Good evening everyone *big hugs and waves* :)
ddickinson: If people wish to typecast a country based on a few people then that is their fault. It would be like classing all the Americans as overweight, rude, obnoxious jerks, or all the Germans as Nazis and things like that. Those elements exist in both cultures, but that does not mean they are all like that, just look at this thread. The Americans here are awesome, just like the German regulars.
Humans won't change anytime soon. Despite our arrogance we are still just animals, and such behaviour is build in to our very nature. Do you really think we are any different to when we were cavemen? We are probably worse now as technology and greed have taken center stage.
*big hug*
Sorry...overlooked that one earlier before i left for work.
Well i don't have anything against stereotypes - in a playful manner but i don't like when people show exactly that behaviour other expect from them based on stereotypes....
That makes this thread so great i guess and it is true for all regulars here :)
Your right....we haven't evolved as much as we human thought we had ...
Stilton: Its a really sad situation because education seems to be doing nothing at all to stem the flow. There are so many of them wherever you go, and tolerance, although the civilized choice, will only permit them to keep on thriving. I'd like to be in some kind of hidden government department that goes out and systematically gets rid of them. They offer nothing to the world except the promise that they will create more of their kind. Its terrible.
Well it is terrible but i don't know how to get rid of it by other means than education because all other choices doesn't sound very good...