Stilton: Its amazing how things drag here now, doc-wise. It used to be two or three days and you'd get seen. Now its a month+. The NHS is really crap at the moment and struggling with underfunding, too many employees who don't give a shit and the rising immigration figures. The pipe's going to burst somewhere...
I suppose I should consider my current 7-week wait for a specialist lucky. I hear horror stories about some places in the US and Canada where the wait time is 6-10 months. I can't even imagine...
LeoLR: A few good things about FTL: you are never able to make the same mistake again and any mistake made is your own fault. :-)
Oh! And have some +1 just to screw your perfect round number. ;-)
Absolutely right. Although, once, on my very first jump, my ship was simultaneously boarded by 5 people and caught on fire (engines and doors caught fire first, so I couldn't leave
or slow down the intruders.) I don't care what
anyone says, there was no way to survive that, and it was totally the game's fault ;-)
Well, at least my number is a palindrome now :-)