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Empress_Owl: Great... good luck with your work... :)
I'm doing good, thanks !
Just ate and went to buy some christmas presents... which is always funny :)
FearfulSymmetry: Thank you! :)

Oh, that sounds nice! Did you get some good presents?

ddickinson: Hello, lovely Fearful!

Glad to see you are doing fine, and good luck with the manuscript. *big hug*
FearfulSymmetry: Thank you, DD. *super big hug*

I also just received an e-mail stating I got the dissertation supervisor I requested, which probably means that my favorite topic got approved, so I'm happy about that. :)

XxXSprayvWarXxX: Hello Fearful, glad to hear you are doing fine! :) I'm gonna got to the extra school soon other than that I'm fine! :)
FearfulSymmetry: Good to hear you're doing well, and good luck with school.

Stilton: *throws a snowball at Fearful* :-)

Hi, there. How's your day?
FearfulSymmetry: *snowball ends up smack dab in the middle of Fearful's face, getting caught under her glasses*

*starts to gather up snow for a huge revenge*

I'm fine! Just got some good news about my dissertation, so that brightened my day even more. Tonight I'm going to see Monty Python and the Holy Grail in the cinema, they're doing a one-off repeat of it to celebrate its anniversary.

How are you doing?
Thank you so much! :)
AgentBirdnest: Sounds scary ,',',':-| Bon courage...
I'm doing good. Quite happy that I seem to have finally solved the speed issues with my computer. I'll take the thing out for some ice-cream later to celebrate ;-)
It is. :P I can barely read some of it, and this is one of the nicer-looking texts ...

Mmmmmmm ice cream. Good to hear you resolved those issues, what was wrong?
EndreWhiteMane: Morning all, and hello Hyper, we miss you around here.
Sounds like everyone is OK or better today, glad to read that.
On my second coffee and waking up, still smiling from yesterday, thank you all again. :-)
Stilton: Morning, Endre. :-)

Nice to see you're still glowing. :-)
Thanks, and I just flipped a coin to see if I'll get a mystery game and it came up heads for yes.
My present to me. :-)
Conversational Free for all Thread Song of the Day

Today's number is one of my personal favorites

You Gotta Get What You Give
FearfulSymmetry: Thank you, DD. *super big hug*

I also just received an e-mail stating I got the dissertation supervisor I requested, which probably means that my favorite topic got approved, so I'm happy about that. :)
That is wonderful news. Fingers crossed you get your favourite topic approved. *big happy hug*
EndreWhiteMane: Thanks, and I just flipped a coin to see if I'll get a mystery game and it came up heads for yes.
My present to me. :-)
Hm, you're gambling to decide whether you're going to gamble.

I approve! :P
ddickinson: That is wonderful news. Fingers crossed you get your favourite topic approved. *big happy hug*
Thanks! *happy dance hug*
Post edited December 03, 2015 by FearfulSymmetry
ddickinson: It is indeed. But as you say, there is always hopefully another time we can enjoy the holiday. I do not mind too much about missing it, as I said, as long as I am with my partner I will be happy.

I am lucky enough to live so far from civilisation that I escape a lot of the busy shopping locations. We do like to go for a lovely browse around some of the larger areas in some of the bigger cities, just to see all the lovely decorations and things. But once the crowds are too big then it definitely does not feel that nice. I bet shopping in London would be a nightmare at Christmas due to the crowds. Garden Centres are often lovely places at Christmas, as they put on a lovely effort and have such unique things in them. And if you are lucky they sometimes have real reindeers as well, which is nice for the kids at Christmas.
We've got some really nice garden centres around here. 'Country' Christmases are far nicer than city ones because of the abundance of nature all around. I'd far rather be where I am now at Christmas than where I used to live in London. And you're right, Christmas shopping anywhere in London can be pretty awful. We usually get some reindeer sightings about now, too, which is always nice. All this talk of Christmas makes me think I should be doing things instead of sitting at my PC...
FearfulSymmetry: Mmmmmmm ice cream. Good to hear you resolved those issues, what was wrong?
Turned out to be the Windows Update service. It was causing a massive memory leak, slowing everything down to a crawl. I disabled it, and haven't had any more trouble. Such a simple solution ô__ô
Post edited December 03, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
FearfulSymmetry: Thanks! *happy dance hug*
*Watches Fearful's awesome happy dance. Because if I join in at the moment I will probably end up falling on my butt.* :-)
Good morning/afternoon, everyone!
I hope your day is going fine!

I received my assingment for the Secret Santa and now it's time to collect a few codes. :-)
AgentBirdnest: Turned out to be the Windows Update service. It was causing a massive memory leak, slowing everything down to a crawl. I disabled it, and haven't had any more trouble. Such a simple solution ô__ô
Stupid WIndows stuff. Those things always seem to cause trouble sooner or later. Luckily you figured it out!

ddickinson: *Watches Fearful's awesome happy dance. Because if I join in at the moment I will probably end up falling on my butt.* :-)
I might fall on my butt as well. I'm a terrible dancer and I'm quite clumsy. ;)

LeoLR: Good morning/afternoon, everyone!
I hope your day is going fine!

I received my assingment for the Secret Santa and now it's time to collect a few codes. :-)
Hey! I'm doing well, how are you?
moonshineshadow: [...] *note to self: I must be crazy*
That or you want to make me work twice as hard. Hmmm...

EndreWhiteMane: Morning all, and hello Hyper, we miss you around here.
Sounds like everyone is OK or better today, glad to read that.
On my second coffee and waking up, still smiling from yesterday, thank you all again. :-)
Hey Endre, good to see you, and good to hear you're doing good.
Sounds like I missed something big - if I may ask, what was yesterday?

ddickinson: I never considered that, I guess I am a bad and unexperienced prankster. But still, at least they would not have the humiliation of wetting themselves. :-) [...]
Emmm. no, you're just bad bad bad! ;-P

ddickinson: [...]

That is true, but it is also common for companies to simply refuse and go under. I guess as long as GOG is still making money, they see no real reason to improve things at the moment, especially not for a few vocal people on the forum, which now accounts for a tiny fraction of their customer base.
Oh, I'm well aware that we here on the forum are a tiny drop, but we don't know what volume and sorts of suggestions/requests/complaints support is receiving - don't forget that GOG told us that the unbundling happened because of the countless requests for it they received via support. ;-P

And the prudent thing to do is to start improving things before you stop making money.

Stilton: -laughs- The old ways are best, even if they make your loved ones' teeth chatter... ;-)
Bet they appreciate the nice fire, food and mead all the more afterwards! ;-)
Post edited December 03, 2015 by HypersomniacLive
BillyMaysFan59: Conversational Free for all Thread Song of the Day

Today's number is one of my personal favorites

You Gotta Get What You Give
Hooo! Very nice :-)
I always loved this one... I'm not even sure I've heard another song by them. Maybe I should listen to a few others. Thanks Billy, and I hope you are well :-)

edit : Ho wow, only one album? I didn't know it was such a short-lived band.
Post edited December 03, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
EndreWhiteMane: Morning all, and hello Hyper, we miss you around here.
Sounds like everyone is OK or better today, glad to read that.
On my second coffee and waking up, still smiling from yesterday, thank you all again. :-)
HypersomniacLive: Hey Endre, good to see you, and good to hear you're doing good.
Sounds like I missed something big - if I may ask, what was yesterday?
It was my birthday and the people here made it an awesome one. :-)
Stilton: *throws a snowball at Fearful* :-)

Hi, there. How's your day?
FearfulSymmetry: *snowball ends up smack dab in the middle of Fearful's face, getting caught under her glasses*

*starts to gather up snow for a huge revenge*

I'm fine! Just got some good news about my dissertation, so that brightened my day even more. Tonight I'm going to see Monty Python and the Holy Grail in the cinema, they're doing a one-off repeat of it to celebrate its anniversary.

How are you doing?
Sorry about the snowball, it was thrown with affection (if that's possible...).

Well done on your dissertation, its nice that all of your effort has been rewarded. :-) And Holy Grail as a celebration! That's a great film. I could watch Monty Python all day. I have Life of Brian put aside as one of my Christmas films - it seems very fitting at this time of year. I can already feel the quotes searching for a way out...!

I'm doing well. :-) I think I'll get stuck into some Christmas organizing a bit later - talking with DD has got me feeling even more festive and, until I get something substantial done, somewhat nervous... In the past when I've left things until too late its felt like being chased by goblin hoards (or similar). :-0