CarrionCrow: Good morning. =)
Doing all right here. A bit tired, but nothing some more coffee can't fix.
Tolerance when the ideology is either used as an excuse, or it flat-out says that it's okay to harm people under certain conditions, is begging for problems.
But odds are pretty small that I'll ever see that 95 percent of all organized religions ban, no matter how many people get slaughtered as a result.
Also, hope you're feeling better today, and that you and your partner were able to enjoy her birthday.
Glad to hear you are doing all right.
I don't think that will solve much, you take away religion and we will just find something else to kill each other over. It is our nature. I think much of the problem these days is that our laws are written as though we are all civilised, yet many people and cultures are far from civilised, and these laws do nothing to stop them because people are too scared to be heavy handed and do what is needed to protect the majority and those who do treat other people with respect.
I am feeling good, thank you. A few of my health problems are scaring me a little as they are showing similar signs to when I collapsed previously and nearly died, but I am hoping they will go away soon and it is just a last little thing before I start to recover. At least I hope so.
My partner really enjoyed her birthday, it was a great day and was just what she needed to cheer her up after her family have been giving us both a lot of cap recently.