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EndreWhiteMane: ...
That evil squirrel. And it was only this morning me and Agent were talking about the Snowman cartoon with David Bowie. Good job we sent Agent to take care of that pesky squirrel. :-)
Hello again everyone :)
Poor little snowman...
EndreWhiteMane: Amnesia the Dark Descent is a very good game.
ddickinson: Have your played Outlast? There is a scene on the DLC that I am sure all the guys will love. O_O
No I haven't, a bit too gory for me.
By the way, Endre, I've been meaning to say I like your avatar. I can just hear him yelling, "Get off my snow!"
Post edited December 03, 2015 by Stilton
EndreWhiteMane: No I haven't, a bit too gory for me.
I can understand that. Between the usual crazy inmates, the mutilations, the decapitations, the full frontal nudity, and even necrophilia, it is a little gory.
(lost my chat)
*sneaks into thread and jumps on endre's lawn*


Starting my 3 year nursing program in april! (at least it looks like i will)
dfektive: Agent?
(lost my chat)
(Where did it go? ô__ô)
Stilton: I can see why this is becoming a regular thing....
Haha, yes. I can't help it if I can't resist tasty food. ;)
EndreWhiteMane: No I haven't, a bit too gory for me.
ddickinson: I can understand that. Between the usual crazy inmates, the mutilations, the decapitations, the full frontal nudity, and even necrophilia, it is a little gory.
Are you talking about Eastenders?
AgentBirdnest: (I hope so! ElT is not around to revive me with his Agent Revival Kit™ again!)
*phew*! :-)
Don't you mean Agent Resurrection Kit™ ? :)
Soccorro: *sneaks into thread and jumps on endre's lawn*


Starting my 3 year nursing program in april! (at least it looks like i will)
Congratulations! I hope you have lots of fun chained up in Endre's basement with the other nurses. :-)
Soccorro: *sneaks into thread and jumps on endre's lawn*


Starting my 3 year nursing program in april! (at least it looks like i will)
That's awesome news! Congratulations. :-)
Careful on the lawn, I haven't cleaned up after the dog yet. :-)
ElTerprise: Don't you mean Agent Resurrection Kit™ ? :)
Ho, right :-p