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ddickinson: [...]
Hey there, Battle Sis.
Sorry to hear about the new nasty stuff :-\ I'll be keeping all *fingers crossed* that it doesn't develop into anything more serious.
*really big comforting and healing hugs*
Hmmm. ~15 minutes to go.
Hey all!
Post edited December 04, 2015 by LeoLR
Thank you all. *big thank you hugs*

But no need to worry, I am sure it will be fine. And I am feeling almost okayish, still burning up a little and feeling like I am going to be sick, but not too bad.

So how are you all?
Good afternoon, lovely DD !...
I hope your health will start to gett better soon... why don't you break your immune system's legs ?... that'll teach him... :-( ... **enormous comforting hug**... let's hope everything will improve quickly... **crossing feathers**
Will you stay until today's sale show up ?...
ddickinson: Good day, everyone!

How are you all on this lovely Friday?

I had to spend most of yesterday evening and up until a few hours ago in hospital, sadly. It seems my immune system is starting to act up on top of everything else. It was nothing too serious at the moment, but it can be if it keeps getting worse. I have been given some medication that will hopefully help with that for not, but it is something else I will need to get tests for next week. Fingers crossed it is just a side effect of everything else and not something new. I have to see how things go for the day, if they get any worse I need to go back to hospital to be monitored more and just in case.

But at least I am back home now, I was worried I would be there all weekend. I figured I would make a quick visit and say hello and see how you all are. I will not be staying for too long as I should be resting really, but I fancied a break from all that for a nice cup of tea and the lovely cold breeze we are getting today (I am sitting in the conservatory). Also I needed to check the sale so that I can hopefully get Moon a gift before she beats me to it. And I warn you, if anyone ninja gifts her before I get a change to I will come find you and break your legs. :-)

Also, can you all please give the lovely and generous ELT a big +1 for his lovely gifting. Thank you!
DD, please take it easy. Spend as much time here as is good for you but no more. Do what's right for your body, even if you don't want to. Just rest and recover. If you don't there'll be a Viking heading up there to make sure you do. So do it, please. :-)
Empress_Owl: Good afternoon, lovely DD !...
I hope your health will start to gett better soon... why don't you break your immune system's legs ?... that'll teach him... :-( ... **enormous comforting hug**... let's hope everything will improve quickly... **crossing feathers**
Will you stay until today's sale show up ?...
Do you think breaking it's legs would work? In that case I am going to break its damn legs, then rip them off and beat it to death with its own severed legs. Do you think that would work?

I will stay up. I did not plan to be on at this time, but given how close we are to the change over I will stay for a little while, especially as I am hunting for a Moonshine sale item. :-)

*big sleepy and silly hug*
The ninja squirrel is improving its skills. Now it sneaks. :-)
Stilton: That really is remarkable, and one hell of a depth of talent. The music is professional good, like career good, and what little I've seen of the cartoon has always made me laugh. Skwisgaar's barbecue sauce reaction comes to mind...
CarrionCrow: Yeah, that guy has ridiculous levels of ability. Also, I have got to buy all of Metalocalypse on DVD. Need to write that down so it doesn't get buried in all the other crap on my mind at any time.
I was just thinking the same, a DVD set will have a lot of mileage. Its one of those instantly quotable shows, a sure sign its worth having.
ddickinson: I will stay up. I did not plan to be on at this time, but given how close we are to the change over I will stay for a little while, especially as I am hunting for a Moonshine sale item. :-)
Go and rest! I promise not to buy anything.
*extra big get well hug*
Post edited December 04, 2015 by moonshineshadow
Stilton: If you don't there'll be a Viking heading up there to make sure you do. So do it, please. :-)
Silly person, the prospect of actually meeting someone from here and hanging out is a good thing.
Threaten her with a good time, why don't you? ;P
LeoLR: The ninja squirrel is improving its skills. Now it sneaks. :-)
I saw that, I've been torturing it for killing the snowman. :-)
Stilton: DD, please take it easy. Spend as much time here as is good for you but no more. Do what's right for your body, even if you don't want to. Just rest and recover. If you don't there'll be a Viking heading up there to make sure you do. So do it, please. :-)
Thank you. *big hug*

I won't be staying too long, I just wanted to say hello, and given that we are close to the change in sale I thought I would just wait to see if I can get something for Moon before I call it a day. I am still not sleeping that well, but given how worn out I am I am sure that will remedy itself soon when I just pass out from exhaustion.

And why would I be scared of a Viking? I have my partner making sure I behave, and she is much more effective than a viking. But seriously, she is always taking care of me, she knows me all to well so makes sure I don't overdo things or anything like that, so I am in very safe and lovely hands. :-)

*big silly hug*
Stilton: That's a lot of good stuff. :-) And all of it heading in the right direction....although I can't tell which way the nice smiling lady is heading at this exact moment, not being there and all.... But the rest is good!

Give our best to your wife and tell her to COMPLETELY rely on you for EVERYTHING for the next few weeks AT LEAST. :-) What are friends for, right? ;-)
superstande: :) Thanks! I'll gotta do it, yeah.

That sounds fair :) I hope... :)

She'll be fine, just a bit dazzled from the experience... but she went to visit the local bar already for a bit... So that's a good sign :)
She knows where to get the best medicine, then. :-)
ddickinson: Do you think breaking it's legs would work? In that case I am going to break its damn legs, then rip them off and beat it to death with its own severed legs. Do you think that would work?

I will stay up. I did not plan to be on at this time, but given how close we are to the change over I will stay for a little while, especially as I am hunting for a Moonshine sale item. :-)

*big sleepy and silly hug*
Lol... woohoo ! that's my DD !!!! \o/ **Big happy silly hug**.....
You know about Moon's wishlist ?... it's always been hidden to me... **moar hugs**
moonshineshadow: Go and rest! I promise not to buy anything.
*extra big get well hug*
I promise I will go shortly.

It seems like everyone wants rid of me today. You are all just so mean. :-(
(Only joking. You are all very sweet, thank you.)

But since I was up and having a nice little break from trying to rest, I just thought I would come say hello, and the timing seems to be good so I can wait a little for the sale to refresh. Plus I can't trust those other ninjas to not beat me to it. :-)

*big thank you hug*