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AgentBirdnest: If it leaves Beta stage :-p ... I know what you mean. I really wish they'd keep supporting the downloader, and leave it in plain sight... Such a simple way to download games (when it works for me.) I'm nervous about the future here...
Time vill tell... Sooner of later, time vill tell :-{|
ddickinson: I guess after investing so much they just want as many people as possible to use the client, which is okay, but maybe they should have waited until it was out of Beta before they advertised it so much.

EndreWhiteMane: My present from my fellow employees was a talking Grinch doll. Perfect!
That pretty much sums up my thoughts on Christmas. :-)
ddickinson: I am not really a fan of all the commercial aspects of Christmas, but I love the old fashioned sentiments behind it all.
For people with large families I think it's an awesome time to get together and celebrate.
My 'family' is me, 1 dog, 1 cat. Kinda meh overall.
I do get the pets their own stockings though. :-)
EndreWhiteMane: Probably no rougher than many people this time of year, but yes, probably.
This is a season that puts a huge strain on everyone whether they know it or not.
I'm not sure who gave you the idea that we are in control of how we feel, but they were wrong. We are human and we 'feel' however we feel at any given time.
This time of year, for many reasons is a tough one, even the sunshine isn't as nourishing as it usually is.
Don't worry about being an ass (I'm American) just be who you are, and that can change 10 times throughout the day. It's called being human.
My therapists line to me this past Friday was:
"I wish I had a magic wand but I don't. You're just a human and basically aren't in real control of much of anything in your life, deal with it."

So Mr. Agent, be who you are and don't expect so much of yourself, we can deal with whatever you give us. :-)
Good points... But what if one doesn't feel like a human? :-p ... (That's one of the scariest things lately.)
In any case, the advice is great, and welcome. Thank you. I'll do my best to be me :-)
EndreWhiteMane: Master, were all doomed, Galaxy's out of Beta! Run master run................... :-)
Is it? ô__ô I wouldn't have guessed. It doesn't really feel like a full version of anything. Then, I'm not experienced at all with Alphas, Betas, and stuff... (Except Alpha Protocol - that game was awesome!)
Post edited December 14, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
ElTerprise: Pretty much. Same with Night Dive i guess. I mean we still get games from them but there are a lot missing here
I wonder if it is just that they are too lazy to get them to GOG, or if they think the DRM-Free aspect is still a big risk for them?

EndreWhiteMane: For people with large families I think it's an awesome time to get together and celebrate.
My 'family' is me, 1 dog, 1 cat. Kinda meh overall.
I do get the pets their own stockings though. :-)
That is true. I enjoy spending a nice Christmas with my whole family, even though all those kids can be a handful. This year I will just be spending it with my partner having a lovely peaceful Christmas. I used to get my dog some presents at Christmas before he died, and I think one of the presents was often an edible stocking full of other goodies.

Do the pets get you anything for Christmas? A dead bird or a mouse for example? :-)
ElTerprise: But didn't GOG work on that one for years to get it running on modern systems?
Same here...also waiting for more Ubisoft games. Assassin's Creed 2 would be nice but unlikely....
Oh, I have no idea... I guess that could be holding up quite a few games.
Personally, I'm waiting for the Brothers in Arms series from Ubi (assuming they still own it.) I have it over on the competition, but would love it here even more :-)
EndreWhiteMane: For people with large families I think it's an awesome time to get together and celebrate.
My 'family' is me, 1 dog, 1 cat. Kinda meh overall.
I do get the pets their own stockings though. :-)
ddickinson: That is true. I enjoy spending a nice Christmas with my whole family, even though all those kids can be a handful. This year I will just be spending it with my partner having a lovely peaceful Christmas. I used to get my dog some presents at Christmas before he died, and I think one of the presents was often an edible stocking full of other goodies.

Do the pets get you anything for Christmas? A dead bird or a mouse for example? :-)
They act as walking garbage disposals and floor cleaners for me if i make a mess cooking.
I think I had better get some sleep, especially as I have an appointment with my doctor first thing in the morning for my results and keeping myself awake thinking about it is doing me no good.

I hope you all have a lovely evening, and if I don't see you tomorrow I hope you will all have a lovely start to the week as well.

*goodnight hugs and silly waves*
Post edited December 14, 2015 by ddickinson
AgentBirdnest: Oh, I have no idea... I guess that could be holding up quite a few games.
Personally, I'm waiting for the Brothers in Arms series from Ubi (assuming they still own it.) I have it over on the competition, but would love it here even more :-)
Oh yes. Brothers in Arms. Never got around to play them...and i cannot buy/rent them elsewhere....
A uplay-less Driver: San Francisco would also be nice (and Driver 1 as well)
ddickinson: I think I had better get some sleep, especially as I have an appointment with my doctor first thing in the morning for my results and keeping myself away thinking about it is doing me no good.

I hope you all have a lovely evening, and if I don't see you tomorrow I hope you will all have a lovely start to the week as well.

*goodnight hugs and silly waves*
I wish you a good night DD and sleep well *big good night hug*
Likewise and i hope your results will be as good as they can be :)
Post edited December 14, 2015 by ElTerprise
ddickinson: *goodnight hugs and silly waves*
Goodnight, DD. Sleep well, and good luck tomorrow. I hope the news will be good!
*Big goodnight hug with fluffy pillows*
Post edited December 14, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
AgentBirdnest: Good points... But what if one doesn't feel like a human? :-p ... That's one of the scariest things lately. Not feeling human, and not feeling like myself. I know it's crazy, but...
In any case, the advice is great, and welcome. Thank you. I'll do my best to be me :-)
Eventually, that feels somewhat normal as well.

You'll have better days, and worse days. Sometimes you'll be in a good mood, sometimes you'll lie to anyone who asks and say it's fine when it's not. Sometimes you'll vent because it's too much of a pain in the ass to slap on a mask for interacting with others.

Such is life.
ddickinson: I think I had better get some sleep, especially as I have an appointment with my doctor first thing in the morning for my results and keeping myself awake thinking about it is doing me no good.

I hope you all have a lovely evening, and if I don't see you tomorrow I hope you will all have a lovely start to the week as well.

*goodnight hugs and silly waves*
Get some rest if you can get your brain to let you sleep a bit. Fingers crossed for tomorrow.
Post edited December 14, 2015 by CarrionCrow
ddickinson: I think I had better get some sleep, especially as I have an appointment with my doctor first thing in the morning for my results and keeping myself awake thinking about it is doing me no good.

I hope you all have a lovely evening, and if I don't see you tomorrow I hope you will all have a lovely start to the week as well.

*goodnight hugs and silly waves*
Night DD, hope you sleep well.
CarrionCrow: Eventually, that feels somewhat normal as well.

You'll have better days, and worse days. Sometimes you'll be in a good mood, sometimes you'll lie to anyone who asks and say it's fine when it's not. Sometimes you'll vent because it's too much of a pain in the ass to slap on a mask for interacting with others.

Such is life.
I'm not a good liar. I've always been awful at it. I feel so awful inside after lying - I either confess or throw up :-)
AgentBirdnest: I'm not a good liar. I've always been awful at it. I feel so awful inside after lying - I either confess or throw up :-)
Probably for the best, even though it'll leave you a bit more exposed than you would be otherwise.
The other side of the coin is slapping layer after layer of shit on top of everything.
CarrionCrow: Probably for the best, even though it'll leave you a bit more exposed than you would be otherwise.
The other side of the coin is slapping layer after layer of shit on top of everything.
Hum. True. I guess I'll figure out whatever works best for me.

I'm starting to drift off. Better get horizontal before I crash on my keyboard. Have a good night everyone. *Hugs, waves, and a tip of the helmet*
CarrionCrow: Probably for the best, even though it'll leave you a bit more exposed than you would be otherwise.
The other side of the coin is slapping layer after layer of shit on top of everything.
AgentBirdnest: Hum. True. I guess I'll figure out whatever works best for me.

I'm starting to drift off. Better get horizontal before I crash on my keyboard. Have a good night everyone. *Hugs, waves, and a tip of the helmet*
Night Agent, sleep well.
AgentBirdnest: Hum. True. I guess I'll figure out whatever works best for me.

I'm starting to drift off. Better get horizontal before I crash on my keyboard. Have a good night everyone. *Hugs, waves, and a tip of the helmet*
Wouldn't really recommend the second option unless it's a matter of self-preservation.

You too, sleep well when you get there.