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FearfulSymmetry: Thank you! :)

Oh, that sounds nice! Did you get some good presents?
Yes ! some colorful modeling clay + a doctor case for one of my nephews, and 2 little guns with foam bullets for my son (which could make some people feel weird, considering the circumstances, but... well. I don't want my kids to have to stop 'being kids' because of that... so... adults should better make allowances...) :)
Plus, I got two 25 euros discount tickets, that I must use next week and the week after, so I'll go back for further purchases...
Stilton: We've got some really nice garden centres around here. 'Country' Christmases are far nicer than city ones because of the abundance of nature all around. I'd far rather be where I am now at Christmas than where I used to live in London. And you're right, Christmas shopping anywhere in London can be pretty awful. We usually get some reindeer sightings about now, too, which is always nice. All this talk of Christmas makes me think I should be doing things instead of sitting at my PC...
I have never really had a city Christmas. Even when I was a student I always used to go home for Christmas. It seemed a lot more hectic in the more built up cities. I remember Christmas shopping in York being very busy, so I can only imagine how a city with the population of London manages at Christmas time.

Ah yes, those fable things away from the PC (or tablet in my case). I would love to be off doing some lovely things, but at the moment I am stuck passing the time with some house work, and sorting a few things while chatting on here. Sadly things are not so good at the moment with my health, so I am especially not allowed to do things I might want to do, at least not without someone there just in case. But hopefully that will pass and I can start to get better. It better had, I have had enough of being ill this year. :-)
Stilton: Morning, Endre. :-)

Nice to see you're still glowing. :-)
EndreWhiteMane: Thanks, and I just flipped a coin to see if I'll get a mystery game and it came up heads for yes.
My present to me. :-)
-laughs- What did you get? I'm really in two minds about trying that one out - there's such a lot here I feel indifferent about. Although it could always be used later as a gift. Maybe I will have a go...
Stilton: I could watch Monty Python all day. I have Life of Brian put aside as one of my Christmas films - it seems very fitting at this time of year. I can already feel the quotes searching for a way out...!
:-o hhhhhh awesome idea.... !! ..... I love Monty Pythons. :)
EndreWhiteMane: Thanks, and I just flipped a coin to see if I'll get a mystery game and it came up heads for yes.
My present to me. :-)
Stilton: -laughs- What did you get? I'm really in two minds about trying that one out - there's such a lot here I feel indifferent about. Although it could always be used later as a gift. Maybe I will have a go...
Breach & Clear, not great but I can live with it. :-)
... there are no new offers today ?... :-|
FearfulSymmetry: I might fall on my butt as well. I'm a terrible dancer and I'm quite clumsy. ;)
Well, in that case. *joins in with Fearful's happy dance* :-)

HypersomniacLive: Emmm. no, you're just bad bad bad! ;-P

Oh, I'm well aware that we here on the forum are a tiny drop, but we don't know what volume and sorts of suggestions/requests/complaints support is receiving - don't forget that GOG told us that the unbundling happened because of the countless requests for it they received via support. ;-P

And the prudent thing to do is to start improving things before you stop making money.
So I am bad at being bad as well? :-)

So that is how it happened, and here I was thinking it had something to do with Galaxy, the optional client. :-)

That is true again. But since when are companies logical. Many go out of business for not making improvements before it was too late. I guess the best hope would be that once Galaxy is done and finished that they will turn their attention to the site and other areas. Or we can let you lead an expedition of angry forum members to go capture the GOG HQ and elect you as the new ruler. :-)
Empress_Owl: ... there are no new offers today ?... :-|
I guess not. The first wave is a 48-hour deal.
Empress_Owl: ... there are no new offers today ?... :-|
The first round is for 2 days, then it will change every day.
Only thing new is Dreamfall chapter 4.

Missed it by that much. :-)
Post edited December 03, 2015 by EndreWhiteMane
AgentBirdnest: I guess not. The first wave is a 48-hour deal.
But... then how can they be daily deals? o_O
Stilton: I could watch Monty Python all day. I have Life of Brian put aside as one of my Christmas films - it seems very fitting at this time of year. I can already feel the quotes searching for a way out...!
Empress_Owl: :-o hhhhhh awesome idea.... !! ..... I love Monty Pythons. :)
They're one of my favourites. :-)

Hello, by the way - the thread is moving almost too fast to keep up with. Excellent decision about buying your son a toy gun - he needs a childhood and if any adults think that's the wrong toy, they have the problem and not you or Owlet Mk1.

It sounds like you've been busy getting Christmas together - I've done hardly anything. I must start today and be a serious festive Viking!
I figured i would try my luck on the mystery game just once, and I got Anna's Quest. Which is not too bad. Now I am off to find it a good home as I already own it. :-)
Stilton: -laughs- What did you get? I'm really in two minds about trying that one out - there's such a lot here I feel indifferent about. Although it could always be used later as a gift. Maybe I will have a go...
EndreWhiteMane: Breach & Clear, not great but I can live with it. :-)
I bought that the last sale. Its not A list, but decent enough to get involved with for a while. Could've been worse... :-)
AgentBirdnest: I guess not. The first wave is a 48-hour deal.
Ha ok thanks... :"> I didn't read the small lines...
EndreWhiteMane: The first round is for 2 days, then it will change every day.
Only thing new is Dreamfall chapter 4.

Missed it by that much. :-)
Thanks you too Endre :">
hihi yeah you've been ninja'd !!... ^^
Post edited December 03, 2015 by Empress_Owl
Stilton: Sorry about the snowball, it was thrown with affection (if that's possible...).

Well done on your dissertation, its nice that all of your effort has been rewarded. :-) And Holy Grail as a celebration! That's a great film. I could watch Monty Python all day. I have Life of Brian put aside as one of my Christmas films - it seems very fitting at this time of year. I can already feel the quotes searching for a way out...!

I'm doing well. :-) I think I'll get stuck into some Christmas organizing a bit later - talking with DD has got me feeling even more festive and, until I get something substantial done, somewhat nervous... In the past when I've left things until too late its felt like being chased by goblin hoards (or similar). :-0
Yeah, right. ;) *throws snowball at Stilton*

Haha, yes! I'm looking forward to experiencing it in the cinema, as it's one of my favorites. Life of Brian is excellent as well, I think I still have a dvd of that lying around somewhere. :D

Well, christmas organizing is not too bad. You can get into that nice holiday mood. ;) I've got a very simple christmas planned for this year, I'll be staying over with a friend.
Empress_Owl: Yes ! some colorful modeling clay + a doctor case for one of my nephews, and 2 little guns with foam bullets for my son (which could make some people feel weird, considering the circumstances, but... well. I don't want my kids to have to stop 'being kids' because of that... so... adults should better make allowances...) :)
Plus, I got two 25 euros discount tickets, that I must use next week and the week after, so I'll go back for further purchases...
Seems like you got some good presents. And yeah, children should be allowed be children. As long as the toys are safe I don't think it's any problem. ;) I remember I used to do sword fights with tree branches as a child, and this is not really much different.

Good luck on that future spending! I might buy myself some jewelry tonight as I still have a voucher worth eight euros.

ddickinson: Well, in that case. *joins in with Fearful's happy dance* :-)
*super awesome happy dance with DD*
Post edited December 03, 2015 by FearfulSymmetry