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moonshineshadow: But I'll play the Longest Journey games one day :D
CarrionCrow: Don't feel bad. I have hundreds of games in that particular pile.
These two quotes make me realize again that I haven't played The Longest Journey. Coming up on the 11th anniversary of my backest-logged game ;-)
Post edited December 03, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
CarrionCrow: Don't feel bad. I have hundreds of games in that particular pile.
AgentBirdnest: These two quotes make me realize again that I haven't played The Longest Journey. Coming up on the 11th anniversary of my backest-logged game ;-)
Perhaps we should decide on a date where we both start playing it :D
ElTerprise: You're going to smoke weed?

Just kidding :P
Never actually tried it. Can't say I'm particularly excited to do so. Not a big fan of anything altering my mind. Still, I wouldn't pass up an opportunity if it came to me - I'll try almost anything once :-p
moonshineshadow: Perhaps we should decide on a date where we both start playing it :D
Your birthday? ;-)

Might not be a bad idea, really. Kick each other in the behind to finally get it done. Like a homework assignment. As a wise viking once told me, "These backlogs are like the best homework in the world." :-)
Post edited December 03, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
ElTerprise: So you wouldn't notice an apocalypse immediately then? Aside from the possible zombies and mutants of course :)
But knowing that kind of weather would make it easier to survive such situations i guess....

Hm...honestly in that case i prefer the cold and rainy weather we usually have here :)
I've said more than once that this place could be nuked and you wouldn't be able to tell from landscape alone.

Yeah, you've got me beat there, definitely. I'll take your rain over this, any day.
AgentBirdnest: These two quotes make me realize again that I haven't played The Longest Journey. Coming up on the 11th anniversary of my backest-logged game ;-)
Haven't played that one yet either....

AgentBirdnest: ê__ê
Never actually tried it. Can't say I'm particularly excited to do so. Not a big fan of anything altering my mind. Still, I wouldn't pass up an opportunity if it came to me - I'll try almost anything once :-p
Me neither....but same as you I'd certainly try it once...maybe i should travel to Amsterdam :P
CarrionCrow: I've said more than once that this place could be nuked and you wouldn't be able to tell from landscape alone.

Yeah, you've got me beat there, definitely. I'll take your rain over this, any day.
But the radiation would be noticeable quite early... ;)

Well that's understandable....

(It always annoys me when movies / tv shows / games ignore the radioactive fallout....classic example would be The Sum of All Fears (the movie))
Post edited December 03, 2015 by ElTerprise
moonshineshadow: Perhaps we should decide on a date where we both start playing it :D
AgentBirdnest: Your birthday? ;-)

Might not be a bad idea, really. Kick each other in the behind to finally get it done. Like a homework assignment. As a wise viking once told me, "These backlogs are like the best homework in the world." :-)
Nice try ;-)

But it might really be a good idea. And that quote is great :D
ElTerprise: But the radiation would be noticeable quite early... ;)
Yes it would. Not close enough to military installations to be killed instantly, but certainly close enough that I'll die slightly more slowly and a whole lot more painfully from radiation poisoning.
CarrionCrow: Yes it would. Not close enough to military installations to be killed instantly, but certainly close enough that I'll die slightly more slowly and a whole lot more painfully from radiation poisoning.
Well there is a reason no should ever use that kind of weaponry again....and should be careful with using nuclear technology....
CarrionCrow: Stupid damned weather...finally gets warm enough to put the dogs out for a bit, now it's looking like they'll be a sandstorm so I need to bring them back in. Wonderful.
Hmm. It's been raining steadily here since last night. Maybe if we combined them, we could give your dogs a nice mudbath to play in? :D
penumbren: Hmm. It's been raining steadily here since last night. Maybe if we combined them, we could give your dogs a nice mudbath to play in? :D
-laughs- That would result in me bringing them in. Shudder to think of how much trouble it'd be trying to bathe them.
I love this. I'm the only one in the country with good weather right now and everyone thinks I'm nuts for living where I do because of the weather. XD

Of course as soon as I finish typing the sky is going to rain fire down on me. :P
Hey guys just came back from the school! How are you all doing?
Son of a bitch, this waiting is getting annoying. Still have a bit of money, still have a list with items on it, and there's no way in hell I'm gambling and getting more crap games out of the deal.
CarrionCrow: Son of a bitch, this waiting is getting annoying. Still have a bit of money, still have a list with items on it, and there's no way in hell I'm gambling and getting more crap games out of the deal.
Awww. But if you gamble until you have no money left you'll give us the chance to ninja gift you :P
low rated
CarrionCrow: Son of a bitch, this waiting is getting annoying. Still have a bit of money, still have a list with items on it, and there's no way in hell I'm gambling and getting more crap games out of the deal.
moonshineshadow: Awww. But if you gamble until you have no money left you'll give us the chance to ninja gift you :P
or not