ddickinson: You don't have to force yourself to stay constantly cheery. It is okay to have a bad day now and then. As always, you know where my chat is if you ever need to chat or to vent. *big hug*
Nothing excited planned for me, just a lovely weekend with my partner, which is just fine with me. We have few things planned that should be fun, but it depends on how my health is over the weekend.
*more hugs*
I know, but smiling is really important to me. When everything else fails, I can usually still smile and laugh. So when I'm able to do that less frequently, it can be a bit frustrating... tant pis. I'm hoping this will change quickly. Anyway, thanks for the chat offer. Always appreciated :-)
So, I guess I do have a plan for the weekend. Keeping my *fingers crossed* that your health allows you to follow through with your plans :-)
*moar biggar hugs*