Stilton: Talking of what the hell am I doing, I'm about to fill a basket of FireFlower games, I think. They've got some nice looking games there, and all DRM free. The sale ends on the 26th so it'll give me a few days to get everything I want from them this time around. Some of them are silly cheap, which is always a bonus.
Thanks, Leo. It got stuck for Agent earlier, too. It seems to strike arbitrarily and without warning. Hopefully GOG will fix it eventually.
How was the Brazil game show? Game shows being what they are it must've been pretty crazy.
LeoLR: It was my first time on an event like that and I only attended one day because of previously scheduled commitments.
However it surprised me in good way. Although packed with people it was easy to navigate the different booths.
Almost all the lines to test the different games were quite big so I skipped most them.
The indie stands were more free so I got a chance to play a little bit of
and [url=]Tiny Little Bastards. I also got a chance, by accident, to test a playable build of the upcoming Mirror's Edge Catalyst. And it is as beautiful as the first one.
I've never been to one of those shows, but its nice to be able to get up close to things which are right up to date or still in development. It must make you realize how big the industry is and how quickly its growing. It really is relentless.