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moonshineshadow: Ah sometimes the general forum topics are really amusing *laughing hugs and waves*

"My account was deleted" -> "What was your username" -> " I don't want to share such a privat information in public" :D
Hehe n__n
Well... maybe they made their account name their real name, like I did :-p In which case, I'd understand they don't want to share... Seriously though, I just looked at the thread, and the other "id doesn't work" thread... sounds fishy.
moonshineshadow: Ah sometimes the general forum topics are really amusing *laughing hugs and waves*
"My account was deleted" -> "What was your username" -> " I don't want to share such a privat information in public" :D
ElTerprise: Wait what? The person doesn't want to share its username which is visible in the forums? Oh my... :D
It is really funny. exiled_user volume 2:

(there was already a first part around a month ago)

AgentBirdnest: Well... maybe they made their account name their real name, like I did :-p In which case, I'd understand they don't want to share...
Yeah but then he should just say so. But the way it is now, it is just funny.
Post edited December 16, 2015 by moonshineshadow
moonshineshadow: (there was already a first part around a month ago)
Here is the prequel.
moonshineshadow: It is really funny. exiled_user volume 2:

(there was already a first part around a month ago)
Oh that one....yes i remember reading their first thread....that's ridiculous.
AgentBirdnest: Hehe n__n
Well... maybe they made their account name their real name, like I did :-p In which case, I'd understand they don't want to share... Seriously though, I just looked at the thread, and the other "id doesn't work" thread... sounds fishy.
But that doesn't matter. The username is public regardless.....
Post edited December 16, 2015 by ElTerprise
ElTerprise: Wait what? The person doesn't want to share its username which is visible in the forums? Oh my... :D
moonshineshadow: It is really funny. exiled_user volume 2:

(there was already a first part around a month ago)

AgentBirdnest: Well... maybe they made their account name their real name, like I did :-p In which case, I'd understand they don't want to share...
moonshineshadow: Yeah but then he should just say so. But the way it is now, it is just funny.
Thank you moon!
That thread made me laugh. That's always good. :-)
Grargar: Here is the prequel.
Grargar: Here is the prequel.
Oh! There is more! Nice!
moonshineshadow: (there was already a first part around a month ago)
Grargar: Here is the prequel.
I can't believe that many people even indulged the idiot with offers of help. :-)
*following funny thread and eating popcorn* :-) ... tiny cracks me up n__n

Well... I'm falling asleep. Time to get horizontal. Have a good night, all! *Big hugs, little waves, and leaving the popcorn behind*
Okay, finally got Saints Row 3 off my plate. Now what to play next...
EndreWhiteMane: About the same but I've been distracting myself with UnEpic, cool game.
You doin' OK on this festive occasion?
CarrionCrow: Yeah, doing all right here. Just finishing off Saints Row 3. On the very last part, and then it's dead.

-laughs- You mean our ongoing single thread stress test to see how much the GOG forum can take before it breaks completely? ;)
And it's first birthday. :-)
AgentBirdnest: *following funny thread and eating popcorn* :-) ... tiny cracks me up n__n

Well... I'm falling asleep. Time to get horizontal. Have a good night, all! *Big hugs, little waves, and leaving the popcorn behind*
Have a good night, sleep well, and I promise to not put popcorn up your nose while you rest. Honest. =)
AgentBirdnest: Well... I'm falling asleep. Time to get horizontal. Have a good night, all! *Big hugs, little waves, and leaving the popcorn behind*
*good night hug* Sleep well.
AgentBirdnest: *following funny thread and eating popcorn* :-) ... tiny cracks me up n__n

Well... I'm falling asleep. Time to get horizontal. Have a good night, all! *Big hugs, little waves, and leaving the popcorn behind*
Sleep well Agent. ;)
EndreWhiteMane: And it's first birthday. :-)
Such a small thread. Really thought it'd get off the ground more than it did...