Posted January 31, 2015

Offline is Walmart, the urge to drink and the urge to kill.
Amusingly enough, those two urges tend to happen most frequently while at a Walmart as well. -laughs-
Speaking of, saw the most screwed up comparison of items while there a couple days ago.
I'm killing time in the electronics section, as I pretty much always do since Walmart doesn't have anything else that interests me, and what do I see but a boxed set of Cowboy Bebop.
Was quite pleasantly surprised by that.
Then, I go to look at games, and I see a Duck Dynasty game.
"Okay," I thought, "shovelware's always around. I'm not surprised."
But then, I take a closer look. The Duck Dynasty game was put out for the X-Box One.
What kind of rat bastard psychotic makes a Duck Dynasty game for what's supposed to be current gen, the supposed current peak of video games?
And then I looked at the price. It wasn't 10, or 20. They want 40 dollars for that piece of shit.
Living in a world where the splendor of Cowboy Bebop and the inbred, trailer park, fuck dungeon where transients are held to be tortured with implements made solely out of half-rusted Budweiser can metal-level madness of a current-gen Duck Dynasty game exist in the same space is hurting my head a bit, quite honestly.

Wal-Mart has an electronics section now? (I haven't been in one in decades)
Duck Dynasty (emphasis on the Nasty) is a game? Unless it's shooting bible references at Uncle Phiz or whatever the heck his name is, I can't see it. Maybe my imagination is limited...
$40? for x-box 1? HAAAA
I think I get it - they're trolling idiots. That's their business model.
Other than that, I've got nothing:)
Well, that and having a phone that can play music really loudly. I bring my heavy computer headphones along, then blast something loudly enough that the phone puts out a silly warning about hearing loss at high volume levels.
Every time I see that, I want to tell the phone, "If you were going to Walmart, you'd wish for deafness too. Now shut the fuck up and play my music louder."
I could look to see what kinds of fetid shit the game contains, but then I'm reminded of a pen and paper game named Call of Cthulhu.
In it, player characters suffer sanity damage in response to witnessing horrible things.
I took enough of that seeing the box, so I shudder to think how much I'd lose actually digging into the particulars of that abomination.
And yes, I am not kidding. Forty dollars. Dark Souls 2 was right above it for 30, and when I noticed that, I kinda wanted to scream.