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Stilton: I've been one of the grumblers about sale format each time a new sale comes around, and although I don't like to moan too much (honestly!), I do feel they need to add a bit of life/pace/excitement at times - maybe not for every sale, but once in a while. The server issue is as much a problem as too frequent lacklustre sale events. Likewise the site's many recurring bugs. If the infrastructure was efficient they could do what they wanted with a sale and handle all the traffic that was hurled at them. The way things are is adequate, but I'd want overall performance and my place in the market to be much more than that. Some creativity is required as well as getting rid of the the technical issues for good.
ddickinson: I completely agree. I was not trying to defend GOG for the site or their lack of creativity and variety in their sales, I was just wondering if the server issue and things were one of the reasons behind them not doing the Insomnia sale again. It would of course be nice to have a mix of sales, especially at this time of year when we have one big sale cut into two with a few weeks gap in between. They could easily do a special sale instead of the Fall sale, then have the regular sale for the Winter sale.

How are your Christmas preparations going so far? Do you do anything nice for Christmas with your family?

l0rdtr3k: I already bought some games on XBL and PlayStore so I don't have money for this sale.
ddickinson: But at least you got some new games, so that is nice.
My 'first' family are still in London, and as I would rather stick my head up a reindeer's arse than go there, the three of us spend a family Christmas together here in the North Pole (of Somerset). Childhood Christmases were great, and I must admit that much of the fun and wonder has been missed since then, but people evolve, even curmudgeonly old Vikings, and I'm more than happy to inject as much overbearingly irritating 'fun' into the proceedings as possible to ensure the season goes with a bang. We spend it at home, cozy and warm, enjoying as much of the atmosphere as we can get. I'm more into it than Mrs Stilton, and the little cheese can require some prodding to get into the swing of things these days - she's completely unlike me when I was her age. But its not like I force them to get into the spirit of things if they don't want to; that would make me an awful bully. Its just that if they don't I banish them to the wintry wastes to live on berries and lichen for a few days while I sit in front of the fire and stuff myself silly on mince pies and port. :-)
ddickinson: It sounds like you have a lot to keep you occupied. Which is your favourite of the games you bought?


I am doing okay. How are you?
So many great games I bought.

XxXSprayvWarXxX: Hello Agent, Lucy, DD, ELT, moon, stilton and sorry if I missed somebody else! :) How are you guys?
Who the hell is Lucy?
ddickinson: It sounds like you have a lot to keep you occupied. Which is your favourite of the games you bought?


I am doing okay. How are you?
l0rdtr3k: So many great games I bought.

XxXSprayvWarXxX: Hello Agent, Lucy, DD, ELT, moon, stilton and sorry if I missed somebody else! :) How are you guys?
l0rdtr3k: Who the hell is Lucy?
Owl's name! :)

l0rdtr3k: Got meself both Darksiders games,Red Dead Redemption,LA Noire for the XBox and for my phone I got 3 Dragon Quest games.
ddickinson: It sounds like you have a lot to keep you occupied. Which is your favourite of the games you bought?

XxXSprayvWarXxX: Hello Agent, Lucy, DD, ELT, moon, stilton and sorry if I missed somebody else! :) How are you guys?
ddickinson: Hello!

I am doing okay. How are you?
Glad to hear that, I'm doing good too! Thanks! :) I will have a 5 hour lesson soon,
Post edited December 03, 2015 by XxXSprayvWarXxX
Stilton: My 'first' family are still in London, and as I would rather stick my head up a reindeer's arse than go there, the three of us spend a family Christmas together here in the North Pole (of Somerset). Childhood Christmases were great, and I must admit that much of the fun and wonder has been missed since then, but people evolve, even curmudgeonly old Vikings, and I'm more than happy to inject as much overbearingly irritating 'fun' into the proceedings as possible to ensure the season goes with a bang. We spend it at home, cozy and warm, enjoying as much of the atmosphere as we can get. I'm more into it than Mrs Stilton, and the little cheese can require some prodding to get into the swing of things these days - she's completely unlike me when I was her age. But its not like I force them to get into the spirit of things if they don't want to; that would make me an awful bully. Its just that if they don't I banish them to the wintry wastes to live on berries and lichen for a few days while I sit in front of the fire and stuff myself silly on mince pies and port. :-)
Spending a nice Christmas at home with those you love sounds perfect. I think many people are losing the festive spirit these days, probably too much commercialisation. I hope you will all have a very lovely christmas no matter how you decide to do things or what you decide to do. Somerset can look very lovely in the winter, so let's hope you get some snow for making some mighty viking snowmen. :-)

l0rdtr3k: So many great games I bought.
I have heard of them all, but I can't say I have played any of them.

XxXSprayvWarXxX: Glad to hear that, I'm doing good too! Thanks! :) I will have a 5 hour lesson soon,
That is good to hear. Good luck with your lesson.
Post edited December 03, 2015 by ddickinson
ddickinson: Spending a nice Christmas at home with those you love sounds perfect. I think many people are losing the festive spirit these days, probably too much commercialisation. I hope you will all have a very lovely christmas no matter how you decide to do things or what you decide to do. Somerset can look very lovely in the winter, so let's hope you get some snow for making some mighty viking snowmen. :-)
I absolutely agree :-)

How about you? I'll bet you've been planning things for a few days already and working out how to make Christmas as happy as possible.
Stilton: I absolutely agree :-)

How about you? I'll bet you've been planning things for a few days already and working out how to make Christmas as happy as possible.
Sadly I had to cancel most of my plans due to my health. Originally me and my partner had planned a lovely holiday over Christmas in a nice secluded log cabin in Norway. It was just going to be the two of us in the lovely snow, woods, and countryside of Norway. But that had to be cancelled due to my health. But I am still looking forward to a lovely Christmas at home, and I already have he place looking nice and festive. I don't really care where I am or how I spend it, just as long as I get to spend it with my partner. Present shopping has not been that fun this year, again due to my health. I normally love going shopping for gifts with my partner, but this horrible health stuff ruined all that. I did manage to get a few really lovely presents for my partner without her knowing, so hopefully she will love them.
Stilton: My 'first' family are still in London, and as I would rather stick my head up a reindeer's arse than go there, the three of us spend a family Christmas together here in the North Pole (of Somerset). Childhood Christmases were great, and I must admit that much of the fun and wonder has been missed since then, but people evolve, even curmudgeonly old Vikings, and I'm more than happy to inject as much overbearingly irritating 'fun' into the proceedings as possible to ensure the season goes with a bang. We spend it at home, cozy and warm, enjoying as much of the atmosphere as we can get. I'm more into it than Mrs Stilton, and the little cheese can require some prodding to get into the swing of things these days - she's completely unlike me when I was her age. But its not like I force them to get into the spirit of things if they don't want to; that would make me an awful bully. Its just that if they don't I banish them to the wintry wastes to live on berries and lichen for a few days while I sit in front of the fire and stuff myself silly on mince pies and port. :-)
ddickinson: Spending a nice Christmas at home with those you love sounds perfect. I think many people are losing the festive spirit these days, probably too much commercialisation. I hope you will all have a very lovely christmas no matter how you decide to do things or what you decide to do. Somerset can look very lovely in the winter, so let's hope you get some snow for making some mighty viking snowmen. :-)

l0rdtr3k: So many great games I bought.
ddickinson: I have heard of them all, but I can't say I have played any of them.

XxXSprayvWarXxX: Glad to hear that, I'm doing good too! Thanks! :) I will have a 5 hour lesson soon,
ddickinson: That is good to hear. Good luck with your lesson.
Thank you! :)
l0rdtr3k: So many great games I bought.

Who the hell is Lucy?
XxXSprayvWarXxX: Owl's name! :)
Hum... since you call everybody by their GOG's names, why don't you call me "Owl", like the others ?... it would be less weird to me... thanks ! :)
moonshineshadow: Awww. Come back and don't look so sad or I'll need to give you a comforting hug :P
*ponders if should take it as a threat or as a nice offer*

OK, if you do that, I'll unload another huge list on you very very soon. Deal? ;-P

ddickinson: [...]

It would be much easier just to poor the bowl of water over them and make it look like they wet themselves. And much kinder to the victim. :-)

And risk giving them a heart attack at the same time? That's an odd sense of "kinder"... ;-P

ddickinson: [...] even though I will miss gifting a secret victim. [...]
Since when do you need a special occasion for victimising someone in that way? ;-D

ddickinson: [...]

That is completely true, and a very accurate comment. But that requires logic and financial investment, and since when do companies these days do that?
In the very rare occasion they're forced to?

Stilton: [...] But its not like I force them to get into the spirit of things if they don't want to; that would make me an awful bully. Its just that if they don't I banish them to the wintry wastes to live on berries and lichen for a few days while I sit in front of the fire and stuff myself silly on mince pies and port. :-)
Phew, for a moment there I thought you abandoned all Viking traditions! ;-D
*waves at thread* :)
FearfulSymmetry: *waves at thread* :)
*waves back*
Good mornoon, Ms Metry! How are you?
moonshineshadow: Awww. Come back and don't look so sad or I'll need to give you a comforting hug :P
HypersomniacLive: *ponders if should take it as a threat or as a nice offer*

OK, if you do that, I'll unload another huge list on you very very soon. Deal? ;-P
Hmmm... difficult decision :D
*gives Hyper an extra big comforting hug* Deal ;-)

*note to self: I must be crazy*
FearfulSymmetry: *waves at thread* :)
Fearful-chan!*tackle hug*
FearfulSymmetry: *waves at thread* :)
**Big hug back** :))
How are you doing, fearful ??
AgentBirdnest: *waves back*
Good mornoon, Ms Metry! How are you?
Working on a transcription of a medieval text, straining my eyes to read the manuscript. :P Other than that I'm fine. How are you? :)

l0rdtr3k: Fearful-chan!*tackle hug*
Hi blob. *hugs*
Empress_Owl: **Big hug back** :))
How are you doing, fearful ??
*mega hug*

Quite well, trying to get some work done on my edition of a medieval text. How are you? :)
Post edited December 03, 2015 by FearfulSymmetry