EndreWhiteMane: I do too, it's awful expensive but I might just do it. Peanuts, Garfield, Hagar always cheer me up. :-)
Empress_Owl: Yes !... you know Hagar ! :D in France his name is Hagar Dunor... which is a pun, meaning both "du Nord" (from the North) because he's à Viking, and "gare du Nord" (Northern station) which is one of Paris main train stations... :)
Do you know Grimmy ? Dilbert ? Mafalda ? ... :))
I know Dilbert well, used to get in trouble all the time for posting cartoons at work. :-)
Empress_Owl: Yes !... you know Hagar ! :D in France his name is Hagar Dunor... which is a pun, meaning both "du Nord" (from the North) because he's à Viking, and "gare du Nord" (Northern station) which is one of Paris main train stations... :)
Do you know Grimmy ? Dilbert ? Mafalda ? ... :))
j0ekerr: I know Mafalda.
She's a dirty hippie.
You know, I really won't miss those comics once printed newspapers completely phase out.
Actually I don't even miss them now, there's no tradition for them here.
We were looking at the Humble book bundle. Lots of Peanuts. :-)