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Stilton: And no rash....?
Not really... A bit, yes, behind my knees... I blame my jeans...
Stilton: I'm not following (yes, another sleepless night), this candidate wants to ban people for all the reasons you cite? Sorry for being slow, the last time I slept was Feb 1986...
No need to apologize, I'll be sweeping it all under the same sanity-preserving (such as it is) rug of continued hate mixed with apathy soon enough.

Yeah, that's what I was watching on the news. It's not surprise at the statement (since my bar for human behavioral standards is pretty godsdamned low), it's the weapons-grade stupidity of it all.
Post edited December 08, 2015 by CarrionCrow
Stilton: And no rash....?
Empress_Owl: Not really... A bit, yes, behind my knees... I blame my jeans...
Not a problem.:-) Did you say the pain has happened before? Does it come on suddenly?
Empress_Owl: Not really... A bit, yes, behind my knees... I blame my jeans...
What kind of lower body corset dominatrix torture device jeans are you wearing?

Whoops. Read that wrong. Thought the jeans might be causing the pain somehow.
Post edited December 08, 2015 by CarrionCrow
Empress_Owl: Not really... A bit, yes, behind my knees... I blame my jeans...
You should rename your jeans "ElT" :-)

Seriously, sorry to hear about the pain :'-( ... **big comforting hug**
Stilton: Not a problem.:-) Did you say the pain has happened before? Does it come on suddenly?
I have it since Sunday afternoon (slight), and yesterday (more painful)... but it's much worse since tonight (I must have slept in a silly posture, on the top of everything else)... and no, it has never happened before (or only during pregnancies, when weird pains randomly happen to you) :)
Stilton: I'm not following (yes, another sleepless night), this candidate wants to ban people for all the reasons you cite? Sorry for being slow, the last time I slept was Feb 1986...
CarrionCrow: No need to apologize, I'll be sweeping it all under the same sanity-preserving (such as it is) rug of continued hate mixed with apathy soon enough.

Yeah, that's what I was watching on the news. It's not surprise at the statement (since my bar for human behavioral standards is pretty godsdamned low), it's the weapons-grade stupidity of it all.
Things have been turning to crap for a long while. I'm sifting through it all for a thread of common sense, but I don't think there is one. Eat more chocolate, I say, and grow a beard. That usually cracks it.
Empress_Owl: I have it since Sunday afternoon (slight), and yesterday (more painful)... but it's much worse since tonight (I must have slept in a silly posture, on the top of everything else)... and no, it has never happened before (or only during pregnancies, when weird pains randomly happen to you) :)
*extra big get well hug*
CarrionCrow: What kind of lower body corset dominatrix torture device jeans are you wearing?

Whoops. Read that wrong. Thought the jeans might be causing the pain somehow.
lol :-D not at all... I wear regular jeans... I'm afraid the dominatrix torture device stuff wouldn't be well seen at work...
AgentBirdnest: You should rename your jeans "ElT" :-)

Seriously, sorry to hear about the pain :'-( ... **big comforting hug**
Ho, no... I woould be too afraid you try to burn it to the ground :-)
**Big thank you hug back**
Post edited December 08, 2015 by Empress_Owl
Empress_Owl: and no, it has never happened before (or only during pregnancies, when weird pains randomly happen to you) :)
ô__ô Are congratulations in order? :-)

[/totally not helpful and feeling bad] I'll stop joking now, I promise ):-\
Post edited December 08, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
Stilton: Things have been turning to crap for a long while. I'm sifting through it all for a thread of common sense, but I don't think there is one. Eat more chocolate, I say, and grow a beard. That usually cracks it.
I like to think it's always been crap, just different flavors obscured by way of people not having instant access to the overall insanity of it all.
I'm now old enough that I can play the age card to back up this statement. 30 years ago, it wasn't any better, just shit in a different way. It just shifts as the world does over time.

Yeah, spending time looking for that thread is a total waste. The underlying rule to all humanity is that it's all madness in the end. From being saved by your imaginary friend to spending your life looking for something that will trigger an societally-exalted irrational chemical response, it's all fucking nuts. Top to bottom, inside and out.
Post edited December 08, 2015 by CarrionCrow
moonshineshadow: *extra big get well hug*
**Extra big thank-you hug** :)
How are -you- doing, lovely Moon ?...
Empress_Owl: lol :-D not at all... I wear regular jeans... I'm afraid the dominatrix torture device stuff wouldn't be well seen at work...
That's one way to tell if your job is awesome. If you can get away with wearing that and no one cares? That job is a keeper.
AgentBirdnest: ô__ô Are congratulations in order? :-p
Lol... nope !! (they usually happen late in the pregnancy, when you weigh 20 extra kilos... lol)
CarrionCrow: That's one way to tell if your job is awesome. If you can get away with wearing that and no one cares? That job is a keeper.
... ):-| ... I must try it. I want to know how awesome my job is..... I come back !!! **run**
Post edited December 08, 2015 by Empress_Owl
Empress_Owl: and no, it has never happened before (or only during pregnancies, when weird pains randomly happen to you) :)
AgentBirdnest: ô__ô Are congratulations in order? :-)

[/totally not helpful and feeling bad] I'll stop joking now, I promise ):-\