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Morning all, and hello Hyper, we miss you around here.
Sounds like everyone is OK or better today, glad to read that.
On my second coffee and waking up, still smiling from yesterday, thank you all again. :-)
HypersomniacLive: And risk giving them a heart attack at the same time? That's an odd sense of "kinder"... ;-P
I never considered that, I guess I am a bad and unexperienced prankster. But still, at least they would not have the humiliation of wetting themselves. :-)

HypersomniacLive: Since when do you need a special occasion for victimising someone in that way? ;-D
But the Secret Santa is different, it is a special occasion. Plus my victim last year was someone lovely who I loved to gift games to, so that made it even more fun.

HypersomniacLive: In the very rare occasion they're forced to?
That is true, but it is also common for companies to simply refuse and go under. I guess as long as GOG is still making money, they see no real reason to improve things at the moment, especially not for a few vocal people on the forum, which now accounts for a tiny fraction of their customer base.
XxXSprayvWarXxX: Owl's name! :)
Empress_Owl: Hum... since you call everybody by their GOG's names, why don't you call me "Owl", like the others ?... it would be less weird to me... thanks ! :)
Well I don;t know their real names, I only know yours! :) , but okay I will call you owl! :)
FearfulSymmetry: *mega hug*

Quite well, trying to get some work done on my edition of a medieval text. How are you? :)
Great... good luck with your work... :)
I'm doing good, thanks !
Just ate and went to buy some christmas presents... which is always funny :)
Stilton: I absolutely agree :-)

How about you? I'll bet you've been planning things for a few days already and working out how to make Christmas as happy as possible.
ddickinson: Sadly I had to cancel most of my plans due to my health. Originally me and my partner had planned a lovely holiday over Christmas in a nice secluded log cabin in Norway. It was just going to be the two of us in the lovely snow, woods, and countryside of Norway. But that had to be cancelled due to my health. But I am still looking forward to a lovely Christmas at home, and I already have he place looking nice and festive. I don't really care where I am or how I spend it, just as long as I get to spend it with my partner. Present shopping has not been that fun this year, again due to my health. I normally love going shopping for gifts with my partner, but this horrible health stuff ruined all that. I did manage to get a few really lovely presents for my partner without her knowing, so hopefully she will love them.
Its annoying that health matters have got in the way of how you'd like to do things. But you're finding alternatives and determined to get as much of Christmas as you can. The holiday, although a loss, can still happen at another time, and although it would've been a lovely location, as you well know, Christmas comes from within and being with those who matter most can make it special regardless of where you are. I do quite a lot of online shopping at Christmas as the novelty of competing with thousands of others to get what you want (plus risking colds) wore off some time ago. I like to shop if I know I have some time in hand and can get in and out of the shops with as little hassle as possible. Christmas shopping atmosphere is good, but the squash and squeeze aren't. Once you have everything done and can settle together into your cozy nook, it'll all be good. :-)
FearfulSymmetry: *waves at thread* :)
Hello, lovely Fearful!

Glad to see you are doing fine, and good luck with the manuscript. *big hug*

EndreWhiteMane: Morning all, and hello Hyper, we miss you around here.
Sounds like everyone is OK or better today, glad to read that.
On my second coffee and waking up, still smiling from yesterday, thank you all again. :-)
Good morning, Endre! *big hug*
XxXSprayvWarXxX: Well I don;t know their real names, I only know yours! :) , but okay I will call you owl! :)
Ok, thanks.
XxXSprayvWarXxX: Well I don;t know their real names, I only know yours! :) , but okay I will call you owl! :)
Empress_Owl: Ok, thanks.
No problem! :)
Stilton: [...] But its not like I force them to get into the spirit of things if they don't want to; that would make me an awful bully. Its just that if they don't I banish them to the wintry wastes to live on berries and lichen for a few days while I sit in front of the fire and stuff myself silly on mince pies and port. :-)
HypersomniacLive: Phew, for a moment there I thought you abandoned all Viking traditions! ;-D
-laughs- The old ways are best, even if they make your loved ones' teeth chatter... ;-)
FearfulSymmetry: *waves at thread* :)
Hello Fearful, glad to hear you are doing fine! :) I'm gonna got to the extra school soon other than that I'm fine! :)
FearfulSymmetry: *waves at thread* :)
*throws a snowball at Fearful* :-)

Hi, there. How's your day?
Stilton: Its annoying that health matters have got in the way of how you'd like to do things. But you're finding alternatives and determined to get as much of Christmas as you can. The holiday, although a loss, can still happen at another time, and although it would've been a lovely location, as you well know, Christmas comes from within and being with those who matter most can make it special regardless of where you are. I do quite a lot of online shopping at Christmas as the novelty of competing with thousands of others to get what you want (plus risking colds) wore off some time ago. I like to shop if I know I have some time in hand and can get in and out of the shops with as little hassle as possible. Christmas shopping atmosphere is good, but the squash and squeeze aren't. Once you have everything done and can settle together into your cozy nook, it'll all be good. :-)
It is indeed. But as you say, there is always hopefully another time we can enjoy the holiday. I do not mind too much about missing it, as I said, as long as I am with my partner I will be happy.

I am lucky enough to live so far from civilisation that I escape a lot of the busy shopping locations. We do like to go for a lovely browse around some of the larger areas in some of the bigger cities, just to see all the lovely decorations and things. But once the crowds are too big then it definitely does not feel that nice. I bet shopping in London would be a nightmare at Christmas due to the crowds. Garden Centres are often lovely places at Christmas, as they put on a lovely effort and have such unique things in them. And if you are lucky they sometimes have real reindeers as well, which is nice for the kids at Christmas.
FearfulSymmetry: Working on a transcription of a medieval text, straining my eyes to read the manuscript. :P Other than that I'm fine. How are you? :)
Sounds scary ,',',':-| Bon courage...
I'm doing good. Quite happy that I seem to have finally solved the speed issues with my computer. I'll take the thing out for some ice-cream later to celebrate ;-)
EndreWhiteMane: Morning all, and hello Hyper, we miss you around here.
Sounds like everyone is OK or better today, glad to read that.
On my second coffee and waking up, still smiling from yesterday, thank you all again. :-)
Morning, Endre. :-)

Nice to see you're still glowing. :-)
Empress_Owl: Great... good luck with your work... :)
I'm doing good, thanks !
Just ate and went to buy some christmas presents... which is always funny :)
Thank you! :)

Oh, that sounds nice! Did you get some good presents?

ddickinson: Hello, lovely Fearful!

Glad to see you are doing fine, and good luck with the manuscript. *big hug*
Thank you, DD. *super big hug*

I also just received an e-mail stating I got the dissertation supervisor I requested, which probably means that my favorite topic got approved, so I'm happy about that. :)

XxXSprayvWarXxX: Hello Fearful, glad to hear you are doing fine! :) I'm gonna got to the extra school soon other than that I'm fine! :)
Good to hear you're doing well, and good luck with school.

Stilton: *throws a snowball at Fearful* :-)

Hi, there. How's your day?
*snowball ends up smack dab in the middle of Fearful's face, getting caught under her glasses*

*starts to gather up snow for a huge revenge*

I'm fine! Just got some good news about my dissertation, so that brightened my day even more. Tonight I'm going to see Monty Python and the Holy Grail in the cinema, they're doing a one-off repeat of it to celebrate its anniversary.

How are you doing?