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ddickinson: Good evening, everyone!

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend?

I finally got to get some decent sleep - 27 hours of sleep in fact. Which is nice in some ways, but it sucks missing my entire Saturday. I am still not too good, but the sleep has helped a little. What is worst is that I am still very tired. So I figured I would have a nice drink and something to eat (which will be hard as I feel quite nauseous) while chatting with the lovely people of the thread for a little while. I probably won't be staying long as I am feeling very worn out, but I just wanted to say hi to all you lovely people. Oh, and Stilton... STOP YELLING! :-)

Did I miss anything fun?

*sleepy hugs*
Good evening, and welcome back from your coma. =)

Um...I broke my old record by cursing at the timer for 7 straight minutes without taking a breath. Not sure if that qualifies as overall fun, but it was enjoyable at the time.
CarrionCrow: Sure, you can have some. However, at this point, the bag's at a stage where you really have two options.

1. You can lift the bag over your head and essentially pour tiny potato shards in your mouth since they're too small to pick up cleanly.

2. You can mix said shards with a can of beanless chili, the kind of thing one usually puts on nachos, then call it chip cake and eat it with a spoon.
Empress_Owl: ..... :-| .....
answer 2, answer 2 !!!! ,,',',,','):-O
**running to find some chili**
*emerges from the ground and hugs Owl,slimming her*
Can you all please give Moonshine and Owl a big +1 hug please for her generous ninja gifting. Even if they did ninja gift me the same game and I had to turn one down :-(. Thank you both so much!

*big thank you hug*

Oh, and I forgot to send Fearful the Anna's Quest game, so I will go do that now.
ddickinson: Good evening, everyone!

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend?

I finally got to get some decent sleep - 27 hours of sleep in fact. Which is nice in some ways, but it sucks missing my entire Saturday. I am still not too good, but the sleep has helped a little. What is worst is that I am still very tired. So I figured I would have a nice drink and something to eat (which will be hard as I feel quite nauseous) while chatting with the lovely people of the thread for a little while. I probably won't be staying long as I am feeling very worn out, but I just wanted to say hi to all you lovely people. Oh, and Stilton... STOP YELLING! :-)

Did I miss anything fun?

*sleepy hugs*
27 hours, good on you. :-) My yelling didn't wake you up, did it? Sorry if it did. Nice to see you anyway. :-)
Stilton: In the UK we eat chips (small c) with fish and peas, a little salt and vinegar sometimes, and tartare sauce. Its rather nice. :-)

Hello all. I managed to get myself some sleep after only four hours in the first round. Another eight followed and I'm even feeling human again. Whoopeee!

Hope you're all well. :-)
Stillton !!! :D
Oh, no... you're talking about "frites" (fries).... we're talking about "chips" ;-p
**big gastronomic hug**
Cool that you got some decent sleep too ! :-)) and feel human again ^^
l0rdtr3k: *emerges from the ground and hugs Owl,slimming her*
>__o beuarghl. Good evening, blob !.... (I do'nt like being slimmed).
How are you ?
Post edited December 06, 2015 by Empress_Owl
moonshineshadow: *extra big hug*
*big sleepy super hug*

Empress_Owl: Hoooo !! DD !!!
**Big happy hugs**
I'm glad to read you're feeling better and had a more-than-decent sleep :))
Don't worry about your missed saturday ; there are still plenty more (well, not especially -this- year, but, who cares).
I'm happy to see you take good care of yourself :)
Yes... you missed US of course ;-p **big silly hug**
Hello, lovely Owl!

Your rep is 555! :-)

I am not sure I am feeling to much better, but hopefully the long sleep will do me good. I am in quite a lot of pain at the moment, but that comes and goes.

Of course I missed you all. But I also missed my partner and my little nephews birthday due to me sleeping in all day. :-(

*big hug*

CarrionCrow: Good evening, and welcome back from your coma. =)

Um...I broke my old record by cursing at the timer for 7 straight minutes without taking a breath. Not sure if that qualifies as overall fun, but it was enjoyable at the time.
Good evening!

I feel like once I go back to bed I will be in for another long sleep, which is why I wanted to try to stay up for a little, even if it is just an hour or so.

That must have been a very red face after 7 minutes. :-)
Stilton: In the UK we eat chips (small c) with fish and peas, a little salt and vinegar sometimes, and tartare sauce. Its rather nice. :-)

Hello all. I managed to get myself some sleep after only four hours in the first round. Another eight followed and I'm even feeling human again. Whoopeee!

Hope you're all well. :-)
Peas? Are we talking pea pods, or piles of individual peas?

Good evening, also. Glad to hear you've got your helmet on straight once again. =)
Empress_Owl: Haha... ho yeah... it's kinda a full time job... so... how did it go ? No loss ? both have got back home in one piece ? :)
**big happy hug**
A "broken bone" (that little liar was perfectly fine 3 minutes later, after I carried him the rest of the way down the hill >:-p), and one of them nearly took a flying rock to the head twice, one rock thrown by his brother, and the second rock thrown by himself 9__9 ... One of them cut his hand a little, but nothing serious at all. [/casualty report]
Went fine :-)
**Big happy return hug with a mug of Legendary Hot Chocolate™**
Empress_Owl: ..... :-| .....
answer 2, answer 2 !!!! ,,',',,','):-O
**running to find some chili**
I went with that one too. Picking crumbs out of facial hair is about 42 flavors of undignified, so I try to avoid it whenever possible.
Stilton: Just a quick reminder, Agent: Never have kids!!!

(I'm in a position to know what I'm talking about. :-)).
*PHEW* ... you got here just in time. I was this close! :-)
Stilton: 27 hours, good on you. :-) My yelling didn't wake you up, did it? Sorry if it did. Nice to see you anyway. :-)
Apparently I was so heavily asleep that nothing would wake me up. Sadly I feel like the same will happen when I go to bed in a little while as well, so I am trying to make the most of my little time away. But the sleep will no doubt do me good, especially as I have not been sleeping to well lately, so my body needs to catch up.

*sleepy hug for the loud viking*
ddickinson: Good evening!

I feel like once I go back to bed I will be in for another long sleep, which is why I wanted to try to stay up for a little, even if it is just an hour or so.

That must have been a very red face after 7 minutes. :-)
That's a lot of sleep, but your body must be fighting hard for that kind of recharge time. Might be completely wrong, but that feels like a better thing than trying to recover and not even being able to sleep at all.

I might've gotten lightheaded, but I was also half-asleep, so who knows, honestly.
Stilton: Just a quick reminder, Agent: Never have kids!!!

(I'm in a position to know what I'm talking about. :-)).
Empress_Owl: Ho, you're so mean :)
If I could, I'd have 10 kids !! ... wait.... what... õ__ô .... shut up, beer !!!!!
I'm kidding. Don't. ;-p
Hi, Owl. :-) We're having a 'situation' here this evening. Nothing bad, but boy could we do without it. Its all a part of life's rich pageant, as some childless idiot once said.

Hope you're well and Owlet Mk1 will enjoy his glasses. I resisted using them for ages (defiance, nothing more) and use them for reading. Wow, what an improvement. I even started holding the book the right way up! :-)
ddickinson: Can you all please give Moonshine and Owl a big +1 hug please for her generous ninja gifting. Even if they did ninja gift me the same game and I had to turn one down :-(. Thank you both so much!

*big thank you hug*

Oh, and I forgot to send Fearful the Anna's Quest game, so I will go do that now.
**hugs DD's leg*

Empress_Owl: Stillton !!! :D
Oh, no... you're talking about "frites" (fries).... we're talking about "chips" ;-p
**big gastronomic hug**
Cool that you got some decent sleep too ! :-)) and feel human again ^^
>__o beuarghl. Good evening, blob !.... (I do'nt like being slimmed).
How are you ?
I'm ok,playing Blackguards(thanks again) and window shopping the sale.
CarrionCrow: That's a lot of sleep, but your body must be fighting hard for that kind of recharge time. Might be completely wrong, but that feels like a better thing than trying to recover and not even being able to sleep at all.

I might've gotten lightheaded, but I was also half-asleep, so who knows, honestly.
Given that up until then I had only had a few hours of sleep all week, and on top of some new health stuff, I am hoping the sleep is just what I need to help recover some more. I am hoping that this big sleep will reset my not-sleeping phase so that I can start to get at least my usual 4-5 hours a night.

I am picturing the dogs in your house just looking at each other and rolling their eyes thinking "Crow is at it again". :-)