j0ekerr: My past experiences with college professors went along those lines. They were more like talking reference books, walking in, dumping their load on the blackboard, then walking out, leaving most of us without a clue as to what had happened.
Not so this time, I've been lucky. Particularly the math guy, which was a subject I was specially fearful of, teaches things very clearly and doesn't resent when you ask him to go back to explain something a second or even a third time. He actually cares that we understand what he's explaining. It also helps that these guys are rather young, the chemistry guy being younger than I am. My only problem is with the law teacher. The worst part is that you can tell that she's actually trying. But she's got a bad case of "déformation professionnelle" and she just pukes out a torrent of legalese terms you drown in.
Sounds like you got lucky indeed. :) Most of the professors from my own department are excellent as well, they're capable teachers and funny to boot. The one I'm currently having troubles with is not from the English department but as she specializes in manuscripts and medieval literature we regularly cross paths. She's currently teaching my interdisciplinary module.
CarrionCrow: Arrogant plus dim....oh yeah, that'd get old to be around in a hurry.
Sounds good to me. Didn't mind the Double Insomnia variation, but having a single item on-screen at a time would probably help to keep lulls down.
Yep, and I've been toeing around her for three years now. :P Inevitably end up in her class at some point during the year even though we're from different departments.
I liked the rush from the first one. The ones that followed were kinder towards the customers but there's something oddly enticing about watching out for game for hours and then missing out on it because you went to the bathroom. xD
j0ekerr: I was reading that, and thinking... textbook case of inferiority complex, with a high likelihood of slight bipolar syndrome.
No I am not suspiciously well informed on this matter, what are you implying? 50 points off Gryffindor!
Yeah, the sad thing is I'm pretty sure most of my difficulties with her can be traced back to her inherent insecurity. She's constantly looking for confirmation, usually from other professors (I wonder if that's why she prefers to teach alongside others rather than on her own?) and if not from them, then from her own students. Which really does not work out at all, because she also wants to appear smarter than we are.
Haha, I also go around all day saying 5 points to/from Gryffindor at random events ...
ElTerprise: Hello everyone *big hugs and waves*
Hey ElT, how are you today?