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EndreWhiteMane: Doing well, back from work and eating lunch.
How's your day, any new games?
CarrionCrow: Woke up at 2. Couldn't go back to sleep. Was screaming at the timer at 6 while at least seventy-five percent asleep, when I couldn't go back to bed because I had things to do. After that, it's been a combo of housework before the roommates get back and trying to shake the cobwebs out.

Picked up Stick It To The Man, Deadnaut and Supreme Ruler 2020 when the rotation switched. Not high priority stuff, but still list items.
Trying out Bound by Flame at the moment and liking it so far. The timing-based combat is good, even when emphasized by spiking the difficulty so I'll get my ass kicked by button mashing.
Fairly eventful compared to mine. ;)
I have a couple of things I'm debating but nothing bought yet.
EndreWhiteMane: Fairly eventful compared to mine. ;)
I have a couple of things I'm debating but nothing bought yet.
Likewise. But they're more expensive, not willing to pull the trigger while there's more stuff waiting in the wings along with someone to play Secret Satan for.
Remind me to never have kids +__+
Nephews gone... time to shower, relax, play some Gettysburg (thanks ElT) and enjoy the rest of the evenoon in silence u__u
AgentBirdnest: Remind me to never have kids +__+
Nephews gone... time to shower, relax, play some Gettysburg (thanks ElT) and enjoy the rest of the evenoon in silence u__u
Really, that's a reminder good enough to spread to everyone. =)
FearfulSymmetry: Well, I ordered them today, so they should be ready in a week or so. :) They're very dark grey (it looks mostly black) Calvin Klein glasses. The fact that I have a sort of contact lens service subscription means I get the frame for free, but I can only choose from about fifteen different types of glasses. This one looked best. :P My previous glasses were Calvin Klein ones as well, so I guess that brand just looks good on me. :)

That's not very fun, but on the other hand, he might see a lot better soon. I remember when I first got glasses a whole new world opened up for me. I had never been able to see so many details. :P
Ho cool !!! :D
My previous ones were Calvin Klein too, it's funny !! :) the side-pieces were red and the glasses outline little white and brown squares...
Yes... I got my first ones at 14, and I should have got them much earlier... but a kid doesn't tell you that he can't see well... :) personally I didn't realize that I just could see better... for me, my vision was 'normality' :)
Empress_Owl: Ho cool !!! :D
My previous ones were Calvin Klein too, it's funny !! :) the side-pieces were red and the glasses outline little white and brown squares...
Yes... I got my first ones at 14, and I should have got them much earlier... but a kid doesn't tell you that he can't see well... :) personally I didn't realize that I just could see better... for me, my vision was 'normality' :)
Haha, go Calvin Klein!

Same here. I didn't realize what I was missing until I put the glasses on. I spent the first week or so walking around in utter amazement, taking my glasses off and putting them back on to compare the difference. ;)
Painted_Doll: Szép volt , jó volt de megcsömörlöttem .

Eljött az idő , hogy elhagyjam a Gog közösséget ( mármint a fórumot ) Már semmi sem érdekel itt .

Köszönöm az elmúlt évek során küldött ajándékokat , a nekem küldött üzeneteket , hozzászólásokat . ( kivéve a kekeckedőket )

Nem fogok többé ajándékokat kérni vagy játék kódokat cserélni . Ne próbáljatok kapcsolatba lépni velem , én sem fogok veletek . Minden közösségi funkcíót letíltottam , semmire nem fogok válaszolni .

További szép estét kívánok mindenkinek .

Viszlát .
:-( aw....
Farewell, Doll... We'll be there if you change your mind. Take care !!! and best wishes for everything in your life.
Painted_Doll: Szép volt , jó volt de megcsömörlöttem .

Eljött az idő , hogy elhagyjam a Gog közösséget ( mármint a fórumot ) Már semmi sem érdekel itt .

Köszönöm az elmúlt évek során küldött ajándékokat , a nekem küldött üzeneteket , hozzászólásokat . ( kivéve a kekeckedőket )

Nem fogok többé ajándékokat kérni vagy játék kódokat cserélni . Ne próbáljatok kapcsolatba lépni velem , én sem fogok veletek . Minden közösségi funkcíót letíltottam , semmire nem fogok válaszolni .

További szép estét kívánok mindenkinek .

Viszlát .
Take care, and stay well.
So I guess that message from Painted_Doll was something about not posting anymore.

Have to say I'll not respond. If people don't write in English here I consider it as that they don't want me to read it. I am also having a feeling of déjà-vu.
Post edited December 05, 2015 by moonshineshadow
moonshineshadow: So I guess that message from Painted_Doll was something about not posting anymore.

Have to say I'll not respond. If people don't write in English here I consider it as that they don't want me to read it. I am also having a feeling of déjà-vu.
Would you like a chip? (Or crisp, or whatever they might be called in German or Swiss.) They're barbecue flavored.
moonshineshadow: So I guess that message from Painted_Doll was something about not posting anymore.

Have to say I'll not respond. If people don't write in English here I consider it as that they don't want me to read it. I am also having a feeling of déjà-vu.
CarrionCrow: Would you like a chip? (Or crisp, or whatever they might be called in German or Swiss.) They're barbecue flavored.
Sure. And it is also chip here, just with a capital letter :D
moonshineshadow: Sure. And it is also chip here, just with a capital letter :D
That would throw me off a little, but it's not too different.

My first thought would be "If these are Chip's, why am I eating them? Did they offer to share? Are they an ass, so I'm being passive-aggressive by eating their snacks without permission?"
moonshineshadow: Sure. And it is also chip here, just with a capital letter :D
CarrionCrow: That would throw me off a little, but it's not too different.

My first thought would be "If these are Chip's, why am I eating them? Did they offer to share? Are they an ass, so I'm being passive-aggressive by eating their snacks without permission?"
*laugh* That is great. But you know we write every noun with a capital letter, so it is normal. And also Chip is not really a name that is common here :D
FearfulSymmetry: Haha, go Calvin Klein!

Same here. I didn't realize what I was missing until I put the glasses on. I spent the first week or so walking around in utter amazement, taking my glasses off and putting them back on to compare the difference. ;)
... I still do, sometimes... :"| lol !!!
moonshineshadow: Have to say I'll not respond. If people don't write in English here I consider it as that they don't want me to read it. I am also having a feeling of déjà-vu.
Déjà-déjà-déjà-vu, by my count...

*Big English hug*