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EndreWhiteMane: Hi all, done work and taking one last look at the sale.
Got a talking Grinch doll from the folks at work, they know me well. :-)
All the kids kept asking me if I was Santa though, time to trim the old beard.
Hope everyone is reasonably great today and enjoying the weekend, even if it's a busy one.

Hi Ghost, long time no see. :-)
Good afternoon. =)

There's plenty to get. The sale's got a lot of good stuff in it.

That was cool of them. Better they acknowledge your grinchiness that way than expecting you to paint yourself green. (Which would be pretty funny, I think.)
GhostwriterDoF: Good evening, all is well here, it's a bit windy with a chill in the air.

How's the world turning for you?
All's well here. And now that my father has calmed down I can finally relax a little.
Post edited December 12, 2015 by Yezemin
GhostwriterDoF: Good evening, all is well here, it's a bit windy with a chill in the air.

How's the world turning for you?
Yezemin: All's well here. And now that my father has calmed down I can finally relax a little.
Well, that's good, living in close proximity to humans who are stressed out can be, stressful.

People who carry responsibilities can sometimes be weighted down by them, and that makes them grumpy, can't be helped. At other times those responsibilities give them purpose and even happiness. In the end, people are imperfect, so they need all the help and encouragement they can get to help them along the path in life. :)
Good evening, Yezemin, and Ghost (it's been a while, Ghost)!
and Crow and Hyper, but you seem to be gone...
I hope you're all enjoying a peaceful evening :)
Empress_Owl: Good evening, Yezemin, and Ghost (it's been a while, Ghost)!
and Crow and Hyper, but you seem to be gone...
I hope you're all enjoying a peaceful evening :)
Hello Owl.

*hugs the fluffy little featherball*
Empress_Owl: Good evening, Yezemin, and Ghost (it's been a while, Ghost)!
and Crow and Hyper, but you seem to be gone...
I hope you're all enjoying a peaceful evening :)
Good evening. How are you?
EndreWhiteMane: Hi all, done work and taking one last look at the sale.
Got a talking Grinch doll from the folks at work, they know me well. :-)
All the kids kept asking me if I was Santa though, time to trim the old beard.
Hope everyone is reasonably great today and enjoying the weekend, even if it's a busy one.

Hi Ghost, long time no see. :-)
Noooooo! Don't trim the beard! Beards are important. If Abe Lincoln hadn't had a beard, Milton Bradley would have never started making board games. (This is absolutely true. I'm not making it up.) :-)
Post edited December 12, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
Empress_Owl: Good evening, Yezemin, and Ghost (it's been a while, Ghost)!
and Crow and Hyper, but you seem to be gone...
I hope you're all enjoying a peaceful evening :)
Good evening Owl!

< big squishy, yet gentle hug! >
Yezemin: Hello Owl.

*hugs the fluffy little featherball*
Hey Yezemin ! :)
Where is your avatar from ?... it looks nice :)
**big fluffy hug back**
GreenDamsel: Good evening. How are you?
Good, and you ? :)
Good to see you !!
GhostwriterDoF: Good evening Owl!

< big squishy, yet gentle hug! >
**Big happy hug back** Ghost !!! :))
where were you ?! :))
Post edited December 12, 2015 by Empress_Owl
Empress_Owl: Good evening, Yezemin, and Ghost (it's been a while, Ghost)!
and Crow and Hyper, but you seem to be gone...
I hope you're all enjoying a peaceful evening :)
Still around, GOG just showed me as idle.

Good evening. =)
GhostwriterDoF: On the writing front, I've been stuck on whether or not to change one of the main characters into a female role, and have do that now, before I get too deep into the first book. I'm not doing this for political correctness, I just like strong female characters and all my main characters that would be playable in a game (if they ever get adapted to gaming) are male. It just doesn't feel right without making this change, so I've got some more rewriting to do. I won't be too difficult, I've left this character open just in case... heh!
I just read this. It is an interesting question. For me it really depends on the medium. I mean in books, I really don't mind at all if there are no strong female main character. In fact I prefer them to be cool guys :D
But in games where you can choose between different characters, I prefer a strong female one. But that is only if you can choose. If there is no choice like for example in Gothic (one of the best games ever!), I don't mind at all.
But regardless of that, good luck with your writing (<- thinly veiled "Write faster we want to read it") :P
*big hug*
Post edited December 12, 2015 by moonshineshadow
Empress_Owl: Hey Yezemin ! :)
Where is your avatar from ?... it looks nice :)
**big fluffy hug back**
It's a fanart of Elmyra. And I think she's rubbing off on me.
*waves tiredly at thread*
FearfulSymmetry: *waves tiredly at thread*
*waves energetically back at Fearful*
How's the weekend treating our lovely Symmetrical friend?
If you enjoy calculating derivatives you MUST "play" Kerball!

I've been playing some X I've got almost 3K credits and I'm sick of running errands. And just thinking of having to keep doing that until I reach upwards of 10K is making me extremely pissed off.
Post edited December 12, 2015 by j0ekerr