AgentBirdnest: Good morning, Snow Sister.
It's going okay here in the land of sunshine, dryness, and never any snow. (Actually, I can see some snow on the mountains out my window, which is pretty.) :-)
How are you?
Hello, Mr Agent!
Glad to hear you are doing okay. Hopefully some of that snow will find its way to you as well so you can make a lovely snowman.
I am doing good for the most part. I see we got a new release yesterday just for Crow? :-)
Empress_Owl: Good morning DD !! :)
**Big owly hugs**
Maybe Stilton eats a lot of fish (vegetarians still eat fishes and eggs, right ?... and vegans don't ?...)
How are you doing today ?
Hello, lovely Owl! *big mid-week hug*
Some of them still eat fish, which seems strange. I mean, what makes fish okay, they are still living creatures? But then technically vegetables and things are alive, so either way they are eating living things... the monsters! :-)
I am doing good for the most part, nothing really to complain about. How are you, how is your little Owlet?