: I will be going to bed shorty as well, especially as all my gift wrapping is done for the moment. Have a lovely sleep, with lots of pleasant dreams. *big goodnight hug*
You sleep well when you get there too.
Post edited December 18, 2015 by EndreWhiteMane
EndreWhiteMane: Night Agent, sleep well.
I just woke up again. :-)
Are you feeling any better after your sleep?

EndreWhiteMane: You sleep well when you get there too.
Hey, I have not gone yet. But I see how it is, you just want rid of me. Probably so you can just talk about what ever it is you bots talk about when the ladies are not around. :-) *big silly hug*

With that said, I will be going now to try to get some sleep. Take care, lovely Mr Endre, and have a lovely evening. And hopefully you will be feeling better soon.

*goodnight hug*
Post edited December 18, 2015 by ddickinson
Good evening everyone *big hugs and waves* :)
EndreWhiteMane: Night Agent, sleep well.
I just woke up again. :-)
ddickinson: Are you feeling any better after your sleep?

EndreWhiteMane: You sleep well when you get there too.
ddickinson: Hey, I have not gone yet. But I see how it is, you just want rid of me. Probably so you can just talk about what ever it is you bots talk about when the ladies are not around. :-) *big silly hug*

With that said, I will be going now to try to get some sleep. Take care, lovely Mr Endre, and have a lovely evening. And hopefully you will be feeling better soon.

*goodnight hug*
Wasn't trying to rush you off. :-)
Yes, sleeping helps a bit for a couple of hours.
ElTerprise: Good evening everyone *big hugs and waves* :)
Hi ElT, good day?
Post edited December 18, 2015 by EndreWhiteMane
EndreWhiteMane: Hi ElT, good day?
Well lot to do with preparing the presentation which is due tomorrow (well today here ^^) but otherwise it was a nice day. Just returned from a party from one of my former co-workers :)

How is your day?