j0ekerr: if there's leather involved, that'd be so very kinky.
-laughs- Nothing quite that interesting, I'm afraid. Just trying to figure out if I'm going to be fully sick or not.
Stilton: There is a very clogged feel about the proceedings, but that's the way GOG does it. The same list of games repeated more quickly and the sale for only five days would have suited me better. Get it done and get on with other things.
Agreed. Insomnia sales generally last less than a week. Get in, go crazy, buy heavy, have fun, then it's back to normal.
But it's the end of the year, and that's all about giving every opportunity for people to burn coin on sales. That combined with day one having pretty much everything screws up the pacing.
On the bright side, at least GOG didn't go with a repeat day in the middle. That would have killed what zazz people felt towards the bundle flow entirely. Better a trickle than nothing at all.