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I wanted to try the mystery game too... but I had "consortium"... already have it :-((
Is someone interested to give him a nice home, please ?
Empress_Owl: I see... Are you still interested, now you're 16 ? :)
A bit, yeah... Though I'm not 16, I'm 19 B"|
Empress_Owl: I wanted to try the mystery game too... but I had "consortium"... already have it :-((
Is someone interested to give him a nice home, please ?
Shall we get Agent to burn that damn squirrel for not giving you a game you need? :-)
(I already own the game, but good luck finding it a new home. *big hug*)
ddickinson: Of course, it is always worth a try, especially as the code will expire soon.
Yep. Although I'm giving up hope that it'll find a home before then. :P
ddickinson: But doesn't that mean two of something a day, not every two days?
Errr... uh... I guess so, yeah >__o
So, this is a... Daily Half? [/bad at logic] :-)
Post edited December 03, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
Empress_Owl: I wanted to try the mystery game too... but I had "consortium"... already have it :-((
Is someone interested to give him a nice home, please ?
Already got it from the previous pinata. :) Good luck finding someone for it!
FearfulSymmetry: Well, christmas organizing is not too bad. You can get into that nice holiday mood. ;) I've got a very simple christmas planned for this year, I'll be staying over with a friend.
Simple Christmases good. Stilton like simple Christmases. *beats chest to prove point...*

Its when they get too complicated that the fun starts to disappear. Luckily we've all decided to go the easy route this time.

It sounds like yours is going to be good :-)
AgentBirdnest: Errr... uh... I guess so, yeah >__o
So, this is a... Daily Half? [/bad at logic] :-)
But wouldn't a Daily Half mean half one day and half the next? [/more bad logic] :-)
ddickinson: Shall we get Agent to burn that damn squirrel for not giving you a game you need? :-)
(I already own the game, but good luck finding it a new home. *big hug*)
Yes, please !!! :'-(,',,',',,'

By the way, looking on my shelf... I also still have :

to get rid off (I can't play them myself, because I'm a wuss) :"|
... anyone interested ?
EndreWhiteMane: It was my birthday and the people here made it an awesome one. :-)
Happy Belated Birthday, Endre! Glad it was a fun and memorable day.

ddickinson: [...] So I am bad at being bad as well? :-) [...]
Hahaha, yep, would look that way!

ddickinson: [...]

That is true again. But since when are companies logical. Many go out of business for not making improvements before it was too late. I guess the best hope would be that once Galaxy is done and finished that they will turn their attention to the site and other areas. Or we can let you lead an expedition of angry forum members to go capture the GOG HQ and elect you as the new ruler. :-)
Oh dear, If we have to wait for Galaxy to be done, it's going to be a very long wait.

ddickinson: But... then how can they be daily deals? o_O
It's in GOG-time! ;-)
Stilton: Simple Christmases good. Stilton like simple Christmases. *beats chest to prove point...*

Its when they get too complicated that the fun starts to disappear. Luckily we've all decided to go the easy route this time.

It sounds like yours is going to be good :-)
Yep, I spent it at my friend's place last year as well and we had an excellent time just lazing about and watching christmas-y movies. And her father's an excellent cook (he worked in a restaurant) so the dinner is always lovely. :)

Simple is nice because it avoids fuss that detracts from the experience of just having a good tiem together. :)
Empress_Owl: I wanted to try the mystery game too... but I had "consortium"... already have it :-((
Is someone interested to give him a nice home, please ?
ddickinson: Shall we get Agent to burn that damn squirrel for not giving you a game you need? :-)
(I already own the game, but good luck finding it a new home. *big hug*)
I think we should all click the button at the same time and give her whiplash for killing that poor snowman.
Stilton: Excellent!!

I'll put it here so fearful can see it. :-)
FearfulSymmetry: ...
Haha, oh yes, that would be a good way of taking revenge. You read my mind, Leo. ;)
There is no error with Calvin & Hobbes. They always put a smile on my face. :-)
Stilton: They're one of my favourites. :-)

Hello, by the way - the thread is moving almost too fast to keep up with. Excellent decision about buying your son a toy gun - he needs a childhood and if any adults think that's the wrong toy, they have the problem and not you or Owlet Mk1.

It sounds like you've been busy getting Christmas together - I've done hardly anything. I must start today and be a serious festive Viking!
Empress_Owl: Me too !! Definitely my favourite comedy movies !! ^^
You're right, hello !!! :-o **Big owly viking hug** (we almost forget to be polite... :) ... all you lovely people talk far too much... !!)
Thanks for your support :) yes, I think they need a childhood more than ever, and it's a period of your life that passes so quickly... and never comes back... so I wish they enjoy it as much as they can... worries and stuff will have plenty of time later...
Ho, not at all !!! I've just started today :-D I was waiting to be paid, because last month was a bit difficult financially :) ... So I have still 3-4 kids presents to find, and 1 adult... :)
Searching for presents is fun. :-) I haven't done any Christmas shopping yet, so I'd better hurry up. Its great when you start ticking things off lists. Do your owlets have Christmas stockings?
Empress_Owl: Yes, please !!! :'-(,',,',',,'

By the way, looking on my shelf... I also still have :

to get rid off (I can't play them myself, because I'm a wuss) :"|
... anyone interested ?
What game were you hoping to get from the mystery game if you could pick any game?

I already own them both, but thank you. Do you not like scary games at all?

HypersomniacLive: Hahaha, yep, would look that way!

Oh dear, If we have to wait for Galaxy to be done, it's going to be a very long wait.

It's in GOG-time! ;-)
I can live with that. I would rather be bad at being bad than good at being bad. :-)

It would indeed. I have never tired it, but does it still need a lot of work before it becomes a full release?

GOG-time? Do you mean like soon™? :-)
Post edited December 03, 2015 by ddickinson