CarrionCrow: I'm doing my "they're going to give me stuff, and I'll feel like a selfish ass if I don't give them something in return" shopping. Can't stand all the ritual around the end of the year, I just don't like taking stuff without giving stuff back. Thankfully it's only for two people.
They're all right, until you slowly descend into madness while playing them. I'd forgotten the full scale of how much of a cheating bitch the last boss of Puzzle Quest 1 is.
Poor doctor. They'll have to take their god complex and apply the thought of them being the best thing to happen to medicine since penicillin to someone else.
Willing to bet that quite a few doctors think about getting paid and not getting sued primarily. Total mercenary outlook, not giving half a shit about anything but going through the motions.
I hate that, feeling obliged to give gifts. The curse of being too polite. :-)
Me and my partner never really make an issue of things like that for Christmas and birthdays. Of course we get each other things, but then we do quite often all year long. But it is never an issue of point scoring or anything like that. I have never liked the whole forced gifting stuff, the ritual stuff you mentioned. With my family it is kind of a "if you get me a nice gift then that is great, if not then no problem. We don't need some commercialised thing to know we care about each other."
Some doctors do seem to have a god complex, a believe they are superior for some reason. Some seem so set on the whole medication aspect, they almost forget that the body is very complex, and the mind plays a big part on getting better. You summed up many doctors about going through the motions. Luckily with the exception of a few, I have not had too bad a time with doctors on a whole.
pimpmonkey2382.313: That and I think we still use some archaic things that were in use when we came over, etc. I don't take any offense but I never did understand the "we gave it to you" statement. lol
I honestly have never even heard people say "we gave it to you" in reference to the US speaking English. Is that something you hear often? It seems a strange thing to say. I mean, many of you are/were British, so of course you speak English. Some people are quite strange.