EndreWhiteMane: Agent, is this the first winter/holiday season you've gone through since you stopped the meds?
AgentBirdnest: I began tapering off early last December, but didn't totally cease until April 29. So yeah, first winter with no meds at all.
Am I in for a rough winter? ô__ô
Probably no rougher than many people this time of year, but yes, probably.
This is a season that puts a huge strain on everyone whether they know it or not.
I'm not sure who gave you the idea that we are in
control of how we feel, but they were wrong. We are human and we 'feel' however we feel at any given time.
This time of year, for many reasons is a tough one, even the sunshine isn't as nourishing as it usually is.
Don't worry about being an ass (I'm American) just be who you are, and that can change 10 times throughout the day. It's called being human.
My therapists line to me this past Friday was:
"I wish I had a magic wand but I don't. You're just a human and basically aren't in real control of much of anything in your life, deal with it."
So Mr. Agent, be who you are and don't expect so much of yourself, we can deal with whatever you give us. :-)
l0rdtr3k: Time for me to go to sleep.
*hugs DD and falls asleep right next to her*
Good night D.
ddickinson: Goodnight, little Blob! *hug*
ddickinson: Hello, Mr Endre!
How are you today? Have you had a nice weekend?
Hi Double D, everything's OK in these here parts. :-)
*big hug*