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IAmSinistar: We're ruled by our stomachs. We "think" with an even further-down piece of anatomy. ;)
ddickinson: So I have heard. My brother's wife always says he must have his brain in his big toe after he comes out with or does something silly. :-)
Mine apparently is located in my posterior, since it seems to function best when seated. ;)

Stilton: That awful Rowling woman's mutant creation is a good example of this. Utter crap.
ddickinson: Be careful, there are a lot of Potter fans here who will string you up :-). Personally I hate her and her books, they just take so much from other works and try to pass them off as this great work of fantasy. Sadly I think as many people read her work first they think she is this genius, not just someone who stole a lot off other authors and based her characters on characters from other novels. There were even Potter fans accusing Tolkien of stealing her ideas, which kind of proves how much she must have taken from Tolkien for them to even think that. It also shows how intelligent those kind of fans are given the time period between each series of books. But that is a lack of education with classical literature for you, many think all these new authors are incredible, not realising they are reusing older works.
Both of you are spot-on here. It's one thing to build upon an existing mythos, as Tolkien did with the Nibelungenlied, and quite another to just pastiche together existing material and established fictional tropes and then try to pass it off as original.

There is an old saying along the lines of "average people are attracted to art that looks like something they could have made themselves". This apparently applies across the board to creative media, since predictable bestsellers and borderline fan-fiction dominate the literary checkout line.
Stilton: That awful Rowling woman's mutant creation is a good example of this. Utter crap.
ddickinson: Be careful, there are a lot of Potter fans here who will string you up :-). Personally I hate her and her books, they just take so much from other works and try to pass them off as this great work of fantasy. Sadly I think as many people read her work first they think she is this genius, not just someone who stole a lot off other authors and based her characters on characters from other novels. There were even Potter fans accusing Tolkien of stealing her ideas, which kind of proves how much she must have taken from Tolkien for them to even think that. It also shows how intelligent those kind of fans are given the time period between each series of books. But that is a lack of education with classical literature for you, many think all these new authors are incredible, not realising they are reusing older works.

So that is Star Wars and Potter, between them and the Game of Thrones (or to give it its proper name, A Song of Ice and Fire) lot I am gonna get lynched for sure. :-)

And again, I have no problem with people who love those books or movie, we all like different things, but those fanboys really need to calm down with their fanaticism and praise for what is often just overrated dribble.
So few people are capable of or prepared to see things in the correct context. The adults who read her dreadful tomes, for example. The kids who liked them are too young to know better, but surely the grown-ups knew about The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Even Terry Pratchett, who was a far better writer than she'll ever be. Before they became a huge success I tried reading the first Potter book and I couldn't get past the first half dozen pages, despite three or four attempts. So badly written and completely vacuous. At least Pratchett's stuff has an opinion and makes you think about things. And Tolkien is so deep you can't see the bottom. Rowling's shallower than a puddle and about as interesting as a box of coat hangers.
IAmSinistar: Mine apparently is located in my posterior, since it seems to function best when seated. ;)

Both of you are spot-on here. It's one thing to build upon an existing mythos, as Tolkien did with the Nibelungenlied, and quite another to just pastiche together existing material and established fictional tropes and then try to pass it off as original.

There is an old saying along the lines of "average people are attracted to art that looks like something they could have made themselves". This apparently applies across the board to creative media, since predictable bestsellers and borderline fan-fiction dominate the literary checkout line.
I have heard that mentioned as well as a possible location for the male brain. :-)

I was reading something about Tolkien a few days ago, and did you know he invented over 20 languages, each with their own language structure and grammar? Tolkien was usually very open with the inspirations for his works, and like C. S. Lewis they never tried to act like they invented the wheel. I have no problem in principle with the popular stuff like Potter, but I just wish it was not held up as some godly creation, as though it will replace Shakespeare, with every school teaching Potter 500 years from now. The truth is Potter, like many other modern crazes will be forgotten relatively quickly in the grand scheme of things after the popularity dies down and they are seen for what they are.

If people enjoy them, then that is great, wonderful in fact, it is always nice to see more people reading, but the fanboys just need to calm down and stop worshipping them for something they are not. And they definitely need to ease off with attacking anyone who does not like what they like.
ddickinson: Game of Thrones (or to give it its proper name, A Song of Ice and Fire)
*big hug for correct name* :D
Stilton: So few people are capable of or prepared to see things in the correct context. The adults who read her dreadful tomes, for example. The kids who liked them are too young to know better, but surely the grown-ups knew about The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Even Terry Pratchett, who was a far better writer than she'll ever be. Before they became a huge success I tried reading the first Potter book and I couldn't get past the first half dozen pages, despite three or four attempts. So badly written and completely vacuous. At least Pratchett's stuff has an opinion and makes you think about things. And Tolkien is so deep you can't see the bottom. Rowling's shallower than a puddle and about as interesting as a box of coat hangers.
True. But I don't blame the kids as suck, if that is your first taste of fantasy then of course you will be pleased with the book, but that should not mean it gets so much praise or made into something it is not. They are nice children's stores for a lot of people, but they are in no way masterpieces. They just reuse so much of other peoples works, with very little originality. I guess the movies played a big part in it all. I wonder how many die hard fans of Potter have even read the books the movies are based on?
ddickinson: So I have heard. My brother's wife always says he must have his brain in his big toe after he comes out with or does something silly. :-)
IAmSinistar: Mine apparently is located in my posterior, since it seems to function best when seated. ;)

ddickinson: Be careful, there are a lot of Potter fans here who will string you up :-). Personally I hate her and her books, they just take so much from other works and try to pass them off as this great work of fantasy. Sadly I think as many people read her work first they think she is this genius, not just someone who stole a lot off other authors and based her characters on characters from other novels. There were even Potter fans accusing Tolkien of stealing her ideas, which kind of proves how much she must have taken from Tolkien for them to even think that. It also shows how intelligent those kind of fans are given the time period between each series of books. But that is a lack of education with classical literature for you, many think all these new authors are incredible, not realising they are reusing older works.
IAmSinistar: Both of you are spot-on here. It's one thing to build upon an existing mythos, as Tolkien did with the Nibelungenlied, and quite another to just pastiche together existing material and established fictional tropes and then try to pass it off as original.

There is an old saying along the lines of "average people are attracted to art that looks like something they could have made themselves". This apparently applies across the board to creative media, since predictable bestsellers and borderline fan-fiction dominate the literary checkout line.
There's another similar virtual paraphrase of P T Barnum's that no one ever lost a fortune underestimating public taste. The lowest common denominator, if packaged inside enough tinsel and gaudy decoration, is passed off as not only worthwhile but laudable with a disturbingly high frequency. A dog turd on a gold chain will sell enough units if the 'right' celebs are seen wearing one.
moonshineshadow: *big hug for correct name* :D
Ever since you told me how much you like them and how it annoys you when people call them Game of Thrones I always try to make the effort to use the proper name.

*big hug*

Stilton: A dog turd on a gold chain will sell enough units if the 'right' celebs are seen wearing one.
Not quite the same, but I read that a year or two ago that one of the big art galleries in London, you know the ones that do "modern art" (maybe the Tate, but I can't be sure), paid over £16,000 to some "artist" who stuck Scottish sheep poo on spikes and put them on a base. Isn't it lovely to see our tax money being invested in the arts. [/sarcasm] :-)
Post edited December 16, 2015 by ddickinson
moonshineshadow: *big hug for correct name* :D
ddickinson: Ever since you told me how much you like them and how it annoys you when people call them Game of Thrones, I always try to make the effort to use the proper name.
*big hug*
Yeah it annoys me. But in contrast to Harry Potter it shows clearly who read the books and who just watched the TV series :D

And a slight correction. I liked the first three books very much. The next two were not that good anymore and now it seems some script writers for the tv series are going to continue/finish the story since Martin never really managed to go anywhere with the story... *yeah* -.-
moonshineshadow: Yeah it annoys me. But in contrast to Harry Potter it shows clearly who read the books and who just watched the TV series :D

And a slight correction. I liked the first three books very much. The next two were not that good anymore and now it seems some script writers for the tv series are going to continue/finish the story since Martin never really managed to go anywhere with the story... *yeah* -.-
Are you implying that 90% of Potter fans just bought the books to put on display and never read them? (Which I think I read somewhere as the actual estimation.) :-)

That is a shame. I guess that is a risk with all these books that just have to be a series. It seems that every new book these days is at least a trilogy or more. Which is great if the books are good, but it does leave a risk of the author not finishing them or the books changing too much over time, often changed to meet the demands of the readers/viewers, not the thoughts of the author, which seemed to be the case with Potter and A Song of Ice and Fire.
ddickinson: That is a shame. I guess that is a risk with all these books that just have to be a series. It seems that every new book these days is at least a trilogy or more. Which is great if the books are good, but it does leave a risk of the author not finishing them or the books changing too much over time, often changed to meet the demands of the readers/viewers, not the thoughts of the author, which seemed to be the case with Potter and A Song of Ice and Fire.
I think the problems with the Song of Ice and Fire books is that Martin lost track of his own story and was not motivated anymore to go on. He kept introducing tons of new characters (which sometimes were quite interesting), but the main story stalled. And the times between the publishing of the books got longer and longer. It is not like he stopped writing, he wrote other stuff, just not in this series.
moonshineshadow: *big hug for correct name* :D
ddickinson: Ever since you told me how much you like them and how it annoys you when people call them Game of Thrones, I always try to make the effort to use the proper name.

*big hug*

Stilton: A dog turd on a gold chain will sell enough units if the 'right' celebs are seen wearing one.
ddickinson: Not quite the same, but I read that a year or two ago that one of the big art galleries in London, you know the ones that do "modern art" (maybe the Tate, but I can't be sure), paid over £16,000 to some "artist" who stuck Scottish sheep poo on spikes and put them on a base. Isn't it lovely to see our tax money being invested in the arts. [/sarcasm] :-)
Having gone through art college myself I know what a load of pretentious bollocks the art world is. Everyone's a wannabe or a failure, including those who are making a good and sometimes spectacular living at it. The dealers have a failure of conscience and the 'artists' think the drivel they create is actually worth looking at. The art 'teachers' (nobody can teach art - artists find their own answers through constant search) are mostly misfits in my experience. I'd rather paint accessible pictures which simply please than try to make biting social observations with elephant shit or soiled bed sheets. Poor old Turner was a genius and to attach his name to the annual roll call of inepts who are invited to flaunt their worthless wares is plain insulting.
moonshineshadow: I think the problems with the Song of Ice and Fire books is that Martin lost track of his own story and was not motivated anymore to go on. He kept introducing tons of new characters (which sometimes were quite interesting), but the main story stalled. And the times between the publishing of the books got longer and longer. It is not like he stopped writing, he wrote other stuff, just not in this series.
Is he like that with his other works? Does he normally have a good start but lacks the ability to progress his stories? I guess he could have felt it best to write what he is in the mood to write, rather than force himself to finish something and regret it later. Who knows.

Stilton: Having gone through art college myself I know what a load of pretentious bollocks the art world is. Everyone's a wannabe or a failure, including those who are making a good and sometimes spectacular living at it. The dealers have a failure of conscience and the 'artists' think the drivel they create is actually worth looking at. The art 'teachers' (nobody can teach art - artists find their own answers through constant search) are mostly misfits in my experience. I'd rather paint accessible pictures which simply please than try to make biting social observations with elephant shit or soiled bed sheets. Poor old Turner was a genius and to attach his name to the annual roll call of inepts who are invited to flaunt their worthless wares is plain insulting.
I also read about a guy in the US I think who sold a fish tank full of his own urine to a gallery over there. Apparently that is art. In Spain they tied a dog up and starved it to death in the name of art. I have never liked this modern approach to art, or this impressionist art. Artists often remind me of some chefs, they act so high and mighty and seem to think the sun shines out of their arse. As you said, most of what they produce they think is incredible, when in fact it is trash, only liked by other pompous artists or those who like to think or act like they are cultured.

Do I remember reading correctly before that you did some work on the Royal Opera House?
Post edited December 16, 2015 by ddickinson
moonshineshadow: I think the problems with the Song of Ice and Fire books is that Martin lost track of his own story and was not motivated anymore to go on. He kept introducing tons of new characters (which sometimes were quite interesting), but the main story stalled. And the times between the publishing of the books got longer and longer. It is not like he stopped writing, he wrote other stuff, just not in this series.
ddickinson: Is he like that with his other works? Does he normally have a good start but lacks the ability to progress his stories? I guess he could have felt it best to write what he is in the mood to write, rather than force himself to finish something and regret it later. Who knows.
No clue about the other stuff. They are mostly science fiction and horror, so I have not read anything else.
And I could understand if he said "ok I don't feel like writing these books now" or even saying "Sorry, but this saga was a mistake, I am stuck"... but he never said that, it is always like "The next book will come soon".... it is an even worse soon™ than gogs.
moonshineshadow: No clue about the other stuff. They are mostly science fiction and horror, so I have not read anything else.
And I could understand if he said "ok I don't feel like writing these books now" or even saying "Sorry, but this saga was a mistake, I am stuck"... but he never said that, it is always like "The next book will come soon".... it is an even worse soon™ than gogs.
I can see how that would be frustrating not having a solid answer. It is kind of insulting to his fans to not really tell them if the books are even being worked on or not given how many people like his series. Shall we ask Agent to pay him a visit with his box of matches? :-)
ddickinson: I can see how that would be frustrating not having a solid answer. It is kind of insulting to his fans to not really tell them if the books are even being worked on or not given how many people like his series. Shall we ask Agent to pay him a visit with his box of matches? :-)
You mean our usual strategy of making Agent happy and blaming ElT for everything? Sounds good :P