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IAmSinistar: Usually it's either-or. But really, coal and beatings are so Dickensian, just like Christmas! :)
But the old things are often the most fun. :-)

IAmSinistar: Yes, here's a quick translation table:

UK -> US
Crisps -> Chips
Chips -> French Fries
Scones -> Biscuits
Biscuits -> Cookies
Compote -> Jam
Jam -> Jelly
Jelly -> Gelatin
Cookies for us are a type of biscuit. But I never knew you used the word scones for what we call biscuits.

IAmSinistar: Though we are making some progress. We do have Jams that are proper Jams, along with decent Marmalades. And Scones are served alongside American Biscuits, which are also descended from Hardtack.

However, the UK doesn't get off entirely scot-free either, given their use of the term sausage. :)
I also hear some of you are actually saying Autumn now instead of Fall. I guess there is some hope for you yet. :-)

I do not think I have seen that show in years. I can't really say I was a fan, it was just something my dad used to watch when it was repeated on TV.

IAmSinistar: Brown sauce is nice on potatoes, but not easy to find here. Easier to get things like Hobnobs and Heinz Beans at the moment. We are gradually expanding our international offerings. Not to mention that we have a lovely British pie shop in my neighbourhood (even though it's run by Kiwis).
At least you have not banned Brown sauce yet like you did with Cadbury chocolate. I read a new article a little while ago about someone trying to smuggle in $3 million of pure Cadbury chocolate into the New York docks from Ireland. You would think it was a big drug smuggling operation by how it all sounded.

New Zealand was part of the British Empire, and a lovely country that is still part of the British Commonwealth (or just Commonwealth for you sensitive people out there :-)), so they are bound to have some knowledge of British food. It seems that despite the US always making out that British food is horrible, it is becoming more popular over there. But maybe some of that is due to the amount of chemicals and things the US puts in their food. I hear your bread for example is horrible compared to the UK. But that is just what I have heard, I have never been to the US so I can't say for sure.

CarrionCrow: It looks like emotionally manipulative crap with little gameplay. When games attempt the yank on heartstrings maneuver to get a response, it usually succeeds. But what it causes is me yelling for the game to go fuck itself.
And now I have two of those. Hooray.

Would suggest -

Grandia 2 Anniversary
Ronin (if you don't mind combating bugs on the last level)
Banner Saga
Rebel Galaxy
Shadowrun Hong Kong (if you don't mind a similar but ultimately inferior experience to Dragonfall)
King of Dragon Pass
Victor Vran (if you don't mind the gameplay eventually becoming very, very samey)
Fran Bow
Invisible Inc.
Shadow Warrior (very fun game right there)
All three of the Avernum titles
Terra Nova
Darksiders 2

That one piece of shit doesn't get to hog all the spotlight of awfulness. I have a number of really bad games.
I can understand that. I am not always a big fan of games with little gameplay. I think there should be at least some level of gameplay to story ratio if it is to be called a game rather than just an interactive visual novel.

That is a very nice list. I can't say that I own most of them, but Stasis is on my wishlist. I have a few of the games on the list, but I think the only one I have played is Outlast and the DLC, which I really enjoyed.
Post edited December 10, 2015 by ddickinson
EndreWhiteMane: I'm just giving Crow a hard time. I don't like to kill stuff nearly as much as he does. :-)
That just means you haven't played enough bad games to get the bloodlust up. ;)
Soccorro: Those brits! Turning the lovely american language into english!
I know, how dare we steal English from them. Who do we thing we are? :-)

moonshineshadow: I think that is one of the words be Germans will probably almost never use as in British English. Because the German word is "Chips" :P
I have noticed that much of Europe seems to go with the US English these days rather than English. I guess due to the US domination of the media. You set of european traitors. :-p

Empress_Owl: Lol !! oh yeah I've heard about the coal, too... but as you're naughty I was afraid you use it to draw on your bedroom walls... ;-p
I hope your health things will stop soon... ):-| or they'll get potatos too...
I could do that, but we decorated the bedroom earlier this year, so my partner would be very mad if I made a mess of it all as she was in charge of the redecorating. I could use it to draw on other people's walls? :-)

I think I am stuck with some bad things for today, but hopefully they won't last too long. I should be getting my results back tomorrow, which will hopefully be good news for a change.
ddickinson: I can understand that. I am not always a big fan of games with little gameplay. I think there should be at least some level of gameplay to story ratio if it is to be called a game rather than just an interactive visual novel.

That is a very nice list. I can't say that I own most of them, but Stasis is on my wishlist. I have a few of the games on the list, but I think the only one I have played is Outlast and the DLC, which I really enjoyed.
If a game lacks enough engagement to keep my mind from wandering, it's in trouble. Once it bores me, I will focus on its shortcomings and tear it to pieces.

Have all of those but one. One of the titles, I have as a rental, otherwise they're all based here.

Dear gods, just looked at my update folder. Talk about a mess. Guess it's time to plug in the external and clean it all up.
Post edited December 10, 2015 by CarrionCrow
Can you all please give the lovely Mr Crow a big +1 for his wonderful generosity.

Thank you!
IAmSinistar: UK -> US
Crisps -> Chips
Chips -> French Fries
Scones -> Biscuits
Biscuits -> Cookies
Compote -> Jam
Jam -> Jelly
Jelly -> Gelatin
That's actually very useful. I always kept on mixing these words. Especially chips. My friend studying in Birmingham now and this one time we spent half an hour arguing what he was actually eating. Chips or french fries. As it turned out, those were crisps.
Soccorro: Those brits! Turning the lovely american language into english!
ddickinson: I know, how dare we steal English from them. Who do we thing we are? :-)

moonshineshadow: I think that is one of the words be Germans will probably almost never use as in British English. Because the German word is "Chips" :P
ddickinson: I have noticed that much of Europe seems to go with the US English these days rather than English. I guess due to the US domination of the media. You set of european traitors. :-p

Empress_Owl: Lol !! oh yeah I've heard about the coal, too... but as you're naughty I was afraid you use it to draw on your bedroom walls... ;-p
I hope your health things will stop soon... ):-| or they'll get potatos too...
ddickinson: I could do that, but we decorated the bedroom earlier this year, so my partner would be very mad if I made a mess of it all as she was in charge of the redecorating. I could use it to draw on other people's walls? :-)

I think I am stuck with some bad things for today, but hopefully they won't last too long. I should be getting my results back tomorrow, which will hopefully be good news for a change.
Its also called chips instead of crisps outside of europe. :)
CarrionCrow: If a game lacks enough engagement to keep my mind from wandering, it's in trouble. Once it bores me, I will focus on its shortcomings and tear it to pieces.

Have all of those but one. One of the titles, I have as a rental, otherwise they're all based here.

Dear gods, just looked at my update folder. Talk about a mess. Guess it's time to plug in the external and clean it all up.
I have never liked the Telltale games due to them just being interactive movies. I know people really like them, which is great, but they just tend to bore me, especially as your decisions don't really effect anything in the game, no matter how many times Telltale says it does.

I think I only own about 4 games form the list you mentioned. A few of them are on my wishlist, and one or two look interesting, but none that really caught my eye at the moment.

A lot of the updates seemed to be for Mac compatibility fixes with the newer OS. So maybe you won't have to update as many games as you think?

Soccorro: Its also called chips instead of crisps outside of europe. :)
I know, but as I said to Moon, that is often as people adopt US English instead of English.
Post edited December 10, 2015 by ddickinson
ddickinson: I have never liked the Telltale games due to them just being interactive movies. I know people really like them, which is great, but they just tend to bore me, especially as your decisions don't really effect anything in the game, no matter how many times Telltale says it does.

I think I only own about 4 games form the list you mentioned. A few of them are on my wishlist, and one or two look interesting, but none that really caught my eye at the moment.

A lot of the updates seemed to be for Mac compatibility fixes with the newer OS. So maybe you won't have to update as many games as you think?
I went with the Walking Dead after hearing people gush about it. It was all right, but it wasn't nearly as great to me.
Ended up getting Wolf Among Us because I liked the setting concept, will eventually get Tales From The Borderlands and maybe Game of Thrones because I like the source material. But in general, I'm not clamoring for their every title.

Right now, there are 75 items that need to be backed up or switched around. Let it go too long, bought too much stuff.
And just in case anyone gets the wrong idea, all this talk about different wordings is just some silly fun, some friendly banter, so no taking it seriously.

CarrionCrow: I went with the Walking Dead after hearing people gush about it. It was all right, but it wasn't nearly as great to me.
Ended up getting Wolf Among Us because I liked the setting concept, will eventually get Tales From The Borderlands and maybe Game of Thrones because I like the source material. But in general, I'm not clamoring for their every title.

Right now, there are 75 items that need to be backed up or switched around. Let it go too long, bought too much stuff.
You forgot the new Minecraft story Telltale is doing, I am sure you will want to play that one. :-)
As I said, if people like those games then that is great, I am not insulting anyone who does like them, they are just not my kind of game.

75 updates? I think the most I had at one time was about 5. But I have a lot less games, and mostly older games which get less updates.
ddickinson: You forgot the new Minecraft story Telltale is doing, I am sure you will want to play that one. :-)
As I said, if people like those games then that is great, I am not insulting anyone who does like them, they are just not my kind of game.

75 updates? I think the most I had at one time was about 5. But I have a lot less games, and mostly older games which get less updates.
I don't like Minecraft, let alone the ridiculous cash-in POS Telltale concocted to capitalize on its success.

It's a combo of games and update files. I usually put them away before they accumulate, but I was lazy. So now I'm putting away three sales worth of stuff.
CarrionCrow: I don't like Minecraft, let alone the ridiculous cash-in POS Telltale concocted to capitalize on its success.

It's a combo of games and update files. I usually put them away before they accumulate, but I was lazy. So now I'm putting away three sales worth of stuff.
I am not really a fan of the Minecraft type games either. But then I am not a big player of multiplayer games (I like playing with my partner and family in person, but I have just never been a fan of over the internet stuff). I read somewhere about a few more IPs Telltale is getting, but I can't remember them off the top of my head.

I can imagine that, especially with the sales being so close together.
ddickinson: Cookies for us are a type of biscuit. But I never knew you used the word scones for what we call biscuits.
We don't really interchange the words "scone" and "biscuit", they are distinct over here. My comparison in this case is that what we call a biscuit is more like what you call a scone (again, our biscuit also is a lot like hardtack, only moister). Scones here are actually rather dry, and usually baked in a right-triangle shape. If one shops at the right place one can even find lemon curd to put on them. Though again, being Americans, we like to junk up our scones with all kinds of extras (cheese, bacon, dried fruit; I've even had a turkey-and-stuffing scone).

ddickinson: I also hear some of you are actually saying Autumn now instead of Fall. I guess there is some hope for you yet. :-)
I've always preferred Autumn myself, and use it much more than Fall. Not only is it more correct, but it has the pleasing linguistic aspect of being 6 letters long like the rest of the season names.

ddickinson: At least you have not banned Brown sauce yet like you did with Cadbury chocolate. I read a new article a little while ago about someone trying to smuggle in $3 million of pure Cadbury chocolate into the New York docks from Ireland. You would think it was a big drug smuggling operation by how it all sounded.
I would think that would be less of an issue these days, now that Cadbury is owned by Kraft. A shame, since as a kid I always preferred Cadbury over Hershey (and both over Nestle).

One thing which is banned here though is Kinder Eggs. Apparently having food items that contain inedible parts is reserved solely for our fast food industry.
Post edited December 10, 2015 by IAmSinistar
IAmSinistar: We don't really interchange the words "scone" and "biscuit", they are distinct over here. My comparison in this case is that what we call a biscuit is more like what you call a scone (again, our biscuit also is a lot like hardtack, only moister). Scones here are actually rather dry, and usually baked in a right-triangle shape. If one shops at the right place one can even find lemon curd to put on them. Though again, being Americans, we like to junk up our scones with all kinds of extras (cheese, bacon, dried fruit; I've even had a turkey-and-stuffing scone).
I see. You Americans sure do love to mis extras into your food, even if they don't sounds like they go together. But I would probably still try most of them at least once to see how they taste.:-)

IAmSinistar: I've always preferred Autumn myself, and use it much more than Fall. Not only is it more correct, but it has the pleasing linguistic aspect of being 6 letters long like the rest of the season names.
I never really understood the reasoning behind changing the name of just one season. I have also read about a few schools in the US being annoyed that people are using British spellings for things, in part due to things like the Harry Potter books and other British stuff that is quite popular in the US.

IAmSinistar: I would think that would be less of an issue these days, now that Cadbury is owned by Kraft. A shame, since as a kid I always preferred Cadbury over Hershey (and both over Nestle).

One thing which is banned here though is Kinder Eggs. Apparently having food items that contain inedible parts is reserved solely for our fast food industry.
It is sad really about the buyout, especially as many of the workers did not want it. And like many US owned companies (such as Amazon), they play games with corporate tax and use methods that are technically legal, but that result in them paying zero corporate tax in the UK, much like I think they do in the US as well.

I think Haggis is also banned in the US. It is strange what they ban and what they allow. Especially with the Kinder Eggs. I mean, if we go with the horrible stereotype of all Americans being fat and stupid (which I know is not true), would such stereotypical people really be so stupid as to eat the egg whole and choke on the toy inside? It is quite clearly labelled, and obvious when you open it. I guess it is due to the legal system in the US and people being all to happy to file law suits. I can imagine people tying to take legal action claiming they choked on the toy inside.
Post edited December 10, 2015 by ddickinson
ddickinson: I am not really a fan of the Minecraft type games either. But then I am not a big player of multiplayer games (I like playing with my partner and family in person, but I have just never been a fan of over the internet stuff). I read somewhere about a few more IPs Telltale is getting, but I can't remember them off the top of my head.

I can imagine that, especially with the sales being so close together.
Likewise to both statements. No building just to build, no multiplayer. (Though, to be fair, might end up playing online when Battletech comes out.)

I saw that one of them is going to be a Batman game. Might be interesting, might be crap. Way too early to tell.

Right. It does tend to pile up during such situations.