CarrionCrow: Hey. Endre. Good afternoon. =)
Yeah, it helps but I think I'm sleeping too much. Two nights in a row and I can remember just enough to know I'm a lot more insane when asleep than awake.
That is not comforting.
Oh well, fuck it. Thanks to the handy-dandy clock timer/stopwatch/countdown thing I found, I know that I've got 58 hours, 31 minutes to finish off Soulstorm.
Considering how slow that game is (combined with the increasing feeling that it's somehow become sentient and has decided on breaking my will as its first course of action), I'll probably be up the majority of that time finishing it off.
If it was a person, I'd be inclined to cut off its head, stuff its mouth full of garlic, then bury that head at a crossroads so it can never return to bother me.
But since it's not, I'll just be really happy while deleting the sadistic piece of shit. =)
But I digress. (As damn near always.) I hope you're having a much better, much less inclined to choke the stupidity out of someone kind of day. =)
EndreWhiteMane: Yeah, much better today, thanks. No idiots except my dog and that's a fun kind of idiocy.
My bosses refer to my insanity as my being "Very Imaginative". Works for me, give it a try, since you certainly are that too.
I've been sleeping too much too, such a waste time even when I don't have anything to do. :-)
Yes, dogs are cute in a way. That helps.
I get that as well from time to time. It's when the imaginings turn stomach-churning that it tends to go awry. -laughs-
So true. Sleep accomplishes nothing, even if what you'd be accomplishing otherwise is ultimately something silly.
gunsynd: Morning Crow,
Well I got rid of Fallout 3,used Wise and cleaned Sys then played Fallout 3 until it frooze again.Checked Wise and found 19 privacy risks,clicked on Wise and it said something about pictures.I'm assuming there was a small bug in game,that Wise didn't like...
Going to try another version soon and see if that freezes or causes any problems to Wise....
Good morning. =)
Good luck to you on that one. The bugs will probably be an issue throughout, unless you're fortunate.
Honestly, though? There are a lot better games around.
Having played Skyrim, I can say without any degree of anti-Bethesda sentiment that they are a bunch of lazy hacks. =)
Fallout 3 and New Vegas are fucking Elder Scrolls games with an "I'm a real Fallout game, honest!" mod slapped over the top of them.
Offhand, I can think of a few
MUCH better RPG's.
Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate 2, Icewind Dale, Icewind Dale 2, Planescape, Shadowrun Returns, Dragonfall, just getting into it but already Paper Sorcerer looks good, the original Fallout, Fallout 2, KOTOR...