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Stilton: I just looked at the timer and was about to say I'd appreciate a six hour turnaround instead of twenty-four, but I'll change that to I'd appreciate all the sale items being on view all the time. We've hit that stale, arse-dragging point, I think.

Cowabunga, Greench. :-)
EndreWhiteMane: Cowabunga there Viking dude.
(It's pretty funny said in the right voice)

Just got done playing plumber and electrician, and I didn't even get the two mixed up ala Three Stooges.
Woo woo woo woo woo
You mean you don't turn on room lights and get water flooding everywhere? Where's the fun in that?

Sidelining a bit, three or four years ago we lost our heating a week or so after Christmas and no one could fix it for about another week. And it had been snowing. I recall it being a tad chilly.
EndreWhiteMane: Cowabunga there Viking dude.
(It's pretty funny said in the right voice)

Just got done playing plumber and electrician, and I didn't even get the two mixed up ala Three Stooges.
Woo woo woo woo woo
Stilton: You mean you don't turn on room lights and get water flooding everywhere? Where's the fun in that?

Sidelining a bit, three or four years ago we lost our heating a week or so after Christmas and no one could fix it for about another week. And it had been snowing. I recall it being a tad chilly.
Geez, I've gone through 2-3 days of that but never 2 weeks, that's miserable.
Stilton: You mean you don't turn on room lights and get water flooding everywhere? Where's the fun in that?

Sidelining a bit, three or four years ago we lost our heating a week or so after Christmas and no one could fix it for about another week. And it had been snowing. I recall it being a tad chilly.
EndreWhiteMane: Geez, I've gone through 2-3 days of that but never 2 weeks, that's miserable.
We had one small electric radiator that we'd fight over. It was quite funny, really. The warmest place was bed and the best time of day was whenever the cooker was on. The combination of heat and warming food was wonderful. If we watched TV we'd wrap up in blankets like a couple of caterpillars. I can understand how it can be dangerous for the elderly. It was pretty bitter at times.
Stilton: I just looked at the timer and was about to say I'd appreciate a six hour turnaround instead of twenty-four, but I'll change that to I'd appreciate all the sale items being on view all the time. We've hit that stale, arse-dragging point, I think.
The timer and lack of enthusiasm go hand-in-hand, evidently. We don't complain about the variety, or the prices, it's always that fucking timer.

But, there are 5 more days worth of selections at most, then GOG will be done with big sales for the year. Don't see them doing another one at the end of the month. That would be three large sales in maybe a month's time, on top of them directly competing with the rental service during a sale, something they apparently haven't wanted to do this year.
I put new parts in 2 childs toilets today which is a weird feeling.
Can you imagine being drunk as a skunk/hungover and waking up in a bathroom with these?
I'm not sure my brain could cope. :-)
Stilton: I just looked at the timer and was about to say I'd appreciate a six hour turnaround instead of twenty-four, but I'll change that to I'd appreciate all the sale items being on view all the time. We've hit that stale, arse-dragging point, I think.
CarrionCrow: The timer and lack of enthusiasm go hand-in-hand, evidently. We don't complain about the variety, or the prices, it's always that fucking timer.

But, there are 5 more days worth of selections at most, then GOG will be done with big sales for the year. Don't see them doing another one at the end of the month. That would be three large sales in maybe a month's time, on top of them directly competing with the rental service during a sale, something they apparently haven't wanted to do this year.
Is GOG the only place that puts stuff out in waves? Its got to the point now where its more annoying than anything else. I'd like to see the lot in one go and then take maybe a week or ten days to get all the titles I'd like. There's no point in doing it this way any more.
CarrionCrow: The timer and lack of enthusiasm go hand-in-hand, evidently. We don't complain about the variety, or the prices, it's always that fucking timer.

But, there are 5 more days worth of selections at most, then GOG will be done with big sales for the year. Don't see them doing another one at the end of the month. That would be three large sales in maybe a month's time, on top of them directly competing with the rental service during a sale, something they apparently haven't wanted to do this year.
Stilton: Is GOG the only place that puts stuff out in waves? Its got to the point now where its more annoying than anything else. I'd like to see the lot in one go and then take maybe a week or ten days to get all the titles I'd like. There's no point in doing it this way any more.
Maybe the publishers don't want to sell at that price for more than one day?
Good evening folks :)
EndreWhiteMane: I put new parts in 2 childs toilets today which is a weird feeling.
Can you imagine being drunk as a skunk/hungover and waking up in a bathroom with these?
I'm not sure my brain could cope. :-)
-laughing hard- Yeah, that's definitely a brain-frying moment.
ElTerprise: Good evening folks :)
Hi disjointed person, done with work?
ElTerprise: Good evening folks :)
Good evening. =)

How's your night going?
Stilton: Is GOG the only place that puts stuff out in waves? Its got to the point now where its more annoying than anything else. I'd like to see the lot in one go and then take maybe a week or ten days to get all the titles I'd like. There's no point in doing it this way any more.
It's not just GOG. What the competition did for their last sale was a more experimental approach.

I'd also prefer seeing everything in one shot, but the prices are also going to be higher. It comes down to picking your poison. I'm extremely impatient, but without GOG's sales, there's no way on earth I'd have what I do now. There's no way I could begin to afford it.
Post edited December 08, 2015 by CarrionCrow
EndreWhiteMane: Hi disjointed person, done with work?
Thankfully i haven't had any work today - but my sleep cycle is now messed up due to last nights nightshift....
But in generaly im nearly done. Two appointments left - although i try to avoid the nightshift tomorrow night because waiting in the cold for some hours twice in four days wasn't really beneficial for my health....

CarrionCrow: Good evening. =)

How's your night going?
Hi Crow :)
Quite good actually. Played Saints Row The Third for last hours. It's funny. I actually prefer both Saints Row The Third and IV over GTA IV and to some degree also V because they're just huge fun :)
ElTerprise: Hi Crow :)
Quite good actually. Played Saints Row The Third for last hours. It's funny. I actually prefer both Saints Row The Third and IV over GTA IV and to some degree also V because they're just huge fun :)
Would totally agree with you there. GTA is still trying to be more serious, while Saints Row went the opposite direction and ended up with incredibly silly hyperviolence mixed with comedy.
CarrionCrow: Would totally agree with you there. GTA is still trying to be more serious, while Saints Row went the opposite direction and ended up with incredibly silly hyperviolence mixed with comedy.
Which make them really great because the games are still coherent in a way - hope we'll see the most recent one here at some point (still haven't played Gat out of Hell yet) and that we'll see a Saints Row 5.
My problem with the more serious GTA titles is while they're great games with cool world / world design the stories are not that great. Not to mention the "bowling" in GTA IV ;). I mean GTA V isn't bad story-wise - not at all - but Rockstar can do better - see Red Dead Redemption for example.
Bed time, people. See you in a few hours. :-)