ElTerprise: Well why not making a spectacle out it. Otherwise it would be really boring :P
Thank you. Yes. I got it yesterday. And i'm going to work again today :).
See you all later as i'm off to work now :)
Good to hear, and good luck at work!
Empress_Owl: Right decision !...
I don't feel too bad, thanks :) a bit cold... I have a big party tonight, and we'll sleep at friends place... I can't wait.
That sounds great, I hope you have lots of fun! :)
EndreWhiteMane: Sorry you had trouble with that Fearful. I have a male friend, 100 kilo muscled macho type, who gets woozy at the sight of a needle and passes out when there's any blood involved. Embarrasses the hell out of him. :-)
I prefer my procedures to have as little sedation/anesthesia as possible so I can watch. It's fascinating.
Hi all, hope everyone is at least OK today.
I'm about a 3 on a scale of 1-10 but I think that might be a point higher than yesterday.
It's not that I was scared. It wasn't even the pain (the sedation wasn't working right). But my blood pressure is apparently rather low and in situations where I don't feel so well I tend to faint. :) The doctor said that the thrashing I did was part of my body's natural defenses, and that I have a hell of a fight or flight instinct. I suppose that's something? :P
Sorry to hear you're still not doing well. *big get better soon hug*