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toxicTom: Sounds like a plan. I should be working now, since I had both of the kids today (again). But I don't feel like I can get done much. Tomorrow is xmas event in the kindergarten - with a little play by the kids. Also the heating contractor is coming tomorrow - one of our heaters is leaking water badly, threatening to damage the floor. My wife has extra long shift because the staff of her kindergarten is inspecting the new building they want to move into next year. So she's the one left behind - alone. She'll be so finished when she comes home...

Okay. Smoke and beer now...
A load of complications which have no respect for timing. Christmas is busy enough without heating problems and long hours at work. A smoke and a beer or five sound like the right remedy.
Stilton: I agree that some annoying games can also be enjoyable (strange but true), but that goo thing needs strangling.

I'm doing OK. I seem to have hit a run of medical things - I waited two hours today to see a doctor (it was the walk-in clinic - either that or an appointment for 6 Jan earliest) and I need to go back to the hosp for another ultrasound. Minor stuff, I hasten to add, but it could be easily done without. Slowly getting the Christmas prep underway, too. Some present buying, sorting the the place out for the decorating onslaught, mother's birthday in a couple of days...more stuff, stuff and stuff. Life. You know how it goes. :-)
Jeez... I think that wait time is even longer than mine from a couple months ago (whatever the length of "Harry and the Hendersons" is.) With an appointment that far out though, it's not a bad trade. I'd wait 2 days and camp outside the hospital in a tent if it meant an appointment a month earlier.
bela555: Eeeeeeeeeeee........ i hate my life :/
NoNewTaleToTell: Did you drop the only "real" food you have on the floor, after you spent an hour cooking it? I HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS! No seriously that happened to me once. I accidentally knocked my lasagna off the counter and onto the floor, and had to eat crackers with hot sauce that night.

Anyway, the folks here are pretty supportive, if needed
Supportive hmm, did they clean up the lasagna after you?
Stilton: I agree that some annoying games can also be enjoyable (strange but true), but that goo thing needs strangling.

I'm doing OK. I seem to have hit a run of medical things - I waited two hours today to see a doctor (it was the walk-in clinic - either that or an appointment for 6 Jan earliest) and I need to go back to the hosp for another ultrasound. Minor stuff, I hasten to add, but it could be easily done without. Slowly getting the Christmas prep underway, too. Some present buying, sorting the the place out for the decorating onslaught, mother's birthday in a couple of days...more stuff, stuff and stuff. Life. You know how it goes. :-)
AgentBirdnest: Jeez... I think that wait time is even longer than mine from a couple months ago (whatever the length of "Harry and the Hendersons" is.) With an appointment that far out though, it's not a bad trade. I'd wait 2 days and camp outside the hospital in a tent if it meant an appointment a month earlier.
Its amazing how things drag here now, doc-wise. It used to be two or three days and you'd get seen. Now its a month+. The NHS is really crap at the moment and struggling with underfunding, too many employees who don't give a shit and the rising immigration figures. The pipe's going to burst somewhere...
Good afternoon to all!

AgentBirdnest: Well, I'd still call FTL enjoyable. It irritates me in the best way possible. Because every time I'm irritated by an untimely death, I say to the game "Oh yeah? We'll see about that! I won't make the same mistake next time." It is genuinely fun for me to play the game over again. It rarely feels repetitive to me.
I have a love/hate relationship with that one. I'd even call it one of my favourite, but also most hated games :-)

Feeling kinda plucked up today. The little mushy guy under the helmet can't decide what it wants today, which gets old rather quickly... Still, it's been more good than bad today.

How 'bout yourself?
A few good things about FTL: you are never able to make the same mistake again and any mistake made is your own fault. :-)

Oh! And have some +1 just to screw your perfect round number. ;-)
Post edited December 07, 2015 by LeoLR
Stilton: Its amazing how things drag here now, doc-wise. It used to be two or three days and you'd get seen. Now its a month+. The NHS is really crap at the moment and struggling with underfunding, too many employees who don't give a shit and the rising immigration figures. The pipe's going to burst somewhere...
I suppose I should consider my current 7-week wait for a specialist lucky. I hear horror stories about some places in the US and Canada where the wait time is 6-10 months. I can't even imagine...
LeoLR: A few good things about FTL: you are never able to make the same mistake again and any mistake made is your own fault. :-)

Oh! And have some +1 just to screw your perfect round number. ;-)
Absolutely right. Although, once, on my very first jump, my ship was simultaneously boarded by 5 people and caught on fire (engines and doors caught fire first, so I couldn't leave or slow down the intruders.) I don't care what anyone says, there was no way to survive that, and it was totally the game's fault ;-)

Well, at least my number is a palindrome now :-)
Post edited December 07, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
Good evening, everybody !!!! n__n
**Big hugs**
Empress_Owl: Good evening, everybody !!!! n__n
**Big hugs**
Good evenOwl :-)
**Extra-big hug with random flowers**
How's France doing tonight?
AgentBirdnest: Good evenOwl :-)
**Extra-big hug with random flowers**
How's France doing tonight?
I don't know about France... a bit tense I guess, after this weekend's elections (worrying results)...
I'm doing good, at least... that's something ? :-p
How are USA doing ?
And my 4 stars agent ?
Empress_Owl: Good evening, everybody !!!! n__n
**Big hugs**
*big return hug*
Empress_Owl: Good evening, everybody !!!! n__n
**Big hugs**
*Crushing hugs*

Hope you are well. I already lamented a few posts above, so just don't you ask. But following Stilton's advise I'm now reasonably tipsy and forgetting my worries 'til tomorrow.
moonshineshadow: ...
And *Big hugs* for you too.
Post edited December 07, 2015 by toxicTom
Empress_Owl: I don't know about France... a bit tense I guess, after this weekend's elections (worrying results)...
I'm doing good, at least... that's something ? :-p
How are USA doing ?
And my 4 stars agent ?
Yes, that's more than something. That's everything ;-)
A bit tense here, too. After the recent shooting(s), terrorism, immigration, and gun control are being debated more than ever. And with the election in less than a year, politicians are being extra dickish than usual.
And I'm doing good this evening :-)
moonshineshadow: *big return hug*
**Bigger hug** :)) hihi
bela555: Supportive hmm, did they clean up the lasagna after you?
I'm sure they would have (I'm sure at least one member would've eaten it off the floor!), but that was before my GOG forum-ing days.

Well I've got some almost kinda maybe-ish good news. As some of you know (by that I mean maybe three of you) I'm in the process of moving to the town my college is in. Well today I've had a good conversation with somebody that is renting out a room in their home, and it honestly seems perfect for fingers crossed!
Post edited December 08, 2015 by NoNewTaleToTell
Empress_Owl: **Bigger hug** :)) hihi
*rolls towards Owl and asks her to pick me up*