Posted October 30, 2015

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

The Tyger
Registered: Oct 2013
From Netherlands
Posted October 30, 2015

I sucked at maths the first few years of high school. It was terrible. I got insufficients for everything and because the teacher hated me she refused to help. After two years I got a different teacher who was slightly more helpful, at which point I started averaging 6 out of 10 ish, which was sufficient. Then, halfway through my fourth year of high school she had a nervous breakdown and we were assigned another teacher. Let me tell you, that man was my hero. For the first time ever I actually got what the teacher was explaining. And not only that, but he made all the answers and explanations to our homework available on the internet. So, whenever I got stuck, I'd just go look at the answer and explanation, and after seeing the same type of calculation a few times it would click in my mind. Suddenly maths went from my most hated to my most loved subject. :)

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted October 30, 2015
Post edited October 30, 2015 by ElTerprise

The Tyger
Registered: Oct 2013
From Netherlands

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted October 30, 2015

I sucked at maths the first few years of high school. It was terrible. I got insufficients for everything and because the teacher hated me she refused to help. After two years I got a different teacher who was slightly more helpful, at which point I started averaging 6 out of 10 ish, which was sufficient. Then, halfway through my fourth year of high school she had a nervous breakdown and we were assigned another teacher. Let me tell you, that man was my hero. For the first time ever I actually got what the teacher was explaining. And not only that, but he made all the answers and explanations to our homework available on the internet. So, whenever I got stuck, I'd just go look at the answer and explanation, and after seeing the same type of calculation a few times it would click in my mind. Suddenly maths went from my most hated to my most loved subject. :)
Never loved the subject at all though, even when I was good at it.

The Tyger
Registered: Oct 2013
From Netherlands
Posted October 30, 2015

Never loved the subject at all though, even when I was good at it.
Yep, a lot is dependent on whether you have a good teacher or a bad one. Some of it is inevitably down to innate affinity with the subject but a teacher can go a long way towards lowering or raising your grade.

You are obsolete. Delete!
Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted October 30, 2015
*hugs everyone*

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted October 30, 2015

Yep, a lot is dependent on whether you have a good teacher or a bad one. Some of it is inevitably down to innate affinity with the subject but a teacher can go a long way towards lowering or raising your grade.
Haha... so you were a teacher's pet? :-p I had a neighbor who would occasionally substitute teach our classes, and I could do pretty much anything I wanted when she did n__n
*big return hug for Mr Onkey* ;-)
Post edited October 30, 2015 by AgentBirdnest

You are obsolete. Delete!
Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted October 30, 2015

Yep, a lot is dependent on whether you have a good teacher or a bad one. Some of it is inevitably down to innate affinity with the subject but a teacher can go a long way towards lowering or raising your grade.

Haha... so you were a teacher's pet? :-p I had a neighbor who would occasionally substitute teach our classes, and I could do pretty much anything I wanted when she did n__n

The Tyger
Registered: Oct 2013
From Netherlands
Posted October 30, 2015
Hey, how are you? *hugs*
AgentBirdnest: I had a few teachers like that in other subjects. I wasn't the biggest fan of my woodworking class, but halfway through the year I got a new teacher that was a really pleasant guy. He had quite an adventurous life and would often spend most of the hour telling us random stories while we were working. Really helpful guy too, both in and out of the classroom. He was one of those teachers that made school more bearable.
Haha... so you were a teacher's pet? :-p I had a neighbor who would occasionally substitute teach our classes, and I could do pretty much anything I wanted when she did n__n Those are the good ones. Teachers like that stick with you and really help you make the most of what they're teaching.
I was pretty much every teacher's pet. :P That was largely due to me being a good student as well as someone who was heavily involved in student/school/school group councils, the school paper, the year book committee and all that stuff. The teachers who didn't know me that well thought I was an angelic model student. The ones that did know me liked my sarcastic wit and brazenness. I once told a teacher to fuck off and all it did was get a laugh out of him. He'd sent people to detention for far less. :P Of course there were also some teachers I didn't get along with, and whenever I don't get along with someone it tends to be pretty bad, bordering on instant unexplained hate on both sides. :P

Haha... so you were a teacher's pet? :-p I had a neighbor who would occasionally substitute teach our classes, and I could do pretty much anything I wanted when she did n__n
I was pretty much every teacher's pet. :P That was largely due to me being a good student as well as someone who was heavily involved in student/school/school group councils, the school paper, the year book committee and all that stuff. The teachers who didn't know me that well thought I was an angelic model student. The ones that did know me liked my sarcastic wit and brazenness. I once told a teacher to fuck off and all it did was get a laugh out of him. He'd sent people to detention for far less. :P Of course there were also some teachers I didn't get along with, and whenever I don't get along with someone it tends to be pretty bad, bordering on instant unexplained hate on both sides. :P

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

The Tyger
Registered: Oct 2013
From Netherlands
Posted October 30, 2015
Post edited October 30, 2015 by FearfulSymmetry

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted October 30, 2015

I didn't do any extra stuff like student councils, but I was always a perfect and well behaved student. I did take little breaks from that routine when substitutes would show up though. They were likely to only see me once, so I was one of those nasty kids that would take advantage of that fact (the blood-sneeze was totally unintentional though, I swear!)

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted October 30, 2015
Well it's a seldom used letter anyway...but it's a unicode letter..maybe it's only available via Alt-code....
the lowercase ß is ALT + 225 (numpad)
But then again the ẞ is not part of the offical German orthography...but i like it :P
the lowercase ß is ALT + 225 (numpad)
But then again the ẞ is not part of the offical German orthography...but i like it :P
Post edited October 30, 2015 by ElTerprise