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LeoLR: [...]
AgentBirdnest: Very nice summary :-)
I think you are right about the reasons for it not selling. Those have always been my best guesses. It was too expensive, and too unknown. Plus, it was a sequel to a pretty unknown game - and many people probably wouldn't want to play the second game before the first.
This is a story that has to be shared. :-)


I have some errands to do. See you later!
Post edited December 11, 2015 by LeoLR
ElTerprise: Yes i know - have both Trinity and Rebellion elsewhere. That's why i was wondering about the release order. Maybe having Trinity included in that release would have been a smarter move....
I suspect neither GOG nor Stardock wanted to bother maintaining another version of the game here, and opted just to go for Rebellion, which seems to be the superior product. Though I know very little about the game's genealogy, apart from what I've been reading on these forums.
IAmSinistar: I suspect neither GOG nor Stardock wanted to bother maintaining another version of the game here, and opted just to go for Rebellion, which seems to be the superior product. Though I know very little about the game's genealogy, apart from what I've been reading on these forums.
With Rebellion being the definitive version that is understandable but i wonder why Trinity is still in the upcoming list. Maybe an oversight then and it won't be released here after all...
ah, the irony! there's gold around everywhere it seems. And I have a pick axe. But not the damn skill of prospecting ;)
ElTerprise: With Rebellion being the definitive version that is understandable but i wonder why Trinity is still in the upcoming list. Maybe an oversight then and it won't be released here after all...
Oh, I didn't notice that. Yes, curious indeed then that they would have that listed as forthcoming. Seems like it wouldn't sell very well now that Rebellion is already here.
IAmSinistar: Oh, I didn't notice that. Yes, curious indeed then that they would have that listed as forthcoming. Seems like it wouldn't sell very well now that Rebellion is already here.
Exactly. That's why i expected Trinity to be released first but frankly i didn't understand why they listed both versions as forthcoming because as you already said the only version worth playing is Rebellion....
Hello Fred, I'm home! And tired, and broke......
*tired hugs, waves and lots of groceries*
EndreWhiteMane: Hello Fred, I'm home! And tired, and broke......
*tired hugs, waves and lots of groceries*
*big energising hug*
EndreWhiteMane: Hello Fred, I'm home! And tired, and broke......
*tired hugs, waves and lots of groceries*
moonshineshadow: *big energising hug*
Thanks, I needed that. :-)
*big return hug*
XxXSprayvWarXxX: Don't get me wrong. I enjoy company, but I don't really want to miss things I wanted from a sale. (Today this isn't a case for me anymore, but yeah you got my point)

and who is the keaning?
LeoLR: Sit down child because I'm gonna tell a tale. :-)

It was November, 2013 here on GOG. People from around the world flocked to this site for one mad sale. Everyone glued to their screens waiting for games to show up without even knowing what would come next, as I Am Sinistar already told you. Then it appeared. The man: Jack. The game: Jack Keane 2.

For me it was during night time and I don't remember how many units were put to sale (hundreds perhaps). What was a frantic sale suddenly came to a halt. For reasons not fully known, no one was buying it. Maybe because Jack Keane 2 was expensive and it got a smaller discount compared to others games on that sale. And at least to me it was an unknown title, something that I believe was also true to several people.

As I said the game wasn't selling well. Not fast enough anyway, taking hours to sell only a few units. Some people gave up, a few endured. Crazy reviews started to appear on the game page. Check for yourself the reviews dated of november 2013. I believe that even the company behind the game took notice of the happening at the time.

That was the Keaning. A remarkable moment in GOG's history.
Oh alright Leo, thank you so much for the story behind that! :) Ι appeciate it! :)
Good afternoon people who inhabit Fred's lower intestine.

This is the end, my many friends... And with that said I think I'll pick up warband and be done with the whole deal. Still have some coin left for Steam, but frankly this year, there are absolutely no rental exclusives I'm interested in.

Sins of a Solar empire looks very nice graphically, When I look at it I think real time space tactics... and of Babylon 5.

'Twas a good series.

superstande: ah, the irony! there's gold around everywhere it seems. And I have a pick axe. But not the damn skill of prospecting ;)
I warned you about putting all your skill points on monocycle juggling but noooo.
PS: Almost 400!
Post edited December 11, 2015 by j0ekerr
j0ekerr: PS: Almost 400!
Downvoted. ;)
True: I have to ask someone IRL a question and I just typed it in here. :P

I was about to hit enter when I realized it. XD
IAmSinistar: Downvoted. ;)
Something went wrong! I've acutally gone up!

I shall celebrate this milestone with... GAMES!
Reading that discussion on SoaSE, do you have the game?
Post edited December 11, 2015 by j0ekerr
j0ekerr: Something went wrong! I've acutally gone up!
Damn fat mouse cursor, it's so hard to aim...

j0ekerr: Reading that discussion on SoaSE, do you have the game?
I do as of this morning. Probably will be a while before I can play it, though. The holidays loom and my time is allocated to many things.