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ddickinson: I will gladly be a blasphemer if it means I don't have to sit through any Star Wars stuff. :-p

Are you a fan of the series? Are you looking forward to the new movie?

I am not doing so good, today is shaping up to be a very bad day for me health wise. But nothing to worry about, I get good and bad days so I am sure it is just one of the bad days.

*more big comforting hugs with extra festive snails*
I'm not really a "big" fan, but I enjoy the series, yes :)
Except Jar-Jar >:-| . Useless and less funny character ever.
I'll go to see the movie when the madness about it will have calmed down... :) in January probably...

Ho..... sorry to read you're not feeling well... :-(
Is there something I can do to cheer you up ?... what about some warm Legendary Hot Chocolate™ ?... with chocolate snails ?...
**eating the extra festive snails**
ddickinson: I tend to overlook Nordic these days after they decided to use the regional pricing feature to charge the UK almost 40% more on a game, which is just ridiculous given that our tax is only 20%. What made it worse was that Germany has 19% VAT, just 1% less, and yet the price is quite different.
This whole thing is just ridiculous. I mean Swiss has 8%... and we get the same prices as Germany. It is not as bad as for UK, but it shows that these so called "reasons" for the prices are just lies.
ddickinson: I kind of dislike Star Wars (I just think it is overrated and not that good)
I have to concur with that. Though, as with a lot of things these days, it's really the fandom that turns me off to it. I'm not one who subscribes to that American axiom of "too much is never enough".
ddickinson: I kind of dislike Star Wars (I just think it is overrated and not that good)
IAmSinistar: I have to concur with that. Though, as with a lot of things these days, it's really the fandom that turns me off to it. I'm not one who subscribes to that American axiom of "too much is never enough".
The only thing that applies to is chocolate.
Empress_Owl: I'm not really a "big" fan, but I enjoy the series, yes :)
Except Jar-Jar >:-| . Useless and less funny character ever.
I'll go to see the movie when the madness about it will have calmed down... :) in January probably...

Ho..... sorry to read you're not feeling well... :-(
Is there something I can do to cheer you up ?... what about some warm Legendary Hot Chocolate™ ?... with chocolate snails ?...
**eating the extra festive snails**
I tend not to like many of the big popular things. I don't dislike them because they are popular, I just don't really enjoy them. But it is nice that so many people are excited and looking forward to it all.

Even without the snails I think I would not be able to keep it down at the moment, but thank you for the lovely offer. Hopefully I will be feeling better in a day or two. As long as I get a few good days over Christmas I will be happy. :-)

*lots of big hugs*

moonshineshadow: This whole thing is just ridiculous. I mean Swiss has 8%... and we get the same prices as Germany. It is not as bad as for UK, but it shows that these so called "reasons" for the prices are just lies.
I remember us talking about this before and how unfair it was to Switzerland. But then I think we all know regional pricing was not about tax at all, just a way for some publishers to make more money. If it was really about tax, then surly everyone would be doing it and at the same level, not just some and all at different levels.

How is your week going so far?

*big festive hug for the lovely Moonshine*
Stilton: The only thing that applies to is chocolate.
I endorse this sentiment. :)
IAmSinistar: I have to concur with that. Though, as with a lot of things these days, it's really the fandom that turns me off to it. I'm not one who subscribes to that American axiom of "too much is never enough".
The fandoms do seem to be getting worse for things these days. But then that has been the case for some time. If people like the films then that is great, I am not trying to insult anyone that does like them, they are just not for me. I did not mind the original three when I was younger, but I think they are just full of plot holes, bad writing, not the most original, and just very overrated by the fandom.

Stilton: The only thing that applies to is chocolate.
Only chocolate? ;-)
Post edited December 16, 2015 by ddickinson
Stilton: The only thing that applies to is chocolate.
IAmSinistar: I endorse this sentiment. :)
Or flatulence, perhaps...
Stilton: The only thing that applies to is chocolate.
ddickinson: Only chocolate? ;-)
Actually, I do have to amend it and include cheese as well. I'd throw in wine as well, except I most definitely do have a limit there. I'm a real lightweight when it comes to alcohol.
IAmSinistar: Actually, I do have to amend it and include cheese as well. I'd throw in wine as well, except I most definitely do have a limit there. I'm a real lightweight when it comes to alcohol.
You men really do just think with your stomachs, don't you. :-)
ddickinson: How is your week going so far?
*big festive hug for the lovely Moonshine*
Busy. Kind of meh. But only two more days to go before my holidays start.
*big return hug*

Empress_Owl: I'm not really a "big" fan, but I enjoy the series, yes :)
Except Jar-Jar >:-| . Useless and less funny character ever.
I'll go to see the movie when the madness about it will have calmed down... :) in January probably...
Tell me about it when you have seen it *big hug*
ddickinson: The fandoms do seem to be getting worse for things these days. But then that has been the case for some time. If people like the films then that is great, I am not trying to insult anyone that does like them, they are just not for me. I did not mind the original three when I was younger, but I think they are just full of plot holes, bad writing, not the most original, and just very overrated by the fandom.
Precisely. I don't dislike massive popular things out of hand, I just find that often things which are massively popular are just not that good. There are too many creative compromises needed to appeal to a broad base, and as you point out, such things are usually highly derivative, poaching ideas from creatively superior works which are less well known.

ddickinson: You men really do just think with your stomachs, don't you. :-)
We're ruled by our stomachs. We "think" with an even further-down piece of anatomy. ;)
ddickinson: Only chocolate? ;-)
IAmSinistar: Actually, I do have to amend it and include cheese as well. I'd throw in wine as well, except I most definitely do have a limit there. I'm a real lightweight when it comes to alcohol.
I'm the same. I had a glass of port an hour ago and I've only just peeled myself off the ceiling...
IAmSinistar: Precisely. I don't dislike massive popular things out of hand, I just find that often things which are massively popular are just not that good. There are too many creative compromises needed to appeal to a broad base, and as you point out, such things are usually highly derivative, poaching ideas from creatively superior works which are less well known.
That awful Rowling woman's mutant creation is a good example of this. Utter crap.
Post edited December 16, 2015 by Stilton
moonshineshadow: Busy. Kind of meh. But only two more days to go before my holidays start.
*big return hug*
Anything I can do to help cheer you up? I can do silly dances? :-)

I hope you will have a lovely and relaxing holiday. *big festive hug*

IAmSinistar: Precisely. I don't dislike massive popular things out of hand, I just find that often things which are massively popular are just not that good. There are too many creative compromises needed to appeal to a broad base, and as you point out, such things are usually highly derivative, poaching ideas from creatively superior works which are less well known.
It is amusing to see the fandom defend their pride and joy, as though they themselves made it. Most fans don't mind people who dislike what they love, but some take it almost personally. And as you said, often creativity is sacrificed now to produce movies that seem to follow a check list, much as I have heard people say about the new Star Wars film.

IAmSinistar: We're ruled by our stomachs. We "think" with an even further-down piece of anatomy. ;)
So I have heard. My brother's wife always says he must have his brain in his big toe after he comes out with or does something silly. :-)

Stilton: That awful Rowling woman's mutant creation is a good example of this. Utter crap.
Be careful, there are a lot of Potter fans here who will string you up :-). Personally I hate her and her books, they just take so much from other works and try to pass them off as this great work of fantasy. Sadly I think as many people read her work first they think she is this genius, not just someone who stole a lot off other authors and based her characters on characters from other novels. There were even Potter fans accusing Tolkien of stealing her ideas, which kind of proves how much she must have taken from Tolkien for them to even think that. It also shows how intelligent those kind of fans are given the time period between each series of books. But that is a lack of education with classical literature for you, many think all these new authors are incredible, not realising they are reusing older works.

So that is Star Wars and Potter, between them and the Game of Thrones (or to give it its proper name, A Song of Ice and Fire) lot I am gonna get lynched for sure. :-)

And again, I have no problem with people who love those books or movie, we all like different things, but those fanboys really need to calm down with their fanaticism and praise for what is often just overrated dribble.
Post edited December 16, 2015 by ddickinson
Stilton: The only thing that applies to is chocolate.
Nope, try again.