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CarrionCrow: Nothing wrong with that. Everyone has their preferences.

I spent 2.50 on it. Not a bad price for a game rental. Used to spend a lot more at Blockbuster. But like you said, I don't consider it owned by any means.

Hopefully the pills will start wiping it out so you're not trying to cough your organs out all night long.
I know, but you never know when a fanboy is about. :-)

I can't say there are many games that I would really like on Steam that is not here, but then I have not really looked in too much detail. There is a nice Norse themed game that I like the look of, and a few "rage" game that I think would be fun for me and my partner to play as we often have fun playing those together.

I hope so, it should also help with my fever and some other symptoms that goes with it.
ddickinson: Good morning, lovely Owl!

Did Agent tell you we decided to name the thread Fred? :-)

How are you feeling today? Are you feeling better than yesterday?

*big hug*
Good morning, my DD **big hug**
He told me that there was a vote for its name, yeah :D
Why "Fred" ?... Fred the Thread... nice...
Yes, I'm much better, thanks ! I slept like a rock :)
What about you ?...
Empress_Owl: Good morning Blob, DD, Crow, Cecil !!
**Big hugs and waves**
I hope you're all doing good !
**Returning to Lurking Mode™**
I am thank you :-)
j0ekerr: Good moaning. How are yez?

*Skims through the thread to check what he's missed*
The entire thread? :-o That will take a while... ;-p
Good morning, long-eared one. The day goes well on my end. How's yours?
CarrionCrow: Good morning. =)

Lurking, you say...
Okay, I'll just leave the pool of coffee in the corner.
**Looking with envy at the wading pool...** ,',',,',','):-\
CarrionCrow: Doing all right here. Fell asleep here for a bit, woke up, fiddled around with GTA Vice City for a while. Now trying to organize my rentals in between trying to decide what to focus on.

How are things with you?

I'd link another song but it's in spanish... so no.

ddickinson: Good evening, lovely visitors of Fred the thread! :-)

How are you all today?
Hey it's DD!

And she's changed her avatar!!!

Moon's not gonna like this.
AgentBirdnest: Good morning DD, Crow, Blob, Cecil!
*waves to everyone* ... *and crushes that lurker in the corner with a big hug* :-p
That's one way of doing it. Gets harder to lurk when someone's hanging onto you.

Crap, still trying to fall asleep. Sorry to say hi and run, but I don't want to do another night crashed out at my desk.
Have a good day, everyone.
Post edited December 09, 2015 by CarrionCrow
Hello to all the new people!

Empress_Owl: Good morning, my DD **big hug**
He told me that there was a vote for its name, yeah :D
Why "Fred" ?... Fred the Thread... nice...
Yes, I'm much better, thanks ! I slept like a rock :)
What about you ?...
Because Fred the Thread sounds fun to say. :-)

I am glad to hear you are feeling much better and that you slept like a rock. (Do rocks sleep? o_O)

I am okay, I have mild pneumonia, but nothing too serious.

j0ekerr: Hey it's DD!

And she's changed her avatar!!!

Moon's not gonna like this.

I changed it a few days ago. I just fancied something different for December that was not just a Santa hat or something like that.
ddickinson: That is good to hear. How is GTA Vice City? I have only ever played the original 2D top view versions. The 3D ones never really appealed to me that much. Do you have anything in mind to play next?

Things have been better, but nothing to complain about. I had to go see my doctor this morning for another x-ray and it turns out I have mild pneumonia, which is always nice to have on top of everything else. But things could be worse, so no point in letting it get to me.
I played it on the first xbox so my gaming experience wasn't marred by half-assed ports.
It was a wonderful experience full of hiperviolence, blowing shit up, becoming a crime kingpin, driving fast cars, experiencing an 80's nostalgia trip that put a constant smile on my face, and pissing myself when listening to the talk radios. I aint kidding, I almost lost it more than once. I actually couldn't breathe the first time I listened to Pastor Richards on VCPR. I used to simply sit around with the car in a parking lot just to listen to the radio.

I'll admit, the 3D graphics haven't aged well.
Post edited December 09, 2015 by j0ekerr
Me me me me me me me!!! Me?

edit : \o/
I hereby dedicate this post to Happiness™ (yes, I just trademarked the word happiness, deal with it.)
I miss you, 84043! Through good times and bad, you were always a good place to live (despite the smell.) And to the friends that still live there, I miss you even more! I hope to visit again soon!
Post edited December 09, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
ddickinson: Hello!

I changed it a few days ago. I just fancied something different for December that was not just a Santa hat or something like that.
Which shows how much up my own arse my head has been recently not to notice.

Been kinda busy.
j0ekerr: Hey it's DD!

And she's changed her avatar!!!

Moon's not gonna like this.
Ho, yeah... how long were you gone, again... ? ;-)
AgentBirdnest: Me me me me me me me!!! Me?

edit : \o/
lol :D
the question was : whose turn is it to wash the dishes ?
Post edited December 09, 2015 by Empress_Owl
CarrionCrow: That's one way of doing it. Gets harder to lurk when someone's hanging onto you.
Looks like it worked - she is still here :-)
AgentBirdnest: Me me me me me me me!!! Me?

edit : \o/
*Stops to stare at Agent and give him the attention he is after*

j0ekerr: Which shows how much up my own arse my head has been recently not to notice.

Been kinda busy.
Well I have not been online that much lately, due to my health and things.
AgentBirdnest: Me me me me me me me!!! Me?

edit : \o/
Empress_Owl: lol :D
the question was : whose turn is it to wash the dishes ?
Noooooooo!!! XD lol... *runs away*
ddickinson: *Stops to stare at Agent and give him the attention he is after*
I got the 84043rd post! I've been looking forward to it for a couple weeks. It's the only one that I wanted :-)
Post edited December 09, 2015 by AgentBirdnest