ddickinson: Let's hope she doesn't find out and stick you in the dungeon. :-)
I tend to usually enjoy my family get togethers, so times like Christmas are quite fun. If I had to spend it with my partners family then that is a completely different thing. I have spent a few Christmas with them, as well as some other social stuff, and it always ends badly with some of her family just being insulting to me and my partner, although usually to me mostly. But we don't really see them anymore, so I don't have to worry about them too much.
Here you go, a peanut butter turkey for Thanksgiving. :-)
http://daniellespencer.com/graphics/projects/various/jello_turkey/img_2008/Peanut-Butter-Fudge-Turkey.jpg Hooo... not the oubliette again. Although, I think I'm approaching my 50th stay in there. I wonder if I'll get a prize? :-)
Family get togethers can be complicated... For my family, we are generally pleasant enough to each other, but someone will always unintentionally start a political conversation, or religious one, and suddenly we are all on edge. We don't get
too crazy though. No grudges, or anything like that. It's supposed to be fun. We try our best :-p
Haaaa 8-þ,'',','',',','',',' That is probably the best food I have ever seen in my life... *takes turkey and runs*
Good morning, Joker *waves*... and ElT *hugs*!