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ddickinson: Ever since I stopped clicking on all the Youtube links I just picture you boys sharing links to porn, or weird anime stuff. :-)
I am not a serial youtuber, but the other day while reading a paper online I discovered a link I had to follow...

I have since realized it's also on youtube and I've watched it several times.

If your day ever needs brightening, just punch this into your search engine of choice:

"Youtube Sloths Sing Game of Thrones"
ddickinson: I think I will be calling it a night. Goodnight, everyone!

*sleepy hugs*

EndreWhiteMane: Mine are always suitable for general audiences.
This one is meant for pre-schoolers. :-)
ddickinson: In that case I might take a look tomorrow. I think I can still trust you to share nice things. I hope. :-)

Goodnight, lovely Endre! I hope you have a lovely day and that you will be feeling better in no time. *big hug*

Soccorro: Coincidence!
ddickinson: Or you have some kind of anime porn radar? :-)

Goodnight, Soccorro! don't *beep* *beep* *beep* *shuts radar down*...ahem
ddickinson: I think I will be calling it a night. Goodnight, everyone!

*sleepy hugs*

EndreWhiteMane: Mine are always suitable for general audiences.
This one is meant for pre-schoolers. :-)
ddickinson: In that case I might take a look tomorrow. I think I can still trust you to share nice things. I hope. :-)

Goodnight, lovely Endre! I hope you have a lovely day and that you will be feeling better in no time. *big hug*

Soccorro: Coincidence!
ddickinson: Or you have some kind of anime porn radar? :-)

Goodnight, Soccorro!
Good night, hope you sleep well.
*bear hug*
Good evening everyone :)
ElTerprise: Good evening everyone :)
Hi there, and welcome to the thread named Fred. :-)
How's your evening?
EndreWhiteMane: Hi there, and welcome to the thread named Fred. :-)
How's your evening?
Hi Endre. Such a creative name for this thread ;)
Quite good actually because i was able to stay home instead of having another nightshift :)
How is your day so far?
EndreWhiteMane: Hi there, and welcome to the thread named Fred. :-)
How's your evening?
ElTerprise: Hi Endre. Such a creative name for this thread ;)
Quite good actually because i was able to stay home instead of having another nightshift :)
How is your day so far?
Just being lazy and looking at game sales as usual. :-)
Glad you got a chance to rest.
EndreWhiteMane: Just being lazy and looking at game sales as usual. :-)
Glad you got a chance to rest.
Sounds good :)
Yes that was really good - but my sleep cycle is still messed up which is not that great....
Ixamyakxim: *edit to add I also LOVED that the two sets of guns were known as "Scarborough Fair" and called Rosemary, Sage, Parsley and Thyme. I lost it ;)
That is awesome. Even reading that made me giggle.

IAmSinistar: Never played it, but got the impression that it was fan service first, game second. Possibly game came even lower, in fact.
That's a game I've always wanted to play. From reviews, it sounds like a well-done spectacle fighter, which is a genre I enjoy on console - and even if it has fan service, even I as a straight cis woman can appreciate the art. ;P

*waves at everyone*
penumbren: That's a game I've always wanted to play. From reviews, it sounds like a well-done spectacle fighter, which is a genre I enjoy on console - and even if it has fan service, even I as a straight cis woman can appreciate the art. ;P

*waves at everyone*
-waves back- =)

Good evening. How's it going?
CarrionCrow: Good evening. How's it going?
Not too bad. My current staying-with-grandparents time goes for another month... and I've already been strongly reminded, more than once, of why it would be a very Bad Idea to live with them permanently again, no matter how much I love them. XD

Just got a second PT job, which effectively doubles my income, so that's a big YAY. The only downside is I'm going from very scattered hours to four to six a day + scattered hours: from ten to 30 hours a week is a big change, especially after a year of low work hours. The next few days ought to be lovely. :S At least it's all online, if mind-numbing, and I still get to set my own hours, pretty much.

Hubby got a new desktop - and the only monitor we have is too old to work with it without changing resolution settings... which can only be done on the desktop, which involves having a monitor.... *sigh* And for some weird reason, it advertised as having an HDMI connection, but we can't find one on the actual machine, or it would have been easy to sort out. Of course. If nothing else, we can get a new monitor sometime next month, hopefully - and then I can play games without the laptop overheating 30 minutes in! Oh, and he can play his MechWarrior Online game, which was the main reason his friends got together to gift him the money for the desktop as a sort of early holiday gift. I suppose I can allow him the use of it. Sometimes.

For now... waiting for this lovely headache to subside, and poking at WoW. I'm very eagerly awaiting the next expansion, if only for the changes to armor and weapon transmog, which means that I'll finally get back 90% of my storage space. So... if you'll excuse me, I'll be off rare-mount hunting in Azeroth. ;)
CarrionCrow: Good evening. How's it going?
penumbren: Not too bad. My current staying-with-grandparents time goes for another month... and I've already been strongly reminded, more than once, of why it would be a very Bad Idea to live with them permanently again, no matter how much I love them. XD

Just got a second PT job, which effectively doubles my income, so that's a big YAY. The only downside is I'm going from very scattered hours to four to six a day + scattered hours: from ten to 30 hours a week is a big change, especially after a year of low work hours. The next few days ought to be lovely. :S At least it's all online, if mind-numbing, and I still get to set my own hours, pretty much.

Hubby got a new desktop - and the only monitor we have is too old to work with it without changing resolution settings... which can only be done on the desktop, which involves having a monitor.... *sigh* And for some weird reason, it advertised as having an HDMI connection, but we can't find one on the actual machine, or it would have been easy to sort out. Of course. If nothing else, we can get a new monitor sometime next month, hopefully - and then I can play games without the laptop overheating 30 minutes in! Oh, and he can play his MechWarrior Online game, which was the main reason his friends got together to gift him the money for the desktop as a sort of early holiday gift. I suppose I can allow him the use of it. Sometimes.

For now... waiting for this lovely headache to subside, and poking at WoW. I'm very eagerly awaiting the next expansion, if only for the changes to armor and weapon transmog, which means that I'll finally get back 90% of my storage space. So... if you'll excuse me, I'll be off rare-mount hunting in Azeroth. ;)
-laughs- I know that feeling. Some people, it just doesn't work for living with them unless you want to go totally insane.

Congratulations. =) More money is always good.

Sheesh. It advertised as having the port and didn't? That's some frigging awesome work on the part of the seller right there.

I can see it now...

"Hey, I wanna play Mechwarrior, scoot over."
"Just as soon as I get that one item I need on WOW."
"How long will that take?"
"Oh, a day or two, if I'm lucky."

Have fun looking for whatever pretty creature you want to enslave and ride around on. ;) Hope you're feeling better soon.
Good Morning!
Hoping for only two more games from the sale: Gothic 1-2.
I actually skipped these several times on other sales I think.
But after playing a bit of Risen, which I find one lovely game, on par with Witcher 1... I want to try the older games too...

Are people getting what they were looking for in the sale?
superstande: Good Morning!
Hoping for only two more games from the sale: Gothic 1-2.
I actually skipped these several times on other sales I think.
But after playing a bit of Risen, which I find one lovely game, on par with Witcher 1... I want to try the older games too...

Are people getting what they were looking for in the sale?
Good morning. =)

Have heard plenty of good things about Gothic, don't think you'll be disappointed.
Figuring they won't show up in a bundle tomorrow/later in the day depending on your time zone, but there's still two more days after that, so you could get lucky.

Made out pretty well overall. Completed 6 sets or series, ended up with 2 high priority list items as well. (Rebel Galaxy and Serpent in the Staglands)

How are you doing today?
CarrionCrow: Sheesh. It advertised as having the port and didn't? That's some frigging awesome work on the part of the seller right there.
Yeah; it was via Best Buy's website, and they're usually accurate, so I'm taken aback by this one. It's not a dealbreaker in any way, but it is less convenient. :/

CarrionCrow: I can see it now...

"Hey, I wanna play Mechwarrior, scoot over."
"Just as soon as I get that one item I need on WOW."
"How long will that take?"
"Oh, a day or two, if I'm lucky."

Have fun looking for whatever pretty creature you want to enslave and ride around on. ;) Hope you're feeling better soon.
...... that sort of sounds like conversations we've had in the past. lol

And thank you! I think I'm down to the 0.01 - 0.02 % drop rate mounts, so.... *sigh* At least most of them reset daily.