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CarrionCrow: Hmm. I spent 3 hours downloading an 8 gig game that's 88 percent off that I was pretty sure would suck before I ever decided to buy the thing.
I feel good about my choices right now.
It would depend on what it's 88% off of. ;-)
What game?
EndreWhiteMane: It would depend on what it's 88% off of. ;-)
What game?
The mentioned game is Lichdom Battlemage. One of the three items I grabbed on the "let's check the page yet again" stage of my waiting for new things to show up.
EndreWhiteMane: It would depend on what it's 88% off of. ;-)
What game?
CarrionCrow: The mentioned game is Lichdom Battlemage. One of the three items I grabbed on the "let's check the page yet again" stage of my waiting for new things to show up.
Doesn't really sound bad, just not as advertised. More like a pretty shooter.
EndreWhiteMane: Doesn't really sound bad, just not as advertised. More like a pretty shooter.
I'll find out in between cursing at Triple Town. (Yay mystery gifts. <^> (O.o) <^>)
Post edited December 04, 2015 by CarrionCrow
EndreWhiteMane: Doesn't really sound bad, just not as advertised. More like a pretty shooter.
CarrionCrow: I'll find out in between cursing at Triple Town. (Yay mystery gifts. <^> (O.o) <^>)
Keep forgetting to ask, have you tried Hong Kong yet?
CarrionCrow: I'll find out in between cursing at Triple Town. (Yay mystery gifts. <^> (O.o) <^>)
EndreWhiteMane: Keep forgetting to ask, have you tried Hong Kong yet?
Yes, bought it when it first came out, beat it a while back.
EndreWhiteMane: Keep forgetting to ask, have you tried Hong Kong yet?
CarrionCrow: Yes, bought it when it first came out, beat it a while back.
CarrionCrow: Yes, bought it when it first came out, beat it a while back.
EndreWhiteMane: Recommended?
Have you beaten Returns and Dragonfall already?
EndreWhiteMane: Doesn't really sound bad, just not as advertised. More like a pretty shooter.
CarrionCrow: I'll find out in between cursing at Triple Town. (Yay mystery gifts. <^> (O.o) <^>)
But it is such a cute game :P
(I don't even remember when or why I got that)
EndreWhiteMane: Recommended?
CarrionCrow: Have you beaten Returns and Dragonfall already?
Not yet, just wondering since it's on sale.
Alright....trying to get some sleep now. Good night everyone.
ElTerprise: Alright....trying to get some sleep now. Good night everyone.
Night sir, sleep well.
CarrionCrow: Have you beaten Returns and Dragonfall already?
EndreWhiteMane: Not yet, just wondering since it's on sale.
It's not bad. It's also not fantastic. If you've played Returns, and definitely if you've played Dragonfall, the primary structure is going to feel pretty frigging familiar. (As in samey as all hell.)
The characters are interesting, aside from one or two, the gameplay's all right if pretty much exactly the same as Dragonfall.
The points that really stick out as bad are the last level, the last boss, and the ending. The last level is a joke, the last boss even moreso, and the ending is one of those variable "you get the best ending if you took the time to do shit you didn't know you have to do to get the best ending" kinda deals.

All in all, thought it was all right, but I certainly won't be pre-ordering the next one in the series until I have confirmation that it's not largely a rehash of the last two.

If you've got a backlog the size of a small country, and you haven't played the other two yet, you can probably get away with waiting another 6 months when it'll probably be at the same 80 percent off that Dragonfall is now.
ElTerprise: Alright....trying to get some sleep now. Good night everyone.
Have a good night, sleep well when you get there. =)
Post edited December 04, 2015 by CarrionCrow
EndreWhiteMane: Not yet, just wondering since it's on sale.
CarrionCrow: It's not bad. It's also not fantastic. If you've played Returns, and definitely if you've played Dragonfall, the primary structure is going to feel pretty frigging familiar. (As in samey as all hell.)
The characters are interesting, aside from one or two, the gameplay's all right if pretty much exactly the same as Dragonfall.
The points that really stick out as bad are the last level, the last boss, and the ending. The last level is a joke, the last boss even moreso, and the ending is one of those variable "you get the best ending if you took the time to do shit you didn't know you have to do to get the best ending" kinda deals.

All in all, thought it was all right, but I certainly won't be pre-ordering the next one in the series until I have confirmation that it's not largely a rehash of the last two.

If you've got a backlog the size of a small country, and you haven't played the other two yet, you can probably get away with waiting another 6 months when it'll probably be at the same 80 percent off that Dragonfall is now.
I agree, I'll pass on it for now, thanks.
EndreWhiteMane: I agree, I'll pass on it for now, thanks.
Not a problem. 10 dollars is a fair bit of coin to spend on an iffy item during a big sale. Only spent 13 on Rebel Galaxy based on people here speaking well of it.

Additional - Now playing Triple Town, because fuck everything. Trying to get bears to attack the villagers, but this fetid pile of goat shit won't let me.
Post edited December 04, 2015 by CarrionCrow