AgentBirdnest: Hoooo ,ô__ô, I hate knowing that food has families :'-(',',','','',',',',','
Not too much for me in this sale. I'd love to play The Witcher 3, but my computer doesn't even come close to the minimum requirements. Other than that, I just don't have much interest. I have 3 games from the D&D Classics, but still haven't got around to playing any of them yet. So, I'll watch the timer count down :-p (Is there a timer? I didn't check...)
How about you?
I guess you will just have to eat all the babies as well. :-)
I have not even played The Witcher 1 yet. I keep meaning to, but RPG games often require a lot of time investment. Plus I need to remember to ask toxicTom if it is best to read the books first or the game, or if it doesn't matter which order. I have a few of the D&D games, and I was gifted the Icewind Dale games yesterday by Endre. All of them are games that are highly recommended, but that I have not played yet (again, due to the time aspect). I am not really a big Star Trek fan, so none of those for me. Although, I do remember playing Starfleet Academy when I was younger and it was quite fun. And there is one Warhammer 40K game that I don't own yet, but it is not a high priority game for me at the moment.
Edit: No timer, I think. But it ends on Sunday.