Stilton: I'm good, Mrs D :-)
Toast and tea and excellent company makes Stilton a happy Viking :-)
What's the weather like with you? Its really Octobery here. With the seasons getting all mixed up as they are its nice to find one which still knows what its about.
ddickinson: Do you have to write that all over the place like on Shining? :-)
It is a nice sunny day, but with a cold chilly breeze.
If I wrote it over and over again I'd be like Jack Torrance and
completely mad....
Toast and tea and excellent company makes Stilton a happy Viking :-)
Toast and tea and excellent company makes Stilton a happy Viking :-)
Toast and tea and excellent company makes Stilton a happy Viking :-)
Toast and tea and excellent company makes Stilton a happy Viking :-)
Toast and tea and excellent company makes Stilton a happy Viking :-)
Toast and tea and excellent company makes Stilton a happy Viking :-)
Toast and tea and excellent company makes Stilton a happy Viking :-)
Toast and tea and excellent company makes Stilton a happy Viking :-)
Toast and tea and excellent company makes Stilton a happy Viking :-)
Toast and tea and excellent company makes Stilton a happy Viking :-)
Toast and tea and excellent company makes Stilton a happy Viking :-)
Honey, I'm ho-ome!!
I think this is going to be a good Halloween ;-)