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Holy cow, relaxing day just got crazy busy. The Mayo just called, they want me to come in tomorrow morning for an upper g.i. endoscopy to have more botox injections in a valve in my stomach, which means I'll need anesthesia... I don't drive, so I'd need a driver regardless, but the short notice was a bit unexpected... I was honestly expecting to have to wait until after the new year for them to be able to fit me in to have it done again.

So now, the lady is trying to arrange to have tomorrow off work, I'm trying to arrange boarding for Sarge and to get him ready to be out the door in a few hours (I'll have to be at the clinic too early in the morning to wait and take him to boarding tomorrow.)

I haven't even showered today, and I can't yet, as I have to wait for the clinic to call back and verity the appointment and details, and of course I have no callback number, just have to be around when they call back. Fun! ;)

Okay, I'm going to get some loose ends tied around here, get a bit of cleaning done, and make some more coffee before some jerkhole tells me to start fasting. ;)

I hope you all have a lovely day and weekend!
What to do, what to do...

Should I pick up Doom 3 on a rental since I have store credit from the broken game I got a refund for, stick to what I have, or do something else entirely?
Ho, wow ô__ô not cool about the endoscopy and botox injections (and I thought botox was only used to temporarily delete stars wrinkles :"|)... I hope you'll find a driver, and that everything will be ok tomorrow !...
and that you have been able to enjoy a nice shower and liters of coffee since then !! :)
**Big comforting hugs**
CarrionCrow: What to do, what to do...

Should I pick up Doom 3 on a rental since I have store credit from the broken game I got a refund for, stick to what I have, or do something else entirely?
',',,',',,',,',,',,' ):-| ..... dilemma...
Post edited December 10, 2015 by Empress_Owl
Empress_Owl: ',',,',',,',,',,',,' ):-| ..... dilemma...
-laughs- If only all life's problems were so challenging.
Empress_Owl: ',',,',',,',,',,',,' ):-| ..... dilemma...
CarrionCrow: -laughs- If only all life's problems were so challenging.
Aren't they ?... ô__ô ... lucky man... :)
Empress_Owl: Ho, wow ô__ô not cool about the endoscopy and botox injections (and I thought botox was only used to temporarily delete stars wrinkles :"|)... I hope you'll find a driver, and that everything will be ok tomorrow !...
and that you have been able to enjoy a nice shower and liters of coffee since then !! :)
**Big comforting hugs**
I finally heard back from the clinic and everything is arranged. I have to be there at 6:40am tomorrow. But I don't have to lay off the coffee until midnight tonight. :)
Now that it all worked out, I'm looking forward to it. I'll get a nice Propofol nap, and hopefully I'll get another couple months of reduced abdominal pain and nausea. No idea why it helps when my problem isn't gastroparesis (which is what injections in this particular valve in the stomach are usually used as a treatment for), but it's resulted in a marked improvement all three times I've had it done thus far.
I'm guessing this may be the only procedure that actually uses botox for a medical reason. It's amusing whenever people hear that I'm getting botox injections, the confused looks I get. ;)

Now I can finally shower!

Post edited December 10, 2015 by akhliber
That sounds cool, after all... :) even more if you look forward to it... I didn't know you always did that three times... it's cool if it works well :) isn't there a more long-lasting solution, though ?...
Haha, yes it must be pretty funny to see theeir faces ^^
Hope you enjoyed your shower :) and afternoon !
Empress_Owl: That sounds cool, after all... :) even more if you look forward to it... I didn't know you always did that three times... it's cool if it works well :) isn't there a more long-lasting solution, though ?...
Haha, yes it must be pretty funny to see theeir faces ^^
Hope you enjoyed your shower :) and afternoon !
Thanks! Not three times at once, I've just had it done three times thus far overall. Looks to be something that needs doing every 3-4 months or so. No longer-lasting solution that we've been able to find yet, but I have daily medications that help a lot as well. :)
It was nice to finally get clean! Just about time to head out the door to take the pup to boarding. I hope you all have a lovely day!
I'll probably be back around later this evening.

*big hugs and waves all around*
CarrionCrow: What to do, what to do...

Should I pick up Doom 3 on a rental since I have store credit from the broken game I got a refund for, stick to what I have, or do something else entirely?
Is it just the base Doom 3 or is it one of the other versions? The base version is fun in places but it's also EXTREMELY repetitive (I've nicknamed it PDA Finder Simulator 2004). Some levels are an absolute chore, and they're usually the longest (compared to other levels), but a few levels are great.

If anything it's worth playing to see the original (modern anyway) "you're walking in complete darkness with only one small source of light (flashlight), RAWR SUDDEN LOUD NOISES AND ENEMIES OUT OF NOWHERE!!!!!!!! COMBAT!...back to walking in complete darkness" template that took over the horror genre.
Empress_Owl: Aren't they ?... ô__ô ... lucky man... :)
I can think of a few that rank a little higher on that difficulty scale.
NoNewTaleToTell: Is it just the base Doom 3 or is it one of the other versions? The base version is fun in places but it's also EXTREMELY repetitive (I've nicknamed it PDA Finder Simulator 2004). Some levels are an absolute chore, and they're usually the longest (compared to other levels), but a few levels are great.

If anything it's worth playing to see the original (modern anyway) "you're walking in complete darkness with only one small source of light (flashlight), RAWR SUDDEN LOUD NOISES AND ENEMIES OUT OF NOWHERE!!!!!!!! COMBAT!...back to walking in complete darkness" template that took over the horror genre.
Ended up getting the original with the expansion. I know the game's not fantastic by any means, just bugged me to not grab it. Will slap it onto the horror game marathon when I actually get around to doing it.
Post edited December 10, 2015 by CarrionCrow
Good afternoon/nicht

I had macaroni with chicken today. They forgot to de-bones the chicken though.

Aside from that. I'm tired and angry and pissed off and I want to punch an idiot in the face, which doesn't narrow it down.

I haven't gamed for too long. I'm gonna try that X game.
On other more GOG related news. I see we're reaching the end. And my stash comes to a grand total of; 3 games.

I think I'll get Warband tomorrow and call it quits with that.
Post edited December 10, 2015 by j0ekerr
EndreWhiteMane: Where's our pirate ElT? Blood & Gold: Caribbean! should thrill him. :-)

Aaaand...I can't play it.
Shit, shit, shit.
Yarrr he be first mate, I be th' cap'n!

In my bathtub.

The graphics don't look that great for those specs... I suppose that's what happens when you modify too much an engine.
j0ekerr: Good afternoon/nicht

I had macaroni with chicken today. They forgot to de-bones the chicken though.

Aside from that. I'm tired and angry and pissed off and I want to punch an idiot in the face, which doesn't narrow it down.

I haven't gamed for too long. I'm gonna try that X game.
On other more GOG related news. I see we're reaching the end. And my stash comes to a grand total of; 3 games.

I think I'll get Warband tomorrow and call it quits with that.
Good evening. =)

Lovely. Picking out jagged slivers always improves a meal.

No, it really doesn't. That's halfway to break out the phonebook levels of names to choose from.

3 whole hoarder, you.
Gooooood evening, lovely people of the thread called Fred. :-)

I hope you have all had a lovely day/evening?
ddickinson: Gooooood evening, lovely people of the thread called Fred. :-)

I hope you have all had a lovely day/evening?
Evening DD, I do hope you're feeling better today.

I'm feeling punchy. And I'm not exactly sure why. But I do want to punch someone, in the face, very hard.

Thaaaat, wouldn't end well though. So I'll settle for interplanetary genocide... of the virtual kind.


I yearn for the days of yore in which my account was bare and my hopes great and many. Back when a sale was exciting, but not on a geological time-scale.
Post edited December 11, 2015 by j0ekerr