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Empress_Owl: Haaaa thanks =___= **relaxing in warm coffee bath...**
I thought I had said something silly, when you said "hold your beak" lol...
How are you doing, Crow ??
You're welcome. =)

Nah, just seemed mean to throw you into liquid with no warning at all. Coffee hurts when it's snorted.

Doing okay here. Now thinking about alcohol thanks to Stilton...(Not really, though. Was thinking about that before he mentioned it.)

Hope you're not going crazy trying to get things wrapped up before your holiday.
Stilton: For quite a while I went through the 'wait a minute, this matter used to belong to an animal, a walking, breathing, seeing animal...' thing and it started to get uncomfortable, like the meat was looking at me. It must've been trying to tell me I'd feel better if I switched to no-death food, and in that instance it was right. This will be only my second meat free Christmas (a November birth, so first time round was without) and I'm actually looking forward to sitting down and getting guiltlessly stuck in. :-)
I get the feeling from time to time. About 1.36 times per year, and it tends to only last between 0.41 and 2.16 days, before I forget about Meat Weirdness™ and eat some triple-meat pizza :-)
ddickinson: Hello, lovely Owl! *big mid-week hug*

Some of them still eat fish, which seems strange. I mean, what makes fish okay, they are still living creatures? But then technically vegetables and things are alive, so either way they are eating living things... the monsters! :-)

I am doing good for the most part, nothing really to complain about. How are you, how is your little Owlet?
Yeah... nobody cares about the poor carrots... did you hear their heartbreaking screams, as you brutally tear them from their cosy ground ?... :)
Good to read you're doing good :)
My owlet feels much better health wise, which is great ; but she was really unbearable yesterday evening... crying, yelling, pouting, hitting me, refusing to do anything... I just wanted to throw her through the window. A closed one, preferabily... but I didn't. I thew her in bed instead. She hadn't slept until almost midnight... and she wasn't even exhausted this morning when I woke her up... even if she had some big "bags" under her eyes... >:-| grrr... I'm almost happy to be at my office right now...
Empress_Owl: Ho, and today is the release of the new Star Wars movie !!! \o/ vwoooosh vvvwoooooshhh !! ^^
Still the last two episodes to watch with my owlet, and we'll go to see the new one together (hopefull in early 2016...)
AgentBirdnest: Haaa! What a lovely Jedowl!! :-D (A blue lightsaber! Blue for Badass, like Obi-Wan B-) ...) Awesome pic, Wings!
I hope you and the owlet enjoy the rest of the movies - and especially the new one, when you get around to it! :-)
>:-) Thanks !!!
Together we'll defeat the dark side...
Post edited December 16, 2015 by Empress_Owl
ddickinson: Good morning, everyone!

How are you all on this lovely day?
Good morning. =)

Half asleep but considering mixing two pots of coffee with however much alcohol it takes to get me loopy at 2 something in the morning.

How are you?
CarrionCrow: You're welcome. =)

Nah, just seemed mean to throw you into liquid with no warning at all. Coffee hurts when it's snorted.

Doing okay here. Now thinking about alcohol thanks to Stilton...(Not really, though. Was thinking about that before he mentioned it.)

Hope you're not going crazy trying to get things wrapped up before your holiday.
Yeah, I figured out when I read the following :D
Only "ok" ?...
Haaa it's too early for some booze here :) I might join you later in the evening...
I still have everything to wrap up, yeah... I'll probably do it at the last minute, as usually :D
ddickinson: Glad to hear you are doing okay. Hopefully some of that snow will find its way to you as well so you can make a lovely snowman.

I am doing good for the most part. I see we got a new release yesterday just for Crow? :-)
I hope so... or, if all else fails, I'll go up to the mountain, roll a snowball down, and watch it destroy the neighboring town >:-) (Not that I have anything against them, I'm just bored :-p)

Yeah, and it looks like our lovely Viking Lawn Guard already bought it for him :-)
Good morning,peeps.
So,who wants to be cuddled?
Empress_Owl: Yeah... nobody cares about the poor carrots... did you hear their heartbreaking screams, as you brutally tear them from their cosy ground ?... :)
Good to read you're doing good :)
My owlet feels much better health wise, which is great ; but she was really unbearable yesterday evening... crying, yelling, pouting, hitting me, refusing to do anything... I just wanted to throw her through the window. A closed one, preferabily... but I didn't. I thew her in bed instead. She hadn't slept until almost midnight... and she wasn't even exhausted this morning when I woke her up... even if she had some big "bags" under her eyes... >:-| grrr... I'm almost happy to be at my office right now...
I gutted and skinned a rabbit this morning for some stew later, so I am not about to feel guilty over some carrots, even the carrots who scream for their kids as I "brutally tear them from their cosy ground". :-)

Sorry to hear your Owlet has been causing you some frustrations. I hope she will be a little easier on her lovely mummy now that she is starting to feel better. *big comforting hug*

CarrionCrow: Good morning. =)

Half asleep but considering mixing two pots of coffee with however much alcohol it takes to get me loopy at 2 something in the morning.

How are you?
Good morning.

Are you getting yourself drunk ready to play the latest avian dating game that GOG released just for you? :-)

I am not doing too badly. My test results came back with some positive news. Still not quite what we were hoping for, but definitely a step in the right direction, and hopefully the next set of tests will be the ones to say I am out of any immediate danger from it all, which will be nice.
NoNewTaleToTell: Heh yeah Stilton, been sorta "forced" to go vegetarian myself, in my case it was due to finances mostly and then by choice for a while longer. I'm actually thinking of either going vegetarian again or at least low meat, I'm eating a lot more meat now than I have in years and it's honestly making my body feel like crud when I do.

In other news, I've cut soda out of my life almost entirely, I've had maybe three bottles of soda in about two months. I'm also working on cutting all snack cakes out though I've had a minor relapse there haha. As cliche as it sounds, I actually do notice a difference since I've cut all that sugary stuff out.

Hey maybe there is something to this "healthy" mumbo jumbo eh?
'Flying economy' diet-wise has made me realise how easy it is to slip into familiar eating habits and think that they're okay. Experimenting with different things can certainly make you see things in different ways. I'm not a veggie convert proclaiming its virtues from the nearest hilltop - people must eat whatever they want - but for me the difference is substantial. Twenty-five to thirty years of IBS felt like the world's longest pregnancy ever, and very uncomfortable.

And good on the soda, too. Listening to that inner voice can sometimes feel so obvious, but its not always the easiest thing to do. Although the downside is you're probably belching less... ;-)

I'm yet to cut down significantly on the cake/pastry category. Maybe I'll have a more earnest attempt after Christmas. Maybe....
AgentBirdnest: I hope so... or, if all else fails, I'll go up to the mountain, roll a snowball down, and watch it destroy the neighboring town >:-) (Not that I have anything against them, I'm just bored :-p)

Yeah, and it looks like our lovely Viking Lawn Guard already bought it for him :-)
But what if it rolls in the wrong direction and destroys all of Moomin valley, including your home? :-)

I am not sure if that is a generous gift or an evil gift. :-)

*big silly hug*

l0rdtr3k: Good morning,peeps.
So,who wants to be cuddled?
Good morning, little Blob!

How are you today?
Post edited December 16, 2015 by ddickinson
Empress_Owl: >:-) Thanks !!!
Together we'll defeat the dark side...
Hooooooo ♥__♥ ... Too adorable... and delicious! (the candy by the phone of course, not the kitty! >:-| ... Arlequin if I'm not mistaken?)

How can this cute little fluffball be evil? I just wanna give him a hug! :-)
ddickinson: I gutted and skinned a rabbit this morning for some stew later, so I am not about to feel guilty over some carrots, even the carrots who scream for their kids as I "brutally tear them from their cosy ground". :-)

Sorry to hear your Owlet has been causing you some frustrations. I hope she will be a little easier on her lovely mummy now that she is starting to feel better. *big comforting hug*
,',',',:-| brrr. Do you keep the rabbit skins ? you could make a coat out of it... or a hat for Endre :)
Thanks for the wishes... I hope she will be nice tonight, too... :-\
AgentBirdnest: Hooooooo ♥__♥ ... Too adorable... and delicious! (the candy by the phone of course, not the kitty! >:-| ... Arlequin if I'm not mistaken?)

How can this cute little fluffball be evil? I just wanna give him a hug! :-)
Don't let you get fooled. He'll bite you, and pee on your floor before you can even protest :)
(yes, it's an Arlequin).
Post edited December 16, 2015 by Empress_Owl
Empress_Owl: Yeah, I figured out when I read the following :D
Only "ok" ?...
Haaa it's too early for some booze here :) I might join you later in the evening...
I still have everything to wrap up, yeah... I'll probably do it at the last minute, as usually :D
-laughs- If I started now, I'd be obliterated by evening. You'd be drinking alone because I'd be passed out by then.

You'll get it. You're that much closer to the end, it'll all be done.
Empress_Owl: ,',',',:-| brrr. Do you keep the rabbit skins ? you could make a coat out of it... or a hat for Endre :)
Thanks for the wishes... I hope she will be nice tonight, too... :-\
I don't, but I do sometimes give them to a lovely couple who make things out of them and sell them for different charities, which is really nice of them.

You could always tell her if she is not nicer to her mummy then Santa will find out? :-)
ddickinson: But what if it rolls in the wrong direction and destroys all of Moomin valley, including your home? :-)

I am not sure if that is a generous gift or an evil gift. :-)

*big silly hug*
Then you guys would mourn me (I hope) :-p

Evilly generous? Generously evil? Meh, nothing is black and white :-)
*return silly hug*