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EndreWhiteMane: I can't believe that many people even indulged the idiot with offers of help. :-)
Well speaks for the GOG community doesn't it? Although i guess it's pointless in that case....

AgentBirdnest: *following funny thread and eating popcorn* :-) ... tiny cracks me up n__n

Well... I'm falling asleep. Time to get horizontal. Have a good night, all! *Big hugs, little waves, and leaving the popcorn behind*
Tiny? TinyE? :)

Good night Agent and sleep well *big good night hug* :)
CarrionCrow: Okay, finally got Saints Row 3 off my plate. Now what to play next...
I think Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star! I'll buy if you'll play. :-)
EndreWhiteMane: I think Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star! I'll buy if you'll play. :-)
There are so many games that I'm willing to bet are better, for that same price or less.
If someone's going to be psychotic enough to buy that, it might as well be me. Keep the trend going.
EndreWhiteMane: I think Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star! I'll buy if you'll play. :-)
CarrionCrow: There are so many games that I'm willing to bet are better, for that same price or less.
If someone's going to be psychotic enough to buy that, it might as well be me. Keep the trend going.
Can't wait to see your posts when you play that :P
CarrionCrow: There are so many games that I'm willing to bet are better, for that same price or less.
If someone's going to be psychotic enough to buy that, it might as well be me. Keep the trend going.
moonshineshadow: Can't wait to see your posts when you play that :P
See, I could just buy one game and the entire thread would have fun. Sounds cheap to me. :-)
moonshineshadow: Can't wait to see your posts when you play that :P
Will have to figure out how to type in garbled choking sounds to properly convey the gagging, halfway to swallowing my own tongue sound that'll come out while doing so.
moonshineshadow: Can't wait to see your posts when you play that :P
CarrionCrow: Will have to figure out how to type in garbled choking sounds to properly convey the gagging, halfway to swallowing my own tongue sound that'll come out while doing so.
Such a shame you can't stream it...............
EndreWhiteMane: See, I could just buy one game and the entire thread would have fun. Sounds cheap to me. :-)
In that case you're title might be wrong though :P
moonshineshadow: Can't wait to see your posts when you play that :P
CarrionCrow: Will have to figure out how to type in garbled choking sounds to properly convey the gagging, halfway to swallowing my own tongue sound that'll come out while doing so.
You should record it and upload some audio files :D
EndreWhiteMane: I think Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star! I'll buy if you'll play. :-)
CarrionCrow: There are so many games that I'm willing to bet are better, for that same price or less.
If someone's going to be psychotic enough to buy that, it might as well be me. Keep the trend going.
You should do some let's play videos.
EndreWhiteMane: See, I could just buy one game and the entire thread would have fun. Sounds cheap to me. :-)
ElTerprise: In that case you're title might be wrong though :P
I don't like to advertise it but even the Grinch turned into a good guy eventually.
Sad, but true. :-)
EndreWhiteMane: I don't like to advertise it but even the Grinch turned into a good guy eventually.
Sad, but true. :-)
He did? Didn't know that...but then again i basically don't know anything the Grinch ;)
EndreWhiteMane: Such a shame you can't stream it...............
Already tried that and failed. Was losing a third of all frames, and that was post-internet upgrade.
Getting enough power to stream this far out would cost an arm and a leg.
Morning/Evening GOGolytes!
EndreWhiteMane: I don't like to advertise it but even the Grinch turned into a good guy eventually.
Sad, but true. :-)
ElTerprise: He did? Didn't know that...but then again i basically don't know anything the Grinch ;)
Yep, first Scrooge then the Grinch. What is this world coming to?